Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1602: get lost

Just when Wang Chan was annoyed by the rudeness of the strange young man in front of him.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw the silver-clad middle-aged man who was rushing in, and she couldn't help being startled.

That's a master of the cave world!

Wang Chan was originally Bingxue and smart. She immediately understood that this young man was in a hurry and dragged herself to escape.

Soon, Wang Chan was stunned by Lin Fei's speed.

Of course, she had discovered that Lin Fei's vitality realm was an intermediate Hinayana realm, but the opponent's speed was much faster than hers.

At this moment, Wang Chan calmed down, letting Lin Fei drag her jade hand and galloped into the depths of the blood-colored desert.

In the rear, the silver-clad middle-aged man only chased a certain distance, but was blocked by a middle-aged woman in the Moon Palace, and the two sides broke out again.

"Chasing! Catch me that bitch, something must be on her!"

The opponent's three Celestial Cave Realm masters, looking at the figure of Wang Chan who was leaving quickly, were all furious, shouting at those subordinates.

Suddenly, hundreds of chasing soldiers with the strength of Mahayana and Hinayana realms chased after Lin Fei and Wang Chan's back.

"And that kid, absolutely can't let him go, kill him for me, let him be nosy!"

The middle-aged man in silver roared, he saw with his own eyes that Lin Fei had rescued Wang Chan and ran away with Wang Chan. He wanted to rush up and slap Lin Fei to death.

At this time, Lin Fei took Wang Chan and rushed into the blood-colored desert. In a moment, he temporarily ditched the chasing soldiers behind him.

Because Lin Fei's figure is completely invisible.

Those chasing soldiers in the back chased for a while, not only couldn't see Lin Fei with the naked eye, but it was also difficult to capture Lin Fei's breath even with his divine consciousness.

Lin Fei didn't dare to slow down, Lin Fei still dragged Wang Chan's jade hand to the depths of the desert.

The other party has three Heavenly Cave Realm masters, who knows when these three Heavenly Cave Realm masters will catch up.

Lin Fei could feel that the silver-clad middle-aged man had terrible combat power, and he was estimated to be much stronger than an ordinary Celestial Heaven Realm master.

After half an hour, all the chasing soldiers behind had disappeared.

"Well, we don't have to be too anxious, those people won't be chasing after them.!"

Seeing that Lin Fei was dragging his jade hand, Wang Chan didn’t mean to let go. The smooth forehead wrinkled lightly. He said to Lin Fei in an unpleasant tone, and then forcefully pushed his jade hand to Pull back, suggesting that Lin Fei let go.

"It's not a safe distance yet. If the three Celestial Cave Realm masters chase after us, they will find us very easily."

Lin Fei said in front, and did not stop.

"Hey, I said, you can let go of my hand!"

Wang Chan pulled hard several times. Seeing that Lin Fei hadn't let go of his hand, he suddenly became very angry, "shuang feng" on his chest rose and fell slightly, and finally couldn't help it, and whispered towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei understood what Wang Chan meant, and smiled and let go of Wang Chan's small hands that looked like a soft cotton flower.

"This guy must have taken advantage of me on purpose!"

Wang Chan felt that the smile on Lin Fei's face was a bit of an unkind taste, and Lin Fei's beautiful eyes couldn't help but glanced horizontally.

The two of them generally talked, but they did not stop, they were still double-stretched and moved towards the depths of the blood-colored desert.

Even if the three Dongtian realm masters haven't chased them for the time being, there are more than 100 Mahayana and Hinayana warriors behind them, closely tracking the whereabouts of the two.

This desert is very vast, with a radius of at least hundreds of thousands of miles. The color of the sky, the earth, and even the air is **** red.

Moreover, the strong smell of blood rushed over, as if walking in a tragic slaughterhouse.

Being in such an environment makes people feel straightforward.

It feels like something bad will happen anytime, anywhere.

"This desert is rumored to have been stained like this by the blood of fallen immortals in ancient times. It has been shrouded in **** haze all year round, and has never been scattered since ancient times."

Wang Chan said to Lin Fei.

She is the core disciple of the Moon Palace, and now she is also the disciple cultivated by the Moon Palace. She is the next saint of the Moon Palace and is deeply loved by the senior figures of the Moon Palace.

Therefore, in her capacity, before entering the world of falling immortals, the hidden elders in the moon hall had told her many secrets about the world of falling immortals.

"The city of immortal burial is located in the very center of this **** desert.

To reach the city of immortal burial, you must first pass through this **** desert.

And in this blood-colored desert, there are also many unintelligible dangers. It is said that even a master of the cave sky realm may fall in this blood-colored desert.

Therefore, we must be careful. "

Wang Chan said to Lin Fei.

The two of them gradually deepened in the **** desert.

However, a day later, the two discovered a very serious problem.

It seems to be lost.

This blood-colored desert is full of **** and terrible colors, and the scenes everywhere are exactly the same.

Moreover, the fierce aura, overwhelming the sky, always affects people's divine consciousness, and people slowly lose their judgment on the direction.

After being suspected of being lost, Lin Fei made special marks in some places that he passed by.

Sure enough, after a while, he returned to the place where he had walked before.

"Deacon Ji has a sketch of this **** desert.

It's a pity that I didn't make a rubbing copy from her, otherwise, we wouldn't get lost so easily. "

The two of them were like headless flies. After wandering in the **** desert for more than a day, Wang Chan couldn't help but sigh.

Deacon Ji is one of the three middle-aged women with strength in the Cave Heaven Realm in the Moon Palace.


As soon as Wang Chan's voice fell, not far away, in the misty and **** sand, there was a very frightening roar.

Then, only a hideous creature appeared from the blood-colored sand, with two scarlet beast pupils staring at Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

This is a humanoid creature with a height of seven or eight meters, covered with black scales, with red eyes and death.


It immediately culled and slaughtered it, the speed was too fast, with all ten fingers spread out, and the sharp claws were as long as a foot, like an iron hook, curved, black light dotted.

Lin Fei stood in place, bombarding forward with his right fist.

Lin Fei practiced the first five refining sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Jue, and the toughness of his flesh was already like a high-level magic weapon.


The two collided, like gold and stone clashes, very harsh.

This creature's figure fell more than a dozen steps, and couldn't help but roar up to the sky.

Its pair of scarlet beast eyes stared at Lin Fei with murderous aura, staring at Lin Fei, surrounded by astonishing death, as if they had just come out of hell.

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