Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1618: Arrivals

This was a full blow from a master of the cave sky, Lin Fei did not dare to underestimate it, and directly blocked Chaos Cauldron in front of him.


The long river of Yuan Li smashed by Elder Hua blasted on the Chaos Cauldron and found a loud noise.

The Chaos Cauldron did not move at all, calm and mountainous.

Elder Hua couldn't help being surprised. What kind of magic weapon was this. After hitting him with all his strength, he didn't move at all, and his defense was so strong that he was beyond his imagination.

"Uncle Hua, this Danding is very powerful. After you kill this **** ant, I want this Danding."

The young master of the Wuchen faction also lit up, staring at Chaos Cauldron.

The magic weapon that can easily withstand the blow of a master of the cave world will be jealous by countless warriors in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

"When you die, you still dared to think about my things, you are really dead!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Reaching out and pointing, Chaos Cauldron leaned forward.


The sky was filled with black sea water, splashing out, forming layers of water curtains, and quickly shrouded forward.

"Be careful!"

Elder Hua shouted.

Knowing the power of these seas, he immediately shouted to the rest of the Cleansing Faction.

At the same time, his originally dilapidated body suddenly shone brightly, and a long rainbow burst out of his body suddenly.

This is a golden war mace, erupting golden light, and countless mysterious runes linger on it, very mysterious.


The battle mace with monstrous runes, superbly majestic, exuding terrible energy fluctuations.

The battle mace trembled, and abruptly fixed the dark water curtain in the air.

I have to say that this elder Hua, as a master of the Celestial Cave, is indeed terrifying. Although he has been seriously injured, he still can't get a glimpse.

"Bitch! This time, you are dead."

At this time, the Young Master of the Clean-Free Sect stared at Wang Chan and sneered.

Then, he moved towards Wang Chan.

Whether he was in the realm of vitality or his real combat power, he was much better than Wang Chan.

"Huh, dirty beast."

Wang Chan's pretty face was cold, her vitality revolved, and a round of bright moon rushed out of her delicate body, shed all the brilliance, and protected her body.

"Go together, catch this little **** alive!

Play slowly then! "

The other disciples of the Wuchen faction swarmed up and attacked Wang Chan one after another.

Lin Fei thought, Wu Shablade shot out, attacking the young master.

At the same time, the figure retreated, and both arms swept out at the same time.


Lin Fei's two arms zoomed infinitely at the same time, like the bodies of two terrifying flood dragons.

The entire space was throbbing and shaking, and countless small spatial cracks appeared constantly, and the surroundings were covered in darkness.

Puff puff……

Lin Fei's speed was too fast. Moreover, the attacks of physical strength were far faster and more direct than the attacks of vitality martial arts, but in an instant, dozens of disciples of the Cleansing School were beaten to pieces and turned into bones. Clouds of blood mist.

As a result, the remaining disciples of the Cleanroom Sect were all frightened, and no one dared to attack Wang Chan again and escaped from a distance.

In front of that young master, there was an ancient seal floating in front of him, shining with rays of light, blocking the Wu Sha blade, but he was also so scared that he hurried back away, the feeling that Lin Fei gave him was terrible.

Just one move, kill dozens of people!

"Little beast!"

Elder Hua's eyes were splitting, almost mad and roared.

"Old guy, what are you excited about, it's up to you now."

Lin Fei rushed forward, raising his hand, five hundred zhang sword auras, slashed forward quickly, the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the void seemed to be penetrated.


Lin Fei's right arm was once again infinitely enlarged, as thick as a dragon, burning with a surging colorless light, and suddenly slapped a palm on the Chaos Cauldron.


The Chaos Cauldron trembled, rushed forward and slammed out, suddenly hitting the battle mace in front of the elder Hua.

The battle mace, trembling violently, kept retreating.


Lin Fei's terrifyingly thick right arm simply held the Chaos Cauldron, like a giant hammer, constantly slamming on the battle mace, making loud noises.

