Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1573: Funeral

Seeing that the gray-robed old man was chasing, Lin Fei quickly cast his body skills to the fastest speed, turning into a faint shadow of nothingness, and rushing into the distance.

At the same time, Lin Fei also maximized the effect of invisibility in his body skills.

This is the essence of the Wujian Shenfa, hidden in the void of space, hiding all its breath.

However, the body style of the old man in Chili Palace was too terrifying, and his speed was much faster than Lin Fei.

Moreover, the old man's consciousness was too terrifying. Even though Lin Fei's figure was completely invisible in the space, he could perceive clearly, like a shadow, hanging behind Lin Fei.

After all, he is the cultivation base of the Celestial Cave, and his strength is estimated to be much more powerful than the average Celestial Caveman master, which is equivalent to the master of the master.

Seeing the old man behind him getting closer and closer, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Try to travel through space!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart and quickly displayed the power of space, preparing to pass into the chaotic void.

The gray-robed old man behind suddenly changed his face.


This ant is not only extremely fast and slippery, but also good at space power, able to travel through the void!

It seems that I underestimated this ant.

However, fortunately, I sometimes have empty mirrors! "

Between the lightning and the fire, the gray-robed old man sacrificed a secret treasure, a rusty bronze mirror.

He quickly pointed the mirror at Lin Fei, and a white light flashed across the distance of space and shone on Lin Fei.

Suddenly, Lin Fei had a creepy feeling.

All the space power that he had displayed had disappeared, and he could no longer travel through the void.

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness naturally discovered that everything should be the reason for the bronze mirror held by the gray-robed old man.

Lin Fei was astonished. It was really difficult to deal with a powerhouse of this level. Not only was his cultivation strength terrifying, but the magic weapon he possessed was even more powerful.

Lin Fei had to give up traveling through the void, unfold her body skills, and continue to flee forward.

"Unfortunately, this is just an imitation, and it only possesses some of the functions of a time-space mirror. If it is a real time-space mirror, this ant would have been wiped out by a single shot."

The gray-robed old man whispered.

He shook his body, getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.

Along the way, I kept encountering many warriors, but when those warriors found Lin Fei behind, there was a master of the cave world, who was chasing after him, and they were so scared that they hurriedly hid from the side, where they dare to go forward and be troubled.

"This kid, it's so pitiful, the mere strength of the Hinayana Realm actually offends a master of the Celestial Sky Realm, and he will definitely die."

Some warriors, seeing a master of the sky mirror, followed and killed a warrior in the Hinayana realm, couldn't help but mourn for Lin Fei.

"Hey, isn't that Deacon Ning from the Red Palace!

That kid, so bold, he dared to offend Deacon Ning. Isn't this looking for death? "

In front, there were some warriors from Central Saint State who recognized the identity of the gray-robed old man.

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. The strength of this gray-robed old man was so terrifying that he was only a deacon in the Red Li Palace. Then, the strength of this Red Li Palace was really terrifying.

After recognizing the identity of the gray-robed old man, the warriors of Zhongshengzhou all began to look at Lin Fei who was running with unkind eyes.

Chili Palace, in Zhongshengzhou, is a powerful ancient big religion.

Many warriors had the idea to please Deacon Ning.

"Boy, stop, you have offended Deacon Ning, do you still want to run? Stop obediently and accept Deacon Ning's offense!"

Finally, a teenager in a purple shirt stood up first.

His position was originally diagonally in front of Lin Fei. At this time, it turned into a purple light and shadow, rushing towards Lin Fei, blocking the front.

"Damn, get out of here!"

Lin Fei was furious, and the gray-robed old man behind was about to follow, but someone came out to stop him.

With a movement of mind, Xiaoding of Divine Consciousness rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness of the purple-clothed youth in an instant, and then, raising his hand, five different colors of the five elements of sword energy, like five pikes training, were killed.


The young man screamed and threw his body to the side. His sea of ​​consciousness was restrained, and he was rushing to avoid it. One of his left arms was cut off and he flew up with blood.

The other warriors in the front could not help being secretly surprised.

This purple-clothed young man was of a high-level Theravada realm, and he was a young genius from a large sect in Central Shengzhou. He had a little fame, but unexpectedly, he was cut off in one move.

"Huh, kid, you can't escape."

Deacon Naning from the Chili Palace had already chased after Lin Fei two or three kilometers behind him, sneered.

"Hey? Where is the front?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei was a little surprised.

It turned out that in front of me, when I glanced at it, the gloom was rolling, and a heavy death air filled, and the scene in front was hazy.

Moreover, from time to time, there were waves of rumbling waves.

"Buried Xianhai!"

Behind, the Deacon Ning from the Red Li Palace couldn't help being taken aback. His face was uncertain, as if he was thinking of something.

"Boy, stop!"


Deacon Na Ning stretched out his hand from a distance, and his vitality was surging in mid-air, and instantly condensed into a huge vitality giant hand, appeared above Lin Fei's head, five fingers are majestic and majestic, surrounded by the terrifying force of the power, grasping Lin Fei Come.

Lin Fei suddenly felt that his whole body was imprisoned by a force of law, and he couldn't move at all.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Fei drank lightly, destroying the Chaos Cauldron, and directly smashed the vitality giant hand in midair.


Chaos Cauldron rushed out, smashing that giant vitality hand to pieces in an instant.

"What magic weapon is this!"

Deacon Naning looked at Chaos Cauldron and felt it extraordinary, surprised and delighted.

He suddenly felt that this ant seemed to be an incredibly powerful magic weapon.

Lin Fei moved directly into the deadly area in front of him.

A heavy death breath rushed toward his face and instantly wrapped around Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was surprised to discover that these dead auras were actually faintly corroding the vitality in his body, and the essence of the body's life was slowly losing.

Lin Fei hurriedly circulated the vitality in his body, the endless pale golden vitality rushed out of his body, forming a pale golden vitality protective cover, tightly wrapping his body.

The vitality cultivated by the Sun Jinjing belongs to the more overbearing masculine vitality, and it quickly resists those dead qi.

Lin Fei was relieved.

"Huh? Is this a sea?"

After a while, Lin Fei discovered that an endless ocean appeared in front of him.

The sea water, as black as ink, glowed with black light, seemed to contain some mysterious power, and above the sea surface, there was a breath of danger that made people palpitating.

"Are these seawaters all yellow spring water?"

Lin Fei remembered the Styx that he had encountered in the graveyard of the real person in the Purple Mansion.

In that river of Styx, it is the dark yellow spring water flowing.

In front of me, the pitch black water in this vast ocean is a bit like yellow spring water.

Then, Lin Fei saw that on the surface of the sea, there were corpses soaked in sea water, floating up and down.

"Yellow spring water raises the corpse!"

Lin Fei's scalp was a little numb, and he remembered what the old man at the stall had said in the burial ground of Zifuzhen, that the yellow spring water could raise corpses.

In addition to Lin Fei, there are many people who are also standing in front of this vast sea.

"Boy, there is Funeral Sea in front of you, you can't run away!"

The Deacon Ning from the Red Palace was already standing behind Lin Fei, looking at Lin Fei with a sneer.

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