Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1577: Three masters

"Those, aren't they really the corpses of immortals..."

Lin Fei's gaze was staring into the distance, above the dark sea, there were floating bodies.

Most of the corpses were completely dressed, and their complexions were lifelike, not like being dead, but a bit like sleeping in the sea.

Lin Fei was shocked, even if the seawater was contaminated by the master of the cave world, his body would have to rot.

However, those corpses were soaked in the sea water for a long time, and even their skin color had not changed.

Don't think about it, these corpses must have been powerful figures with earth-shattering cultivation bases before they were alive.

Because only a truly powerful person can temper his body to the extreme, and even after death, he can keep his body immortal and lasting forever.

Just when Lin Fei sighed.

Suddenly, in the distance, a figure was born out of nothing, and appeared directly on the beach not far away, only a few meters away from the sea.

"It turned out to be him!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised. It turned out that the figure was very short, and it seemed that he was just a seven or eight year old boy.

Lin Fei had seen this seven or eight-year-old boy twice before, and he was an ancient master in Zhongshengzhou, a master of Profound Prison Sect.

The rest of the warriors on the beach saw the boy's arrival, they were all cautious, and did not dare to take a mouthful.

Because everyone knows that this is a true master.

call out!

A ray of sword light suddenly splits the space, blasting from the distant sky, all the warriors only feel that their skin is painful, like a sharp sword, cutting themselves Flesh.

Then, the ray of sword light stopped, and it was a handsome man with a long jade body and white clothes fluttering, who seemed not to touch the world's fireworks.

"The master of Changchun Sword School is here!"

On the beach not far away, a warrior exclaimed in a low voice.

It turned out that this man in white was also a master of a big sect in Zhongshengzhou.

It can be said that most of the warriors who came to this funeral coast to wander around are the warriors of Zhongshengzhou.

Because those warriors in Zhongsheng Prefecture have a better understanding of Funeral Xianhai than the warriors in the other four states.

Lin Fei looked at the man in white from a distance, and couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Don't look at this white-clothed man, he only carries a ray of sword intent all over his body, but this is an expression of the horrible level of returning to the basics in the swordsmanship.

Lin Fei knew that this man's swordsmanship was much better than his own.

"Hehe, what, brother Ding, you are also interested in this sea of ​​burial."

The seven or eight-year-old boy from the Profound Prison Sect said to the white-clothed man, his voice sounded very immature, as if it were the voice of a seven or eight-year-old.

"Since you are in the realm of Luoxian, it is always good to try."

The man in white replied lightly, his expression looked very cold.

At this moment, there was a bright moon in the distant sky, slowly rising, and then coming towards the sea.

In a moment, the bright moon came to the beach.

It turned out to be a purple-clothed girl with a graceful figure and delicate face, about eighteen years old.

Behind her head, there was a bright moon floating, and the bright moonlight splashed out in all directions. The moon was like water, setting her whole person very ethereal, like a fairy in the moon.

"Haha, it turned out to be Fairy Ye Zixuan from Moon Palace.

What? Ye Xianzi, you are like a fairy, are you also interested in these disgusting corpses? "

The seven or eight-year-old boy of the Xuan Yu Sect laughed loudly.

The purple-clothed girl just smiled and didn't answer.

"Zi Xuan, long time no see."

The man in white also changed his indifferent attitude and looked at the girl in purple with enthusiastic eyes.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that even though the purple-clothed girl seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, she must be a master in a certain university in Zhongshengzhou. The true age is probably over a thousand years old.

All of a sudden, the three masters came to the beach, and the rest of the warriors were very excited.

Because, without even thinking about it, these three masters must have come here with the idea of ​​burying those corpses in the sea of ​​immortality.

Suddenly, the nearby warriors all gathered around, wanting to see what the three masters have, whether they can get the corpses from the sea.

"Okay, let me do it first!"

I saw the boy looking into the sea. After looking for a while, he suddenly waved his hand, and a black light flew out, instantly magnified, and turned into a large avenue bottle, emitting a strong purple glow.

"Extreme Warrior!"

Lin Fei cried inwardly.

Then, the boy stretched out his hand and pointed out that the great avenue bottle flew out directly above the sea, and then the mouth of the bottle was downward facing the dark sea.


In the turbulent purple light, the Great Avenue Aquarius produced a terrifying suction force, trying to absorb several corpses soaked in seawater below.


Suddenly, the sea began to riot again, surging and rolling, and huge waves began to be born again.

At the same time, under the terrifying suction from the great aquarium, four or five corpses in the seawater were dragged out of the seawater and rose.


At this time, the man in white also started to move.

I saw his body as if it suddenly became dazzling, and thousands and thousands of peerless sword lights with terrifying sword intent rushed out of his body.

In a moment, thousands of dazzling sword lights, intertwined, formed a palpitation sword net, rushing into the sea.

The sword net rushed into the sea, and several ancient corpses were picked up.

However, the ancient corpse seemed to be terribly heavy, and the sword net could only hold the ancient corpse and slowly flew back to the shore.

Then, the purple-clothed girl in the Moon Palace also started to act.

I saw that in the bright moon behind her head, a miniature palace actually rose up.

Then, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and a graceful hazy figure, only a few inches tall, like a flying fairy in the moon, instantly rushed into the sea, dragged two ancient corpses, and flew back to the shore.

The three masters shot at the same time, each showing off their tricks.

The ancient corpses slowly flew back towards the shore.

The rest of the warriors were stunned.

Could it be that these three masters really got the ancient corpse in the sea of ​​immortality.

These ancient corpses, any one, maybe, contains great opportunities!

However, just at this moment, a white spot of light suddenly appeared on the distant sea, where the water and the sky meet, coming towards the sea at extreme speed.

In less than half of the time to breathe in, the white light spot was already close to the sea.

It turned out to be a small white sailing boat!

On the canvas of the little sailing boat, there was a **** human skeleton painted on it, which looked very strange.

Immediately, all the people on the beach felt chills in their hearts.

"The sailboat has someone!"

Suddenly, someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the small account ship.

Sure enough, at the bow of the ship, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.

This figure, dressed in a wide black coat, almost enveloped the entire body.

Wearing a big hat more than one meter wide on his head, it also covers the entire head.

In this way, no one can see what kind of person this is.


Suddenly, a dozen huge black chains rushed out from the cabin of the sailing boat.

The iron chains are in the air, like dozens of black dragons dancing, twisting together.


There were small cracks on the bottle body that the seven or eight-year-old boy sacrificed to the Taoist treasure bottle.


The sword net that the white-clothed man displayed was also blown to pieces in an instant and vanished in smoke.


The fairy in the moon where the purple-clothed girl went out for sacrifice, let out a scream, and half of her body exploded.


More than a dozen black chains rushed towards the shore, whizzing towards the shore.


At the same time, the entire sea was shaking violently, and waves of thousands of meters high were born and rolled back toward the shore.

The three masters turned pale with fright, and quickly unfolded their body skills, wanting to retreat.

"What's the matter, my body can't move!"

Suddenly, the seven or eight-year-old boy of the mysterious prison sect screamed.

Not only him, the white-clothed man, and the purple-clothed girl were frozen in their bodies and could not move at all.

Lin Fei was so scared that his hair stood upright, stretched out his figure, and instantly retreated inland for a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

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