The whole world seemed to be shaking violently, and every time the Chaos Cauldron was smashed out, it was crushed into the void.

The violent power fluctuated, stirred the wind and the clouds, the smoke was everywhere, and the huge gust of wind kept rolling.

"Little beast, you are deceiving too much!"

Elder Na Hua was in the center of the wind, coughing up blood constantly in his mouth, and the blood became weaker.

Before he had a battle with that camel monster, he was seriously injured, and his combat strength was already 80 to 90%.

Now, facing Lin Fei's violent attack, he was gradually unable to resist.

Lin Fei's combat power was beyond his expectation.

"You deceived me first, now naturally you will take advantage of your illness and take your life!"

Lin Fei roared, his body radiant, exuding awe-inspiring power, like a **** descending from the earth.

at last.


After being smashed a dozen times by the Chaos Cauldron, the battle mace in front of Elder Hua finally couldn't hold it, and he threw it away.

Jet black water arrows shot towards the body of Elder Hua.

Elder Hua roared, his whole body glowing constantly, and the endless majestic vitality, like a long river, rushed out of his body, whizzed, and rotated, forming a thick layer of vitality defense cover.

His injury was too serious, and his whole body was in tatters and it was difficult to move.

Otherwise, he would have escaped long ago.


Lin Fei rushed over, arms as thick as a giant dragon, holding a chaos cauldron, and blasting towards Elder Hua.

"Young Master, run away, so that the leader will avenge me!"

Elder Hua kept coughing up blood, he seemed to know his situation was not good, and shouted to the young master.

"Huh, ants, from now on, you will be the number one enemy of my dust-free faction. Our dust-free faction will try our best to hunt you down in the entire Saint Venerable Continent!"

The young master of the Wuchen faction stared at Lin Fei with bitter eyes and said.


At this moment, Lin Fei finally broke through all the defenses of that elder Hua, and the sea water buried in the Xianhai directly splashed on his body.


Elder Hua fell to the ground and screamed, seeing that he could not live.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

Lin Fei's eyes fixed on the young master.

The young master ate, a yellow talisman appeared in his hand, and it burned directly, and a beam of yellow light wrapped his body and disappeared.

"It's shifting talisman again!"

Lin Fei was helpless.

This kind of talisman is very precious, and it has a great effect. Once it burns, it can instantly move a person out of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Moreover, this kind of talisman, in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, no one can refine, each one is left over from ancient times.

This young master of the dust-free faction has already burned one, but unexpectedly, there is still another one.

It seems that those ancient big religions in Zhongshengzhou are indeed very profound.

"Do you want to escape too!"

Lin Fei looked at the rest of the Wuchen faction and sneered. Then, while her figure flashed, he punched and pedaled. After a while, all the Wuchen faction were killed by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei has never been merciless when dealing with enemies.

"Huh? Is this map a topographical map of this Scarlet Desert!"

When Lin Fei was clearing the space ring of Elder Hua, he found an old map.

Wang Chan also hurriedly came to see.

"Yes, it seems to be the topographic map of this **** desert.

This Elder Hua was able to accurately find the location of the golden body Luo Daoguo, probably because of this map. "

Wang Chan was also very surprised.

"Hehe, with this map, we are no longer afraid of getting lost."

Lin Fei smiled.

This is an unexpected surprise.

In addition to this map, in the space ring of the elder Hua, there are a large number of heavenly materials, magic weapons, Dao Dan, and even a few martial arts jade slips.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Fei and Wang Chan followed the directions of the map, displayed the starting method, determined a direction, and galloped away.

after one day.

In the depths of the Scarlet Desert, gradually, the two met more and more warriors.

All the warriors are heading towards the depths of the desert, in the same direction.

"It seems that we have found our way."

Both of them are very happy.

Another half day passed.

Finally, in front of them, there were a lot of people, densely packed, and I don't know how many people gathered here.

In the distance, on the horizon, a dilapidated giant city appeared in Lin Fei's sight.

"City of Immortal Burial!"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

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