Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1654: Co-attack


I offer your sister's treasure.

You guy, really narcissistic, really think that what kind of ghost formation you have, can you help me? "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing wildly.

Looking at the purple-clothed youth standing high, as if giving orders, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel funny and furious.

"what?! are all right...!


Obviously there is a lot of blood sand that hits your body, how could it be all right! "

The purple-clothed youth was completely stunned all of a sudden, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

Even if it is a master of the cave sky, if the body is hit by those blood sands, it will be difficult to escape bad luck, either death or disability.

However, he had heard clearly just now that there was a lot of blood sand hitting the boy's body in front of him.

Why, the other party has nothing to do?

The purple-clothed youth couldn't believe it anyway.

He didn't know that Lin Fei had completed two sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art. The hardness of his body was beyond imagination.

It can be said that Lin Fei's body is completely a humanoid magic weapon. Unless he encounters a real master or encounters an immortal soldier, it is difficult to damage Lin Fei's body with ordinary attacks.

The **** sand just now, although every grain is a powerful magic weapon carefully refined, but it can't hurt Lin Fei.

The hit on Lin Fei's body was all bounced off by Lin Fei's body, but Lin Fei's body was not even scratched at all.

"This kid is okay?"

In the main hall, the rest of the people were also stunned, looking at Lin Fei who was laughing, and finally understood that this kid in front of him was nothing.

It is ridiculous that they have just started discussing how to divide his treasures.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, the divine consciousness Xiaoding rushed out and attacked the purple-clothed youth's consciousness.

At the same time, both arms skyrocketed at the same time, infinitely magnifying, like two big violent flood dragons, surrounded by long dragons of vitality and blood, igniting an illusory fire, soaring and burning, with amazing aura.


The two giant arms swept towards the purple-clothed youth, aggressive, wild and domineering.

The purple-clothed youth was in the inconceivable, in a hurry, his palms glowed, blocking his chest.


The two bumped into each other, making a deafening noise.

The figure of the purple-clothed youth withdrew, the blood surging in his body, it was difficult to suppress, and there was blood oozing out at the corner of his mouth.

He suffered in a hurry.

"court death!"

The purple-clothed youth was completely furious, his body was full of purple light, his black hair had already been shaken away, he draped down, raised his head and screamed, the sound wave thunderous, shaking some weak people around him.

Then, he displayed the Divine Phoenix Fist again, and the entire fist burst into a dazzling purple light, like a round of purple sun falling, slamming on Lin Fei.

The Divine Phoenix Fist is a kind of terrifying martial skill treasured in the Suzaku Academy. Many students at the Suzaku Academy have cultivated this kind of martial skill, but there are not many people who can truly achieve success in their cultivation and display its powerful power.

And this purple-clothed youth obviously had achieved initial success in his initial cultivation, an illusory phoenix wandering in the void, from time to time it made high-pitched phoenix roars, a wave of terrifying vitality, and crushed it towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei waved two thick dragon-like arms, surrounded by long dragons of vitality and blood. His whole body was burning with divine light, and the endless divine power shook the entire space constantly.

Boom boom boom...

The two constantly displayed various tricks, bursting out powerful attacks and terrifying battle shock waves, shaking the entire hall rumblingly.

In the fierce fight, both sides refused to back down and attacked with an indomitable momentum, trying to kill each other alive.

The purple-clothed youth, in the Suzaku Academy, is a very famous young genius. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. Unexpectedly, today an unknown young man from the other four states can fight him fiercely. degree.

Makes his face very ugly.

"Everyone, join forces to kill this rubbish.

We don't have much time to spend on him. "

Suddenly, the Saint Child of the Cleansing Sect said in a cold voice, the golden halberd in his hand began to explode.

"Yes, there must be very precious treasures in this hall, or some kind of great opportunity, we can't waste too much time on this kid.

Everyone shot together, slashed together, and evenly divided the treasures in his body.

Anyway, all the treasures on his body were obtained by dirty means, and we should divide them equally. "

The Profound Prison Sect Saint also stepped forward and pushed towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, the rest of the powerhouses also started to act one after another, pushing towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was secretly vigilant.

These people in front of them are all the elite disciples of those ancient big sects in Central Saint State, or the four major academies. They are powerful and terrifying.

It would be a little troublesome for these strong men to attack themselves at the same time.

However, Lin Fei was not afraid, because there was still a lot of sea water buried in the Xianhai in the swallowing gourd.

This is one of Lin Fei's best hole cards.

Moreover, in addition to this kind of hole cards, Lin Fei has other powerful hole cards.

"is it you?"

At this moment, Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge suddenly received a clear and sweet voice from a woman.

Lin Fei looked at a corner of the main hall where a large group of beautiful women were standing in that corner. All these women were disciples of the Moon Palace.

One of them is Wang Chan.

With a pair of beautiful eyes, Wang Chan stared at Lin Fei closely, full of worry.

Lin Fei's heart moved, knowing that Wang Chan had already recognized himself.

Because, Wang Chan knew that he had sea water to bury Xianhai.

"Are you Lin Fei?"

Suddenly Wang Chan spread the voice again.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile. This woman felt a little scary.

I doubted my true identity a long time ago.

"You rushed towards me, and then you took me as a hostage and threatened our Moon Hall people.

The men and horses of our Moon Palace will not harm me.

At that time, my seniors and sisters will be forced to protect you from leaving. "

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't answer, Wang Chan gritted his teeth secretly and sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel very grateful.

"No, this is too wrong to you.

They want to kill me, it's not that easy. "

Lin Fei sent a message to Wang Chan.

Suddenly, the vague and vague meaning of the Great Avenue in the main hall disappeared.

Then, the voices of chanting scriptures very clearly sounded.

It's as if there are hundreds of powerful seniors who are teaching Buddhist scriptures at the same time.

At the same time, everyone was surprised to find that on the surrounding walls, the dense runes and ancient texts started to glow and dazzle.

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