Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1586: Western Regions

After a while, Lin Fei picked up the fierce battle.

"Sure enough, it is Prince Golden Crow!"

Lin Fei looked into the distance in the air, a young man covered in gold, and said in his heart.

However, at this time, the condition of the Golden Crow Prince did not seem to be very good. There were several obvious wounds on his body, and the wounds spilled out from time to time.

His blood turned out to be golden!

"Haha, unexpectedly, the so-called Yaozu prince of the Eastern Region is nothing more than that.

Vulnerable! "

A tall, shaved, bare-footed young man with a red face laughed wildly. He held a Zen stick in his hand, his whole body gleaming silver, as if made of silver.

Every time he strikes a stick, the power is very terrifying, smashing the entire space constantly, rolling up bursts of tornadoes, and shaking the earth.

Prince Jinwu held a golden long sword in his hand and kept moving back.

"Hey, Princess Peacock is here too!"

Lin Fei was able to perceive the past, and in another place, a large group of people surrounded Princess Peacock and a dozen demon clan maids, and they were also fighting.

Peacock Princess and a dozen maids, back to back, gathered together, emitting a wave of demon energy, resisting the violent bombardment from all directions.


Lin Fei discovered the Eastern Territory Judge among those who besieged the Peacock Princess.

This is because planners have obvious characteristics. They are generally used to wearing black clothes, and most of the martial arts they practice are biased towards the dark.

In addition to the planners, there are also a large group of bare-footed, weirdly dressed people. Most of these people wear long gowns and bare arms, and they have pierced ears on their ears and wear some strange-shaped earrings.

"Haha, you girls from the monster race in the Eastern Region are really charming, not a thousand times better than those of our Western Wilderness.

Damn, we Xihuang those women, one by one, are thick and sturdy, thicker than our men, and I feel like vomiting.

Attention, everyone, all of these more than a dozen demon clan women must be captured alive, haha, brothers will have fun by then! "

A tall and sturdy young man with short hair laughed loudly. Both of his ears were wearing golden earrings, which were constantly shaking, which was very eye-catching.

On the top of this young man's head, there are two huge Faluns that rotate rapidly, with a diameter of about ten meters. They are sharp and very scary.

Two huge Faluns, under his control, kept blasting towards Princess Peacock.

In front of Princess Peacock, there is a huge colorful feather, exuding powerful demon power, and it is constantly rotating around a dozen demon clan women, resisting most of the attacks around them one by one.

The strength of the Peacock Princess is much stronger than the dozens of other demonic women, mainly because the Peacock Princess is struggling to support it, otherwise, she would have been defeated.

"Hahaha, good! Big brother, great idea!"

"The peacock princess looks like a fairy descended to the world, I don't know what it would be like to press on the bed!"

The rest of the people laughed loudly when they heard the sturdy young man wearing a pair of gold earrings, and howled, all kinds of unbearable foul language continued to come out of their mouths.

"Damn, these delicate, delicate skin and tender flesh, all over the body are fragrant witches, they are so fascinating, I can't wait to pounce on them now and get them fiercely!"

There was a man with fat head and big ears staring at those demon clan women who were being besieged in a fascinating manner.

"Haha, Suodong, you are a fat man.

Look at you, the saliva almost came out.

If you want to play with these women, just work harder, take them down, and play whatever you want. "

The stout young man who wore a pair of gold earrings and was called the big brother laughed loudly.

The others laughed more presumptuously.


Shameless madman, dare to insult my lady, the crime deserves death! "

The dozen or so demon clan maids all had their willow eyebrows upside down, their apricot eyes widened, and they screamed in anger.

However, the opponent was numerous and powerful, and the strength was also very strong. Princess Peacock and a dozen demon clan maids were completely at a disadvantage and were suppressed and beaten.

If this continues, the situation is definitely not good.

"Haha, friends from the Western Regions, this peacock princess, but our Eastern Region, a famous beauty.

In the Eastern Region, how many men want to get on her, have no chance. I didn't expect that this time, it would be cheaper for everyone.

I have to envy the beautiful blessings of friends from the Western Regions! "

A young housekeeper in black laughed.

"Our Western Regions teaches, and from then on, we are in an alliance with you.

Difficulties are shared, and blesseds are shared.

These demon women, let's all be together at that time, so that's fun! "

The big brother wearing a pair of gold earrings laughed.

"Well, since the big brother said so, then we are not welcome."

The planners also laughed wildly, arrogantly.

"Huh, the planners, from now on, our Eastern Territory Demon Race, and your planners, will never die!"

Under the siege of several masters, Princess Peacock was in a critical situation.

"Hmph, none of your monsters who entered the Falling Immortal Realm this time can go out alive.

You monsters, we plan to eradicate them one by one sooner or later, and there will be no place for your monsters in the entire Eastern Region! "

A young man of family planning coldly shouted.

"Haha, the demon princess of the Eastern Region, you don't have to make senseless resistance.

Obediently tie your hands, if you wait for us to make us happy, maybe you can let you survive! "

The big brother of the Western Regions stared at the princess Peacock with obscene eyes.

"court death!"

The princess Peacock was furious, her apricot eyes widened, her slender hand pointed, that huge colorful feather, rippling circles of colorful light, enveloped the big brother of the Western Regions.

"Hmph, toast not to eat, eat fine wine, that's fine, I'm not welcome."

When he slapped his palms, the two huge Faluns above his head suddenly merged into one, and whirled towards Princess Peacock.


Falun violently slammed on the colorful feather.


Faced with many enemies, Princess Peacock had been fighting for most of the day. She was already exhausted and was immediately injured by this heavy blow.

"Miss, what's the matter with you!"

The other dozen demon clan women, Huarong paled, exclaimed one after another.


According to me, you should all surrender obediently, you demon beauties, I can't make a heavy hand. "

The big brother laughed wildly.

Just then.

Suddenly, the big brother had a horrible feeling, a wisp of peerless murderous intent, out of nothing, and locked him tightly.

Then, a white long sword appeared abruptly, and the snake wiped his neck.

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