Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1600: Wang Chan's crisis

This is indeed a master of the Celestial Sky Realm strength, standing on the top of that thousand-meter-high battle sword, wearing a silver battle robe, hunting and dancing, exuding awe-inspiring coercion, like a **** of heaven, unspeakable mighty and brave.

"Hmph, we have repeatedly evaded. Since your Excellency is still trying to coerce you, well, just wait for me to learn your methods."

One of the middle-aged women in the Moon Palace, with the strength of the Celestial Cave, was full of anger, and her figure moved into the sky.

Behind her head, all of a sudden radiance splashed out, and a bright and bright moon rose slowly.

A brilliant starry sky picture appeared behind her.

"This Moon Palace master of the Heavenly Cave Realm is not simple in strength!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei had also heard a little about the Moon Palace in Zhongshengzhou. It is said that this is an ancient great religion with strong strength.

Moreover, almost most of the members of the teaching are women.

"Hmph, your Excellency might as well show your true face, such a concealed one is a hero."

The woman from the Cave Heaven Realm who had risen to the Moon Hall in midair shouted coldly.

Hide your head and show your tail?

When Lin Fei heard this, he couldn't help feeling a move in his heart, and quickly looked at the face of the middle-aged man in the silver shirt.

Sure enough, this middle-aged man was wearing a human skin mask, concealing his true face.

It is estimated that his spirit aura is not true.

"Hehe, I'm not here to present heroes, as long as you hand over such treasures, I will never embarrass you.

Otherwise, we have to behead all of you.

With so many beautiful beauties, I really can't bear it. It's best not to force me to do it! "

The middle-aged man smiled faintly.

"Hmph, shameless thief, do you think you can really get us?

Really when our moon hall is empty!

Let's see who killed who! "

The middle-aged woman in the Cave Sky Realm of the Moon Palace couldn't help getting angry when she heard this.

A terrifying force of strength rushed out of her body in an instant, with murderous intent.

As soon as she pointed it out, with a shriek, a gleam of light instantly tore through the void and shot towards the middle-aged man in silver.

"Haha, well, you are forcing me to kill!"

The silver-clothed middle-aged man laughed, and when he stepped on the sword under his feet, the light from the sky shone and condensed into a hundred-zhang knife light, blocking the crystal light.


The space was shaking, and there was a violent explosion, and a series of black and secluded void cracks with thick arms continued to appear, and they continued to repair themselves.

The battle between the two masters of the cave world was really extraordinary.

Boom boom boom...

In mid-air, two masters of the cave world officially broke out in an astonishing fierce battle, and the aftermath of the violent battle spread out in all directions, shaking the entire space like chaff, shaking violently.

Most of the martial artists in the vicinity were so scared that they were so scared that they immediately ran away and left this area.

The masters of the cave world started the war, and no one dared to get too close. If they were affected and lost their lives, they would really die unjustly.

"You immediately enter the Scarlet Desert and find Grandma Yu!"

The woman in the Moon Palace Cave Heaven Realm who was in the fierce battle shouted to the rest of the Moon Palace.

"let's go!"

The other two middle-aged women in the Cave Sky Realm of the Moon Palace gritted their teeth and brought the men and horses of the Moon Palace into the **** desert.

"Hahaha, where to escape!"

A rumbling laughter suddenly sounded, and a figure surrounded by bright runes appeared directly in front of the people in the Moon Palace, blocking the way.

This figure, because of being drowned in the dazzling runes, the true face was hidden, and outsiders couldn't see it at all.


I saw this figure wave a blow, countless flashing runes rushed out of his body, and then, a huge fist made up of brilliant runes, carrying the dignified power, bombarded the women in the Moon Palace.

This is another master of the cave world!

"Huh! It seems that you men and women have ambitions and do not intend to let us go!"

