Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1649: Escort the ladder

Lin Fei didn't answer, raised his right foot, and stepped on it again suddenly.

The Mahayana masters of the Judge and the Western Regions roared in unison, and shot at the same time, some of them used martial arts, a little taken out the magic weapon, and at the same time attacked the big foot falling in the air.

Boom boom boom...

Lin Fei was also fierce, constantly lifting his foot and stepping on it, as fast as lightning, a dozen times in a row.

I have to say that using physical power to fight is indeed very simple and direct, fast and straightforward, giving people a sense of invigorating joy.

The planner and the twelve Mahayana masters from the Western Regions roared and resisted.

The twelve Mahayana masters, half of which are planners and half of the Western Regions, usually issue orders to dominate the existence of one side.

However, now he was suppressed by the opponent's big foot.

That feeling is simply awkward.

However, this space cannot fly. Although they knew that Lin Fei's real body was in the air, they could not rush up to deal with Lin Fei.

But Lin Fei, supported by a giant foot, can stand in midair.

If it were in the outside world, these twelve Mahayana masters could fly away and attack from all directions in the sky, and they would not give Lin Fei a big foot, which would be very suppressed.

"Boy, if this is the case, don't blame us, take your life!"

In the fierce battle, a middle-aged man with a short stature and a whole body, like a ball, roared, his feet slammed on the ground, and he bounced off the ground and jumped high into the air.

I have to say that the physical strength of this short, middle-aged man is also very powerful.

call out!

The body of the short middle-aged man jumped into the air, and finally faced Lin Fei.

Just now, all his attacks were blocked by Lin Fei's big foot.

Now, he felt that he could finally attack Lin Fei's body frontally.

"Boy, you are dead!"

The fat short middle-aged man stared at Lin Fei bitterly, and then a diamond cut appeared in his hand, throwing it upwards, and suddenly enlarged.

The diamond is brilliant, silvery white is brilliant, it is made of some metal, it is very brilliant, and it circulates various mysterious runes.

Lin Fei could see at a glance that this diamond diamond was a powerful magic weapon, and its level was no worse than that of Usha's blade.


The fat short middle-aged man sneered, and reached out his hand to point at the diamond.


Jingangzhuo trembled and quickly turned around, exuding bursts of mighty power, rushing towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, his left arm suddenly enlarged infinitely and turned into a giant arm, as thick as a dragon, the giant arm stretched out, and easily wiped out all the coercion and runes of the diamond, and collected it into the space ring. in.

Then, like lightning, he punched the fat short middle-aged man.

This fist was too big, and the speed was too fast, it was almost full of half of the sky, and the short, fat middle-aged man was frightened and angry.

His body glowed abruptly, and the vitality in his body continuously rushed out to protect the body. Moreover, his body faintly appeared a phantom of the Buddha.

However, all is to no avail.


A huge fist like a small hill hit his body.


The body of the fat short middle-aged man exploded in mid-air.

"Deacon Feng, quickly lead everyone up the stone ladder.

I will break it for you. "

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to one of the deacons in Cangyan Holy Land, Deacon Feng.

Deacon Feng is looking at the shocking scene before him in a daze.

Suddenly received Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission in the sea of ​​knowledge, his body was shocked, and he stared at the majestic Lin Fei in mid-air with unbelievable eyes.

"Deacon Feng, this is Lin Fei, but don't divulge my identity now."

Lin Fei quickly sent the transmission again.

Finally, Deacon Feng finally reacted.

"Go, let's go up."

Deacon Feng greeted the other people in the Cangyan Holy Land, took the lead and rushed up to the stone ladder next to him.

When the rest of Cangyan Holy Land saw this, they followed him one after another and rushed towards the stone ladder.

"Don't think about it, stop them!"

The black-clothed middle-aged man headed by Ji Jia immediately roared.

Suddenly, the planners and the Western Regions sects rushed over again, trying to intercept them.

However, a giant foot that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky again.

Bang bang bang...

Fifty or sixty people from the Jijia and the Western Regions were trampled to death again.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in Cangyan Holy Land rushed up the stone ladder and climbed up.

However, the planners and the Western Regions were all intercepted.

"Roar, **** it!"

"Kill the kid!"

Whether it is a planner or a person from the Western Regions, they are all going violently, and they can't wait to shatter the corpse of the guy in the air.

"Hmph, a group of grasshoppers, what can you do to jump around."

Lin Fei's voice came from midair.


Boom boom boom boom...

This time, not one giant foot, but two giant feet, like two small mountain peaks, descending from the sky in turn, as fast as lightning, surging with divine power, stepping on the planners and the Western Regions.


In a moment, five more Mahayana masters from the Jijia and Western Regions were trampled to death.

A large number of people below the Hinayana realm strength were trampled to death.

"Run, run away, if this continues, we will all die!"

Finally, the black-clothed middle-aged man headed by the Ji family waved his hand and took the rest of the family and fled in embarrassment.

As soon as the planners fled, the people of the Western Regions, no matter where they dared to stay alone, immediately followed the fart and fled into the distance.

"Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to help the people in the Cangyan Holy Land by targeting our Eastern Territory Planner in this way."

In the distance, the black-clothed middle-aged man headed by the Ji family turned his head, looked at Lin Fei bitterly, and asked with cold eyes.

"Hey, there is no reason, I just can't understand your family planning. I want to teach you a lesson."

Lin Fei naturally would not reveal his true identity.

"Very well, there will be a chance in the future, and the Eastern Region Planner will repay you for what you did today."

The black-clothed middle-aged man from the family planner said coldly, and then, daring not to stay any longer, he took the family planner and went away without looking back.

Lin Fei glanced around, looking at another stone staircase.

Beside the stone ladder, there was also a crowd full of people, and a fierce battle for ascending was erupting.

Four or five sects fight each, and no one is willing to give in.

Among these four or five sects, Lin Fei saw the people from Luohai Trading Company and the men of Dakou Xiao Yi.

So Lin Fei moved and rushed over.


It is still a huge foot like a hill, falling from the sky, with infinite power.

Bang bang bang...

A large number of people were swept out by this giant foot.

These sects have no grudges against Lin Fei, so Lin Fei didn't kill them, but kicked them out directly.

"You go up."

Lin Fei said to Luohai Commercial Bank and Dakou Xiaoyi's people.

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