Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1611: Fierce battle with young master


It is important to kill the enemy first. "

As soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, the five hundred zhang sword auras slashed out, forced the several Wuchen sect disciples beside Wang Chan to retreat, and spoke to Wang Chan's spiritual knowledge.

"Could it be that she recognized me?"

When Lin Fei saw Wang Chan staring at the demon clone and himself with weird eyes, he faintly guessed what the reason was.

I have to say that women’s intuition is sometimes terrifying.

When Wang Chan received Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission, he immediately recovered.

I saw her body, with bursts of moonlight-like vitality fluctuations, which continued to spread. A round of bright moon rushed out of her body and revolved around her delicate body at high speed.

Then, she displayed all kinds of clever martial arts, attacking the disciples of the dust-free school around.

"It seems that in the past few years, she has been cultivating in the Moon Palace and her strength has been amazingly improved.

Although it is the strength of the advanced Hinayana realm, but even in the face of those warriors in the Mahayana realm, there is a battle power. "

Looking at the exquisite martial arts that Wang Chan continuously displayed, Lin Fei secretly admired.

That round of bright moon, bursts of moonlight sprinkled, and it continued to spin out, extremely powerful.

Moreover, behind her, there appeared a small world of brilliant starry sky, which is probably a vision cultivated by the ancient scriptures in the Moon Palace.

The twinkling stars burst out from the small world of the starry sky, then magnified infinitely and turned into terrifying meteorites, bombarding them in all directions, attacking indiscriminately, and their destructive power was very powerful.

In the Moon Palace, Wang Chan was already the candidate for the next saint. Naturally, he was carefully trained by the senior officials of the Moon Palace and trained many of the most powerful techniques and martial arts in the Moon Palace. , Is already very powerful.

"Huh, two guys who don't know life or death!"

The young master of the dust-free faction, seeing Lin Fei and Wang Chan dare to really make a move, and they both showed not weak combat power, his expression was completely cold, he said with a cold snort.

Then he glowed, flaming runes surging.


Ushablade blasted in front of his chest, and there was a clear metal crash, and then Ushablade was ejected back.

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, and immediately understood that this young master of the Cleansing Sect must have a powerful magic piece on his body, which blocked the attack of Wu Sha Blade.

You know, Wusha Blade is second only to the magic weapon of the Extreme Immortal Soldier.

At the very least, it must be a magic weapon of the same level that can withstand the Wusha Blade.


The young master said with a sullen face and coldly shouted, even though the magic weapon on his body had resisted the Wu Sha Blade, the powerful impact still made him a little bit energetic, making him an instant killing intent.


The runes on his body are more brilliant, the turbulent vitality, surging like a tide, shot out with a palm, and the silver light blooms.

The palm of his hand was infinitely enlarged, and it turned into a cage, which would envelop Lin Fei and then kill him.

Lin Fei did not evade, but rushed straight forward, holding a huge Danding in his hand, and slammed it out.


Danding collided with the cage with flashing runes.

The blood rushed high!

What Lin Fei smashed out of his hands was naturally Chaos Cauldron.


The young master yelled, his big hand cracked, and then broke every inch, and the blood mist filled.

His face was pale, showing a look of panic. He didn't expect it to end like this.

His entire arm was disintegrating, crumbling, bloody, and disappearing quickly.

The weight of the Chaos Cauldron is terrifying, even if Lu Qi and Lin Fei work together, they will never be able to lift it.

It can be said that if the body is hit by the Chaos Cauldron head-on, even a master of the Celestial Sky Realm will have to hate it, not to mention that this young master of the dust-free faction is only the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm.

It is simply impossible to face the astonishing weight of the Chaos Cauldron.

"Ant, how dare you hurt me!"

There was a deep roar from the young master's throat, and there was a violent and murderous surge in his eyes.

His entire right arm had been shattered and turned into nothingness, leaving only an empty sleeve hanging there.

"I will not only hurt you, but also kill you."

Lin Fei walked over step by step, joking in the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, you want to kill me, you still don't have this ability!"

In the eyes of the young master, killing intent was infinite.

He quickly took out a Dao Pill that contained huge vitality and swallowed it.

In an instant, on his right shoulder, the blood burst into the sky, the runes were shining, and there was an astonishing explosion of vitality.

Then, his already empty right sleeve suddenly began to fill up quickly, and a new arm, from small to large, slowly stretched out.

In less than two breaths, an intact new arm grew out of flesh and blood, just like a normal arm.

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little surprised. Obviously, the pill that the young master took just now has the magical effect of renewing the broken limb.

These ancient great religions in Zhongshengzhou are indeed very profound.

"Ant, I have to say, you successfully angered me.

Now, the real battle has officially begun! "

The young master squeezed his right fist, felt the new-born arm, and was very satisfied. Then, the eyes full of murderous intent fixed Lin Fei.

Then, he shot, stepped forward, and rushed to Lin Fei in an instant.

In an instant, his imposing manner was steadily rising, completely different, the aura that radiated, calm and heavy, like an unsurpassable peak, shocking people.

In addition, there are layers of mysterious symbols shining, branded on his body, draped in sacred light, like a silver flame covering his body, appearing extraordinary and holy!

His hands were intertwined quickly, like a butterfly piercing through a flower, pinching out a mysterious and mysterious technique. In an instant, it condensed in front of him into a silver ancient seal with shimmering metallic luster, composed of runes, bursting out ancient gods sound.


The ancient seal is like a mountain, although it is not tall, but it has the momentum of a large mountain, covering Lin Fei, a gorgeous pattern densely covered on the ancient seal, constantly shining.

"Damn, no matter how powerful martial arts, can it still break the defense of Chaos Cauldron!"

Lin Fei was ruthless in his heart, holding the Chaos Cauldron high, hunting and hunting in clothes, with a great cauldron in his hand, which could break all laws.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, Xiaoding of Divine Consciousness rushed out and instantly attacked the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Young Master.

call out!

The black light flickered, and the Wu Sha blade shot out again, heading straight for the young master.


The Chaos Cauldron and the ancient seal collided with each other, and a thousand rays of glow burst out between the two, with a clear voice, like two copper grinding discs colliding.

The young master swayed and took two steps back.

He finally realized that the horror of the Danding in Lin Fei's hand was extremely heavy and hard, and any attack could be withstood.

"Hmph, only you have a magic weapon!"

The young master's face was gloomy.

He is the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm, and the opponent, who is only the strength of the intermediate Hinayana realm, is one big realm behind, and he still won a match. This result was simply unacceptable.

As soon as he stretched out, an ancient seal appeared in his hand, gleaming with silver runes, exuding the breath of ancient mulberry.

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