Among the men and horses of the Moon Palace, another middle-aged woman from the Cave Sky realm snorted coldly, stepped forward, waved her hand, and a round of bright discs spun at high speed, splashing thousands of radiance and blocking forward.

"Go ahead and find Grandma Yu!"

The middle-aged woman in the Dongtian realm of the Moon Palace shouted to the other Moon Palace woman.

As a result, the rest of the Moon Palace women, under the leadership of the last cave sky woman, speeded up and rushed to the endless **** desert.


Suddenly, dozens of jet black arrows descended from the sky and violently shot at the women in the Moon Palace.

Each of these dark light arrows exudes terrible pressure, and the arrows are so powerful that it makes people look disillusioned.

The last woman in the Cave Heaven Realm in the Moon Palace showed an angry face, and a large cloud of moonlight burst out of her body, directly forming a transparent moonlight shield, which instantly enlarged infinitely, protecting all the women in the Moon Palace.


More than a dozen jet-black light arrows shot on the transparent moonlight shield, making bursts of crisp sound.

"Hey, if you don't hand over that treasure, none of you in the Moon Palace can escape!"

A black figure teleported forward and stood in front of the women in the Moon Palace.

After being blocked by people one after another, the women in the Moon Palace were all aggrieved and angry.

Lin Fei found that Wang Chan couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes showed anger, as if he couldn't wait to rush up hard.

Huh hoo hoo...

A group of fierce figures in the distance rushed over, and in a moment, hundreds of people appeared, surrounding the women in the Moon Palace.

Obviously, these were chasing soldiers, who came to chase down these women in the Moon Palace.

Moreover, among these chasing soldiers, most of them are warriors in the Mahayana or Hinayana realms, and they are very powerful.

However, all these chasing soldiers wore masks on their faces, and they couldn't see their true colors.

Lin Fei couldn't help being secretly surprised when he saw this formation.

What incredible treasures did these women in the Moon Palace get, which attracted the pursuit of three masters of the cave world and so many people.

You know, the Moon Palace is in the Central Saint State, but it is a very powerful sect.

These people did not hesitate to offend the Moon Palace and chase down these Moon Palace women. It can be imagined that these women in the Moon Palace must have gotten some treasures of heavenly value.

"All you can do is to rush to break through, and those who can break out, find Grandma Yu, and tell her the old man!"

A woman from the Cave Heaven Realm shouted loudly in the Moon Hall.


The women in the Moon Palace took out their magic weapons one after another, or displayed powerful martial arts, rushing forward.

"These bitches, none of them can let them run away!"

Those chasing soldiers also rushed over.

A big melee started in an instant.

Lin Fei stood in the distance, observing the battle.

Lin Fei discovered that the men and horses of the Moon Palace were protecting Wang Chan intentionally or unintentionally, and some powerful women even resorted to the same approach to get Wang Chan's escape.

Finally, under the cover of six or seven Mahayana women, Wang Chan escaped into the **** desert.

"Huh, that baby is probably on that woman.

Let me catch up with that woman! "

The middle-aged man in silver, who came first, stared at Wang Chan's back and shouted.

Suddenly, among those chasing soldiers, dozens of Mahayana masters followed Wang Chan closely.

In a moment, these dozens of Mahayana masters caught up with Wang Chan and his party.

"Wang Chan, you yourself are the most important thing, run away, let's stop the pursuit!"

The six or seven women who had been covering Wang Chan's escape gritted their teeth and turned around one after another to face the dozens of powerful chasers in the Mahayana realm.

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing upon seeing this.

It seems that Wang Chan is very hard to lose.

Because the other party had been prepared for a long time, there were many people, and these women in the Moon Palace were in a weak position.

Finally, Lin Fei decided to help a group of Wang Chan, and couldn't bear to be taken down by the chasing soldiers.

After all, everyone is from the same world, so consider it nostalgia.

Lin Fei's figure moved, hiding her figure, wandering in the void and heading towards Wang Chan's position.

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