Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1626: Extreme fairy soldier

In a moment, the Profound Prison Sect, the Saint Child of the Wuchen Sect, the Saintess of the Moon Palace, and Xiao Changsheng, the enchanting student of Qinglong Academy, also came.

The four strong men stood on the four sides of the stone table, and a terrible aura was circulating in each of them.

These are the strongest of the younger generation in the Central Saint State.

"Hehe, I have a suggestion. There are dozens of jars of fairy wine on this stone table, enough for the four of us to share.

So, let's just divide it equally and avoid fighting.

There are treasures everywhere in this fairy burial city, and there are many opportunities, and I guess that the real great opportunity has not yet appeared.

We don't need to spend too much time here to fight. "

The saint of the Moon Palace, shrouded in the hazy moonlight, sounded like silver bells, clear and pleasant, very nice.

"I agree."

After the remaining three powerhouses were silent for a moment, the Saint Child of the Cleansing School nodded first.

Then, the saint son of the Profound Prison Sect and Xiao Changsheng from the Qinglong Academy agreed.

Indeed, there are dozens of jars of immortal wine, divided by four people, and the number of them is still very considerable. There is no need to fight life and death.

"Well, divide it into four evenly, and everyone can take the corresponding number of jars."

The son of the Profound Prison Sect waved his hand first, sending out a gentle elemental force, rolling towards the wine altar on the stone table, and the other three powerhouses also started to collect the wine altar.


Suddenly, four black water curtains appeared out of thin air, like four large black nets, covering the four powerhouses respectively.

At the same time, above the stone table, a figure appeared directly from the void space, with a roll of sleeves, rolling up dozens of jars of wine.

This figure is naturally Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took advantage of the four powerhouses, full of joy, and when they were preparing to collect the fairy wine, they took out the swallowing gourd, and suddenly poured out the sea water buried in the fairy sea. Above the table, the wine jar is charged.


This sudden change made the four powerhouses furious.

They are all well-known enchanting geniuses in Zhongshengzhou, and some people dare to pluck their hair and grab their things!

It has to be said that these four powerhouses do have their own advantages. Under this situation, even the masters of the cave world realm are afraid of Buried Xianhaihai water, they were all avoided.

Boom boom boom boom!

At the same time, four terrible attacking energies blasted towards Lin Fei.

"So powerful!"

Lin Fei was also taken aback, knowing that he couldn't compete.

Take out the Chaos Cauldron directly, move the body into the Chaos Cauldron, and urge the Chaos Cauldron to fly out of the palace.


Four deafening metal crashing sounds shook the entire palace.

However, Chaos Cauldron was undamaged and rushed out of the palace directly, disappearing.

The four powerhouses rushed out of the palace, perceiving the mighty divine power, and looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

After a while.

Gained nothing.

Lin Fei's Dao breath method can not only be used to disguise and change appearance, but also to hide his appearance and avoid tracking, which is very mysterious.

The faces of the four powerhouses are very ugly.

Dozens of jars of immortal wine were snatched for no reason, and it was under the circumstances that even the opponent's face was not clearly seen.

These four powerhouses only felt hot on their faces, and in their hearts, they were also extremely frustrated.

"Hmph, I felt the breath of my dustless sect tracking secret charm on this person."

The Son of the Cleansing School holding the golden spear coldly snorted.

"Oh, in this way, could it be that this person, and your cleansing faction, have had any hatred?"

Xiao Changsheng of Qinglong Academy was taken aback and asked.

The Tracking Secret Talisman of the Cleansing School is generally used to secretly plant on the enemy, so that the enemy can be traced.

"Yes, not long ago, one of my core disciples of the Cleanroom Sect discovered the Tianyi Divine Silkworm, but unexpectedly, he was suddenly snatched away.

Fortunately, the core disciple at the time secretly planted a tracking talisman on this person.

I think it's the same person just now. "

Said the Son of the Wuchen School.

"Tianyi God Silkworm?

Could it be that he is the king of all insects and can order other insects, the Celestial Silkworm! "

The son of Profound Prison Sect could not help being shocked, his eyes showed eager greed.

"Not bad."

The Son of the Wuchen School said coldly, in his eyes, murderous intent surged.

The Saintess of the Moon Palace, Xiao Changsheng from Qinglong Academy, and other martial artists nearby, were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

"Since that person has your dust-free tracking secret talisman, why didn't you chase him just now? Humph, it seems that you intend to track him secretly after we leave and swallow the treasure."

Suddenly, the Saint Son of Xuan Prison Sect said, staring at the Saint Son of Wuchen Sect with unkind eyes.

"Not bad!"

The Saintess of the Moon Palace and Xiao Changsheng of Qinglong College were shocked when they heard this, and both looked towards the Saint Son of the Wuchen School.

"Hmph, that person used some very clever secret technique to hide his signs, trying his best to conceal his breath.

I can only feel his breath at close range, and once I get away, I can't feel it anymore.

Besides, when will I follow him? What matters to you! "

The holy son of the dust-free school snorted coldly, his sleeves flicked, and his figure flickered, leading the disciple of the dust-free school and went away.

The saint son of the Profound Prison Sect, the saint woman of the Moon Palace, and the Xiao Changsheng of the Qinglong Academy, all looked at the back of the saint son of the dustless school with a gloomy expression.

However, soon, they left with a gloomy expression.

Among the group of female disciples of the Moon Palace behind the Saintess of the Moon Palace, there was a woman with an outstanding appearance secretly looking at the direction where Lin Fei had just disappeared. Her heart was very shocked.

This woman is Wang Chan.

"It's him! It must be him!"

The waves in Wang Chan's heart were ups and downs. Just now, when Lin Fei poured out the sea of ​​buried Xianhai, she recognized Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, dozens of jars of fairy wine have developed."

In the slave tower, Lin Fei, Princess Peacock and others were all present. There were dozens of jars of fairy wine in front of them. Xiao Yuanshan rushed forward, stroked the wine jars, and smelled the smell of the wine that permeated. revel.

The princess Peacock and more than a dozen Yaozu maids couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

"Brother Lin Fei, I said, you won't swallow these fairy wines alone."

Xiao Yuanshan said.

"Don't worry, everyone has a share.

However, it is not drinkable yet.

Because after drinking, I am afraid it will break directly.

We still have to hurry up and look for treasures and opportunities in this fairy burial city, and there is no time to break through. "

Lin Fei said.

After hearing what Lin Fei said, everyone nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Lin Fei led everyone, teleported out of the slave tower, and continued to the depths of the city.

Along the way, I gained a lot and got a lot of various treasures.

Not only Lin Fei and the others, but most of the other warriors were all smiling and exulting.

Because, entering the city of immortal burial, everyone has gained too much, too terrible.

In everyone's heart, they can't help but scream, they are rich!

After a stick of incense.

Suddenly, there was a sensation ahead, in a certain direction. Countless figures, densely packed, like locusts in transit, rushed in that direction.

"Hurry up, I heard that a weapon hall was found in front of me, and there are probably a few extremely immortal soldiers in it!"

Someone cried out in surprise.


Extreme fairy soldier!

In an instant, almost everyone who heard it had a twitch in their hearts.

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