Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1624: Corpse cat

Princess Peacock and the others looked at Lin Fei, and after a moment of shock, they recovered and continued to rush towards the medicine racks.

Lin Fei walked directly to the corner, in front of the five jade bottles on the medicine rack.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves, and all the five jade bottles flew up to him.

For Lin Fei Yuanli secretly, the lid of one of the jade bottles popped open.

"Nine Stage Dao Dan!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, and could not expect that this jade bottle contained a Nine-Rank Dao Pill.

You know, in the Holy Venerable Continent, it is said that there are a few eighth-rank Dao alchemists with the most advanced alchemy skills, and the nine-rank Dao alchemists have long since disappeared.

In other words, in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, there is not a single alchemist who can refine the nine-rank Dao Dan.

Then, Lin Fei opened all the other four jade bottles.

There are five jade bottles, all of which are a nine-rank Taoist pill.

"Not bad!"

Lin Fei was very happy, but unexpectedly, he actually got the Nine-Rank Dao Pill, which was definitely a surprise.

Lin Fei did not carefully study the five Nine-Rank Dao Pills for the time being.

At this time, the Peacock Princess, Xiao Yuanshan and the others had already quickly gathered all the jade bottles in the entire palace and piled them together.

Then, open the lid one by one to check whether the Dao Dan inside is still effective.

As a result, there were more than 1,000 jade bottles, of which only the Dao Dan contained in more than 100 jade bottles was well preserved.

The rest of the jade bottles and the Dao Pills contained in them were all decayed and even turned into powder.

Princess Peacock divided the more than one hundred jade bottles into three equally, and divided two of them into Lin Fei and Xiao Yuanshan.

After dividing the Dao Dan, Lin Fei returned everyone, left the palace, and continued to move forward.

"Magic weapons, ha, all in this palace are magic weapons."

"Special law crystals, my God, with so many special law crystals, I have made a fortune!"

"Quickly, there are a lot of cheats in this palace, and these cheats are probably the brilliant martial arts handed down from ancient times.

Haha, as long as you get one copy, it is enough to make your combat power grow by leaps and bounds. "

"Damn, get out of here, all the treasures in this palace belong to our Profound Prison Sect!"


There were such excitement screams everywhere. Obviously, many warriors had discovered good things.

At the same time, in every building and in every palace, there were fierce fighting sounds everywhere, which were robbing treasures.

This city seems to contain some good things in every palace, it is simply a treasure hunting paradise.

"A lot of cats!

What's going on, how suddenly, there will be so many wild cats! "

Suddenly, in the distance, in a certain direction, the wind and wind screamed, with bursts of dark life, soaring into the sky and quickly spreading in the city.

Then, a group of figures appeared from that direction, it looked like they were all black wild cats.

The number is terribly large, tens of thousands, like a dark cloud, instantly spreading in all directions.

These wild cats, surrounded by a dark mist, raging to the sky, rushed to the nearby warriors, and then attacked those warriors.

"Beast, get out!"

Immediately, with the appearance of these numerous wild cats, shouts of killing sounded everywhere, and everyone was surprised to find that these black wild cats were very powerful.


Soon, many warriors were torn to pieces by those terrifying wild cats.

"Oh my God, these are not ordinary wild cats. These are corpse devil cats. According to legend, this type of corpse devil cats specializes in humans as food, especially the martial artists. Promotional role.

These corpse cats are treating us as delicious food! "

After a while, someone finally recognized the origin of these black wild cats.

"Damn, everyone work together to kill all these things first, and then hunt for treasure, otherwise, these beasts will keep hunting us."

At the same time, some warriors shouted, and then, more and more warriors started to deal with those corpse demon cats.

Almost all the warriors are angry with the same enemy.

Especially when I heard that these corpse demon cats were specially fed by humans, the hearts of everyone were inexplicably hatred.

This is equivalent to a natural enemy.


There were shouts of killing everywhere, and the war was fierce. In the city, there were warriors and those corpse demon cats fiercely killing.

The strength of those corpse demon cats can be strong or weak, but fortunately, the strongest is only the advanced Mahayana realm strength equivalent to a human warrior.

The corpse demon cat without the strength of the cave world appeared, otherwise, things would be very bad.

"Everyone, be careful, those corpse cats are fast."

Lin Fei said to Princess Peacock and others.


As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, a stern cat cry came, and a black light rushed over and killed Lin Fei as fast as black lightning.

It is a corpse demon cat.

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, staring at the corpse demon cat that had been slaughtered, and looked up slightly.

This corpse demon cat is two or three meters long and one meter tall. It is jet-black and full of dark life. For ordinary wild cats, it is also a huge monster.

Its sharp claws are more than a foot long, and its body is covered with fine scales smaller than nails. It is shiny and strong, and its teeth are like daggers, with cold light.

"Beast, look for death!"

Lin Fei punched out, and the **** cat was broken.

However, the next moment, what happened before him surprised Lin Fei a bit.

It turned out that after the corpse demon cat was smashed, it turned into a thick yin directly, leaving only a pool of dark blood.

"What's going on? Could it be that these corpse devil cats are actually made of Yin Qi, or Death Qi?"

Lin Fei is a little strange.

at this time.

Huh hoo hoo...

The black light flickered one after another, and dozens of corpse cats came towards Lin Fei at the same time.

The darkness of life filled the sky, overwhelming the sky.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a black light shot out quickly, walking through the void space, it was the Wu Sha blade.

The Wu Sha blade flew out and directly chopped off the heads of several corpse cats.

At the same time, Lin Fei also directly took out the Chaos Cauldron. With a movement of his mind, the Chaos Cauldron rushed out, instantly smashing the four or five corpse cats rushing to the front into a pool of dark blood.

Princess Peacock, the dozen or so maids who were still in Xiao Yuanshan, also started to deal with the corpse cats.

However, the main combat power is of course Lin Fei.

Especially Lin Fei's Chaos Cauldron, wherever he went, the corpse cats were directly beheaded.

In a moment, all the corpse cats that rushed over were all killed.

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