Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1582: Tianjiao of Zhongshengzhou

"Trash, get out!"

A martial artist with advanced Hinayana realm strength, his body speed is not bad, only a step slower than Lin Fei, he shouted at Lin Fei.

Then, he stretched his palm to grab the cocoon.

"You gotta go!"

Lin Fei shot a flash, grabbed the back of the warrior's neck, like a chicken, then waved his hand and threw him out of the bird's nest.

The warrior was angry and ashamed, but he didn't have any ability to resist. He was in the shape of a broken kite and fell off the cliff in an instant.


Four or five warriors rushed in one after another, but the most powerful one was only the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm.

Lin Fei's hands were like electricity, and his whole body was full of blood and energy, like a peerless beast. He shot again and again, throwing all the warriors rushing over, like chickens, out of the nest.

Then, Lin Fei turned around, turned into a pale golden vitality hand, and grabbed the cocoon.


Suddenly, the cocoon burst into bright rays of sunlight, and a powerful burst of energy shook Lin Fei's vitality hand away.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Fei praised.


Lin Fei yelled, and simply stretched out his right hand and grabbed it at the silkworm cocoon. His whole body was like a dragon, boiling like a sea, bursting out with powerful divine power.

Initially practiced the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art, which made Lin Fei's body reborn, like a powerful magic weapon.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed across. It was a splendid arrow feather that made a magical sound and was accompanied by terrible runes. It broke through the air and penetrated Lin Fei's right hand.

This purple arrow flashes runes and carries terrible energy.

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, his right palm retracted, and then he cut out again like lightning, slashed on the purple arrow, and shook the purple arrow out.

Then Lin Fei retracted his palm and looked not far away with cold eyes.

"You can go now, this cocoon belongs to our Profound Sky Sect.

Give you ten breaths of time, and disappear directly before my eyes. I don't want to kill for the time being. "

A man descended, carrying a purple bow, tall and staring.

He looked plain, confident and calm, standing there, staring at Lin Fei.

"And you, before I change my mind, get out of here.

I am Lu Wenjie of the Tianxuan Sect of Zhongshengzhou, and a first-level student of Qinglong Academy, so I don't need to say more. "

The man's tone was flat, condescending, with an unattainable attitude in his bones.


Lu Wenjie of the Profound Sky Sect is said to be the grandson of a hidden elder of the Profound Sky Sect! "

On the bird's nest, a warrior showed panic.

Suddenly, all the warriors from Zhongshengzhou stopped their bodies, and no one dared to rush to the cocoon in the center of the bird's nest.

Because, all warriors from the Central Saint State know what the Profound Sky Sect represents.

The Sky Profound Sect is one of the oldest and most mysterious three ancient religions in the Central Saint State, with an amazing long heritage.

It is said that the real strength, even if compared with the four major colleges, is not much worse.

This kind of ancient sect almost represents the most powerful sect in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

In the entire Saint Venerable Continent, no one dared to provoke the Profound Sky Sect.

Because, once the Profound Sky Sect is offended, the entire Saint Venerable Continent will have nowhere to escape.

"What about the Profound Sky Sect, treasure hunting is first-come, first-served, and those who are predestined get it. You are late. What can you say?"

Lin Fei grinned.

From the surroundings, the expressions of the warriors from the Central Saint State, Lin Fei can naturally see that the strength of the Profound Sky Sect is estimated to be very terrifying.

Moreover, Lin Fei also noticed that this person is indeed very powerful, but at the moment of Zhongbao, where Lin Fei is willing to give in.

Coupled with the fact that the other party came, such a gesture naturally caused Lin Fei's unhappiness and his words were not merciful.


The holy light flashed, and a white-clothed woman descended from the sky, with a breath of immortality, with a peerless grace, she was ethereal and agile and out of the dust, and her body faintly exuded a woman's fragrance, which was very attractive.


The five-color glow bloomed, and a heroic youth appeared. Wearing a shiny silver battle suit, he walked and walked with dragons and stances. His look was terrifying, his eyes were confident, and the strength displayed was also very powerful and scary.


Good luck. Unexpectedly, the legendary Celestial Silkworm actually appeared here.

It seems that in the future I can have the ability to command all insects.


The woman in white looked at the white silkworm cocoon in the center of the bird's nest, with open eyebrows and a smile, sound like a silver bell, very nice.

Her black and shiny hair fell from her snow-white neck, her eyebrows were crooked, her eyelashes were very long, her spiritual eyes flashed with extraordinary brilliance, and she had a kind of peerless beauty.

"Hmph, Liu Piaopiao, you are late.

This day, God Silkworm B belongs to our Tianxuan Sect. "

That day, Lu Wenjie of the Profound School frowned and said, he could not expect that the woman from the Moon Palace also came, and the other party's background and strength were not below him. It is estimated that if you want to get the second divine silkworm that day, you will have to fight a dragon. .

"Haha, as I said, this Tianyi God Silkworm belongs to our Cleansing Faction.

You'd better not fight with me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

The young man in the silver battle suit had a cold tone and arrogance.


In this way, there is no way, only compete with ability. "

Liu Piaopiao of the Moon Palace covered his mouth and smiled, very charming.

"Hey, how come there is a beautiful young man here with a really good eye.

Could it be that you also deliberately wanted Tianyi God Silkworm to fail? "

Suddenly, the beautiful eyes of the willow fluttered and looked at Lin Fei curiously.

Because, at this time, the other warriors had already retreated to the edge of the nest, and even left the nest.

The Profound Sky Sect, the Moon Palace, and the Wuchen Sect are all well-known in the Central Saint State. A powerful sect.

Moreover, these three people are also the young generation, famous Tianjiao figures in the Central Saint State. They came, and no one of the other warriors dared to compete with them.

Only Lin Fei, the old god, was there, standing near the white cocoon, without moving a step.

Moreover, his face was calm and relaxed, his eyes kept staring at the white cocoon, turning a blind eye to the three young Tianjiao in Zhongshengzhou.

"Hehe, this beauty, one thing, I want to clarify.

I came here first, so this cocoon already belongs to me.

You all go back quickly. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

As soon as Lin Fei's words fell, everyone's eyes were immediately fixed on Lin Fei.


After that Liu Piaopiao was stunned for a moment, he came back to his senses and smiled brightly.

Her chest was originally a huge scale. With such a smile, her body trembled, and her chest was even more turbulent, which made people look shocking.

Nearby, many male warriors felt feverish in their noses and almost shed blood.

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