Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1596: Bear in the snow

Lin Fei flickered and walked towards the icy world in front of him.

After a while, Lin Fei entered the continuous mountains covered by ice and snow.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting, and feather-like snowflakes, are flying up and down from the sky.

A piercing chill rushed over and enveloped Lin Fei.

"It's cold!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

With Lin Fei's strength cultivation base, ordinary ice and snow cannot have any influence on Lin Fei.

What's more, what Lin Fei was practicing was the Sun's Golden Sutra. The light golden vitality in his body was like a sea of ​​fire with amazing heat, providing Lin Fei with energy.

However, Lin Fei felt a bit cold as he entered this snow-capped mountain area, and couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Lin Fei quickly turned his vitality to resist the chill.

"Sure enough, there is a breath of Ren Shanshan!"

Soon, Lin Fei was surprised and delighted, and took out a jade slip.

This jade slip was given to Lin Fei by Ren Xiaotian before entering the world of falling immortal.

Once Ren Shanshan's breath is sensed, this jade slip will reflect and emit a crystal luster.

At this time, the jade slip was glowing, indicating that there was Ren Shanshan's breath here.

"It seems that I found a place."

Lin Fei collected the jade slips, and then, unfolding his figure, released his divine consciousness, and searched this area of ​​snow-capped mountains.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

It turned out that Lin Fei felt that the barren beast egg on his body, after entering this snow-capped mountain area, began to tremble gently, as if sensing something.

Could it be that there are time and space crystals in this snow-capped mountain.

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

When I was in the Eastern Kingdom of Qin, Huangdan had this reaction when he encountered a time-space crystal nearby.

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Because there are very few treasures containing the power of time, extremely rare.

For a long time, Lin Fei had not been able to find the heavenly materials that contained the power of time and let the wild eggs hatch.

Therefore, Lin Fei had a feeling of guilt towards that rascal.

In the past, in the Yuan Wu realm, the remnant soul of the wild beast entrusted the wild egg to himself, in the future, to find the treasure of heaven and earth with time power to help the wild egg hatch.

However, after so many years, I have not been able to find it.

Now, the wild egg suddenly reacted, and Lin Fei was naturally very excited.

Sure enough, soon, that scumbag passed a faint thought fluctuation to Lin Fei.

It's an emotion of craving, it seems that something delicious has been encountered.

"Don't worry, I will find what you need for you."

Lin Fei conveyed a sense of comfort to the scumbag.

Then, Lin Fei speeded up and galloped in the snow-covered area covered in silver and snow.


A beast roar that shook the heavens and the earth sounded from above a snowy peak below Lin Fei, with an astonishing aura.

Then, on the snowy peak, ice and snow splashed, and a huge snow-white figure shot up in the air and charged towards Lin Fei in the air.

Lin Fei's face couldn't help but sink.

This is a demon bear covered with thick white hair. It stands upright with its front paws up to ten meters high. It has two front paws, exuding amazing magical energy. It has a huge and squalid mouth, full of fangs, and looks It's amazing.

Following the impact of this demon bear, Lin Fei could feel that the space beside him was shaking violently.

"What a great strength!"

Lin Fei was taken aback, and quickly stretched out his figure and backed away.

The demon bear carried the sky full of wind and snow, and rushed into the sky. Two scarlet beast pupils stared at Lin Fei angrily, as if Lin Fei broke into its territory.

Lin Fei discovered that this demon bear had the strength of an intermediate Mahayana realm.


The demon bear roared to the sky again, and then a stump-like bear paw slammed.

Suddenly, the bitter cold wind became more and more gloomy at this moment, and an inexplicable energy suddenly appeared around Lin Fei's body, which surrounded him.

From the surrounding energy, ice ridges quickly formed, blasting at him in all directions, each ice ridge was sharp as a knife, and its momentum was like a rainbow.

It drowned him in an instant.

"Damn, this beast actually knows such clever martial arts."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

A bone-to-body chill, accompanied by densely packed sharp ice ridges, overwhelmed the sky, and was about to drown Lin Fei's body.

If Lin Fei's body is hit, it is estimated that it will immediately become a hornet's nest, which is terrible.

When Lin Fei raised his hand, five hundred zhang sword auras of different colors were slashed out, like five giant dragons, circling and dancing quickly around Lin Fei's body.


After a series of crisp sounds, all Bing Leng was resisted by the sword energy.

However, those piercing chills were like maggots attached to the bones, wrapping tightly around Lin Fei's body.

The bitter chill seemed to pierce every pore cell of Lin Fei's body with a sharp weapon.

Snow flakes all over the sky, pouring down, head covering Lin Fei, big chunks of ice, born out of thin air on Lin Fei's body, it seems that Lin Fei will be frozen!


Lin Fei felt the bitter chill and couldn't help but secretly praise.

It was indeed terrifying that a beast could display such a powerful ice and snow martial arts as its might.

"It seems that only by using a different fire can we deal with these cold meanings."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Whoops whoops!

Four beams of different colors of different fires rushed out of Lin Fei's body at the same time, and instantly burned into four seas of fire. The fire was raging, emitting amazing heat.

Suddenly, all the chill was disintegrated, and four seas of flames burned and spread out in all directions. The amazing heat caused the temperature of the entire world to rise several degrees in an instant.

Even on the large snow-capped mountains below, the snow that has been accumulated for many years is actually showing signs of melting.

The power of alien fire is very terrifying.

Once the different fire is truly burning, it has the power to burn the sky and destroy the earth.

Besides, there are four different fires.


Don't give me anything, you really think I'm so bullied! "

Lin Fei stared at the demon bear with a cold tone.

The clay figurine also had three points of fire, and Lin Fei was suddenly attacked by this demon bear, naturally there was anger in his heart.

Looking at the four seas of strange fire around Lin Fei's body, the demon bear couldn't help showing a panic expression.

It was born with a yin and cold attribute, and Lin Fei's four different fires seemed to be its nemesis.

"Burn me!"

Lin Fei also seemed to see the fear of the demon bear for his four different fires, so with a wave of his hand, four seas of different fires rushed out, from four different directions, to the demon bear.

"Hmph, bold madman, dare to come here to run wild!"

Suddenly, a sweet drink came into Lin Fei's ears.

Then the ice and snow quickly condensed in mid-air, forming a tens of acres of Qianqian jade palm in an instant. The jade palm lifted up and rolled up terrifying energy storms, blasting the four fierce seas of different fires instantly Fly back.

Then, a white figure suddenly appeared beside the demon bear.

This is a middle-aged beautiful woman, in a white dress, plump and plump, abnormally mature, with a cold expression, staring at Lin Fei with a bitter intent to kill.

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