Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1608: The Pursuit of Elder Hua

"Old guy, old beast, as an elder, wanting to **** things from the younger generation, it is shameless to say so grandiosely.

Damn, if there is a chance, you must be killed, an old beast! "

Lin Fei suddenly shouted at the elder Hua, staring diagonally, despising the other party, and deliberately provoking.

"court death!"

Elder Hua looked cold, spit out these two words, opened a big hand, flashing jade-like luster, and grabbed it forward.

Of course, he didn't use much force, because he had just used the power of the law to suppress the two bodies, and now he just swept it casually.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, the Chaos Cauldron rushed out, and the lid of the Cauldron flew, and the endless jet black water splashed out all over the sky.

"Be careful!"

Elder Hua was shocked, his sleeves rolled, and all the horses of the Cleansing Sect, moved out to avoid the blow.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked. The strength of this elder Hua was terrifying. At this moment, he actually saved everyone.


Lin Fei said to Wang Chan.

The Chaos Cauldron shook, smashing all the power of law that Elder Hua had just applied.

The two of them recovered their freedom, and when Elder Hua retreated with the people of the Cleansing Faction, they rushed out.

Both of them tried their best and fled towards the distance.

The strength of that elder Hua was terrible. Both of them knew that once they started their hands, there was no chance of winning, they would definitely lose in seconds.

"Huh, I want to go, it's not that easy!"

The elder Hua's face was blue, his sleeves flicked, and he stepped out, his figure straddling the space directly, surprisingly fast.

While chasing, he stretched out his hand and shook it forward.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and Wang Chan felt that the space behind them was suddenly compressed, and a powerful force of law was born.



A majestic giant palm composed of the power of law patted the back of the two of them.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the Chaos Cauldron smashed backwards, hitting the giant palm.


A huge metal impact shook the whole world, and the lingering sound continued for a long time.

"The old guy's body is too fast, and his spiritual perception is terrible.

If you just run away like this, you can't escape. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Go, we enter the chaos void!"

Lin Fei grabbed one of Wang Chan's jade hand, and then displayed space power.

Suddenly, a certain space beside Lin Fei began to ripple.

Lin Fei dragged Wang Chan and stepped in.

"Into the chaos void?!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Wang Chan couldn't help being completely confused.

Is he talking about traveling through space?

Wang Chan couldn't believe how the young man beside him could travel through space.

You know, space power is known to be one of the most difficult side powers to cultivate, and there are not many hidden elders in the ancient great religions in the Central Saint State, who can travel through space.

Under the shock, even Lin Fei dragged her jade hand, she didn't feel anything special anymore.

Because, at this time, she found that half of Lin Fei's body had disappeared.

This is really traveling through space.


This guy can really travel through space!

Wang Chan allowed his body to be dragged by Lin Fei, his beautiful eyes opened wide, looking at Lin Fei, there was an indescribable shock on his delicate face.

"Travel through space!"

Behind him, the elder Hua who was chasing after him, at this moment, also cried out in silence.

However, he immediately reacted.

"Huh, don't think about it!"

He immediately stretched out his hand again and shook it quickly, and suddenly, there was another giant palm composed of rules, majestic and majestic, and grabbed Lin Fei and the two.


The Chaos Cauldron smashed back again and collided with the hand of law and power.

The hand of law and power was successfully resisted and went down.

next moment.

Lin Fei dragged Wang Chan, disappeared and entered the chaotic void.

The elder Hua of the dust-free school looked at the space where the two disappeared with a gloomy expression.

With his strength, he could not catch two juniors.

It made him feel very aggrieved.

However, he also knew that that kid could travel through space, no matter how strong his strength was, once the opponent entered the chaotic void, he could stare at him, nothing could be done.

As we all know, warriors who are good at space power are very difficult to deal with and are difficult to kill.

"Hmph, I see how strong your space power is, how long you can stay in the chaotic void!"

Elder Hua said with a cold snort.

As a result, his divine consciousness was released, he felt out from afar, and monitored the nearby space.

Maintaining this state until after a stick of incense, the elder Hua finally gave up.

"Unexpectedly, such a young kid has such a powerful space power."

Elder Hua sighed, unwilling.

"Huh, but if I meet you next time, it won't be so easy to escape!"

A gloomy murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared.

After a while, he returned to the front of the rock cliff.

"Uncle Hua, how is it? Have you caught the dog and man?"

The young master asked.

"Huh, ran away!

Regardless of them, it is important that we take the golden body Luo Daoguo. "

Elder Hua snorted and didn't want to mention Lin Fei two more.

The young master was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Unexpectedly, with Uncle Hua's ability, the dog and the man could escape.

"In that cave, there seems to be a lot of danger. Don't follow me in.

I went in to get the golden body Luo Daoguo, you are waiting for me outside! "

Elder Na Hua said that his sense of consciousness was very powerful, and he felt that the stone cave was very dangerous.

With a movement, he rushed into the cave where the bright red light was constantly erupting.

Boom boom boom...

After a few breaths, violent fights suddenly came out from the cave, and the entire cliff that soared into the clouds was shaking.

The fighting sound inside, after dozens of breaths, a figure flashed, it was the elder Hua.

He looked pale and looked very embarrassed. The clothes on his body had been torn several times, and even on his right arm, there was a shocking claw mark, bloody.

"Uncle Hua, what's the matter!"

The young master of the clean school was shocked.

"There was a very powerful camel monster inside. I didn't notice it for a while and got a claw."

Elder Na Hua said, taking out a healing medicine and applying it on the wound, immediately stopping the blood.


At this moment, suddenly, in the blood-colored sand in the distance, there were three afterimages, coming swiftly, one of them didn't take time to breathe, and they came to the stone cliff.

Turned out to be a master of the three caves.

Among the three masters of the cave world, there is a middle-aged man wearing a silver shirt, a figure surrounded by bright runes, and a figure covered by black light.

It was just before, on the edge of the Scarlet Desert, that the three masters of the Cave Sky realm chased and killed the men and horses of the Moon Palace.

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