Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1646: Alchemy again

"Forget it, now the most important thing is to find a place to re-practice the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart as he watched the Saint Child of the Wuchen School who was rushing towards him and a large group of disciples of the Wuchen School.

The Saint Child of the Wuchen Sect was very powerful, and Lin Fei knew that unless he used the sea water of the buried Xianhai, he was not necessarily his opponent now.

The elite disciples of these ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou are not simple.

Just like the saint son of Mingjiao, Lin Fei played several tricks with him, and there was no way to win.

It is estimated that the Saint Child of the Cleansing Sect has the same combat power as the Saint Child of Mingjiao.

What's more, besides the holy son, there are several other disciples of that group of Wuchen sect. They seem to be very powerful. They were all busy robbing the half-immortal medicine. Now the half-immortal medicine has been divided up. It was time to free up, and one after another unkindly approached Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's mind, after a little thought, he decided to temporarily retreat.

So Lin Fei turned around and ran out quickly to the outside of the gate of the medicine garden.

When the disciples of the Cleansing Faction saw them, they were immediately anxious and chased Lin Fei one by one.

"Boy, if you have the ability, don't run!"

The disciples of the Cleanroom School shouted and cursed.

"Damn, if you have the ability, don't chase it!"

Lin Fei replied out loud.

In this space, you can't fly, you can only run forward on the ground.

Lin Fei's physical strength is so powerful.

He ran as fast as lightning, dragging an afterimage, and in a moment, he left.

Only the disciples of the dust-free school left behind, yelling angrily.

However, even the Saint Child of the Wuchen School couldn't keep up with Lin Fei's speed, and the rest of the Wuchen School disciples were even more helpless.

"Huh, kid, it's better not to let me run into it next time."

The Saint Son of the Cleansing Sect was full of murderous eyes, staring at Lin Fei's back, feeling very aggrieved.

As a powerful ancient sect in Zhongshengzhou, the Wuchen Sect had just killed more than a dozen disciples in full view.

Now, the murderer was leaving in a big way. As the saint son of the Cleansing School, he could not help him.

How could he swallow this breath.

Lin Fei has gone through several disguises, so this saint child of the dustless school didn't know that the kid in front of him had killed their elder Hua of the dustless school and many of their disciples before, snatched the fairy wine and the three. An extremely immortal soldier, who also snatched most of the dragon blood spar.

Otherwise, this holy son of the Cleansing Sect, I am afraid that he will be so angry that he will run away on the spot.

And this time.

In a corner of the pharmacy, Lin Wan'er's beautiful eyes stared blankly at Lin Fei's back who was going away quickly. Her eyes were full of worry and concern.

"Unfortunately, my strength is too low to help Junior Brother Lin Fei.

No, after returning this time, I must work hard to practice, otherwise, I will never be able to keep up with Junior Brother Lin Fei. "

When Lin Wan'er thought of this, she couldn't help but clenched a pair of pink fists.

After Lin Fei left the medicine garden, he ran forward.

The people of the Wuchen faction did not chase them out. It is estimated that they stayed in the medicine garden and continued to **** the Taoist medicine.

After half an hour.

Lin Fei found a mountain range nearby, entered the mountain range, and found a hidden cave on one of the peaks.

In this cave, the area is about 100 square meters and it is very dry.

In the stone cave, Lin Fei took out all the materials needed, placed them on the ground, and also took out the Chaos Cauldron.

Then, began to re-practice the Immortal Refining Technique Jinshen Jue.

One day later.

In the cave.

The lid of the Chaos Cauldron bounced open, and Lin Fei suddenly jumped out.

During this day, Lin Fei completed nine refining sacrifices again.

"The effect seems to be good."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, clenching his fists.

The violent blood essence burst out of the body, turning into huge blood-colored dragons, coiling around the body.

The whole body was bright and dazzling, the divine light was blazing, and there was a faint rumbling sound of raging waves.

The essence of life is like a whirlpool, and the clouds are steaming and flying up and down.

Immediately, when Lin Fei moved, all the pores in his body opened, like a whale swallowing sea water, and like a sponge, swallowing all the breathtaking essence around his body, and converging into his body.

At this time, Lin Fei looked inwardly. The flesh and blood, viscera, and bones inside the body were all crystal clear, dust and dirt, like magnificent works of art, brilliant and brilliant.

Between the blood vessels, the blood flowing is as bright as new, rising with sunlight.

Even the surface of the skin is filled with aura.

It can be said that after two times, after cultivating the Immortal Refining Artifact, Lin Fei's body has completely become a humanoid magic weapon.

Lin Fei took out the Wusha blade and slashed it on his right arm.


There was a sharp metal impact, and sparks sputtered.

Lin Fei took a closer look and found that there was no white spot left on the place where the Wu Sha blade cut on his right arm.

Then, Lin Fei raised the Wu Sha blade again, continuously pouring vitality into his body, and slashed again.


There was still a sharp metal crash, sparks splashing.

On the arm, there is still not even a white spot.

"It works well."

Lin Fei put the Wusha blade away and felt quite satisfied.

"Try physical supernatural powers."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei walked out of the cave, and then, slightly on the side of his body, he lashed out with his right foot.


In the next moment, Lin Fei's entire right foot was zoomed infinitely, ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times...

A huge and frightening giant foot kicked into the air, filling the entire sky.

Under the beating of giant feet, the sky was shaking violently.

The wind and clouds changed, the smoke was everywhere, and all the nearby mountains and forests were filled with tornadoes, and the dense forests were blown to whistling and dancing.

A series of dark and faint space cracks constantly appeared, and then they continued to repair themselves.

Then Lin Fei retracted his right foot and returned to normal.


Lin Fei kicked his left foot out again, and the result was the same. His left foot was again infinitely enlarged and turned into a giant foot with infinite power.

"It turns out that this time the sacrifice is to give the feet a supernatural power."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

However, he still didn't get the supernatural powers of the ten-zhang golden arhat.

Lin Fei estimated that his current body might still be unable to head-to-head with the Extreme Immortal Soldiers, at best he could guarantee his immortality.

"It seems that this Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art is still not practiced to the extreme..."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

This time, the physical body has made great progress, but it still hasn't reached the ideal level of the Immortal Refining Artifact.

"It seems that we still need to refining sacrifices again and again to finally have the supernatural powers of a ten-zhang golden body Arhat."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Then, Lin Fei took a big step and left the mountain range.

With the increase in physical strength, Lin Fei's current physical running speed has also been greatly improved, dragging a remnant shadow, which disappeared in a moment.

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