Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1656: Aspirational

At the moment when everyone was surprised.

Lin Fei was in the shape of electricity and snatched it from the golden futon.

"court death!"

In fact, most of the attention of the other dozen or so strong men is on the golden futon, where they are willing to let Lin Fei succeed.


The war halberd in the hands of the dust-free sage completely ignited, and the violent golden light set off the entire space into a golden world, and blasted towards Lin Fei.


The Profound Prison Sect Saint Child blasted out with a palm, and while the mighty Yuan force rolled, a time force penetrated towards Lin Fei.

call out!

A round of bright moon, sprinkled all kinds of clear brilliance, from a high altitude, swiftly revolving towards Lin Fei, it was the saint of the moon hall who was making the shot.

The rest of the powerhouses also made moves instantly, rushing towards Lin Fei one after another.

More than a dozen strong men shot at the same time, even if Lin Fei's combat power was very strong, he was secretly surprised.

Outnumbered, Lin Fei's figure had to withdraw backwards.

Boom boom boom...

Those strong men didn't chase Lin Fei, they stepped forward to **** the golden futon.


I finally grabbed a futon. "

Suddenly, not far away, an ecstatic laughter sounded.

When everyone looked around, they saw a short and fat young man who finally sat cross-legged on a purple futon after a fierce battle.

"Don't think about it!"

"Go away!"

However, in the next moment, the face of this short and fat young man changed.

Because, his **** just sat on the purple futon, and there were dozens of people around him attacking him at the same time.

This short, fat young man was so frightened that he had no choice but to give up temporarily, just thinking of the time he got up to dodge.



Dense purple rays of light rose to the sky from the futon under his ass, protecting his entire body.

At the same time, a terrifying force of power burst out and spread to all directions.

Bang bang bang...

Therefore, the people who planned to attack this short and fat young man, one after another like being struck by lightning, fluttered backward.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

The fat young man himself was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed ecstatically.



It turns out that these futons, once they successfully sit on. You will be protected from attacks by others.

Hmph, if you are not convinced, just attack. "

The short, fat young man's mouth couldn't keep up with a smile, and then he began to comprehend, and stopped paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The rest of the people suddenly realized that once they successfully sat on these futons, they would be protected.

While everyone envied the short and fat young man, they were also fighting harder for the remaining futons.

"It turns out that once you sit on it, others can't attack."

Lin Fei also saw the scene just now, and said secretly in his heart.

"In this case……"

Lin Fei made a decision instantly.

Immediately explain the situation to Princess Peacock and Xiao Yuanshan in the slave tower so that they can be prepared.

So, Lin Fei flashed and rushed to a purple futon.

"All away!"

Lin Fei's two huge arms swept violently, like a dragon going out to sea, releasing his rolling supernatural power.

Bang bang bang...

A dozen warriors who were vying for the purple futon were caught off guard and were swept by the two giant arms attacking from behind, throwing them away.

With a move, Lin Fei teleported Princess Peacock from the slave tower and directly sat on the purple futon.

The Peacock Princess already knew what was going on, so she sat down directly on the futon, cross-legged, and began to comprehend.

Without looking back, Lin Fei rushed to another purple futon, raised his hand, five different colors of Baizhang Jianqi, slashed the past, then punched and kicked, ping-pong, and hit all the people next to the futon. Retreat.

In the next moment, Xiao Yuanshan was directly teleported out of the slave tower, sitting on the purple futon.

"Haha, brother Lin Fei, thank you!

Damn, sitting on this ghost futon, can you really get the inheritance of ancient martial arts? "

Xiao Yuanshan just received Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission, and he also knew what had happened. At this moment, he successfully sat on the futon and couldn't help being very happy. He laughed and asked Lin Fei.

"Don't waste time, concentrate on comprehension."

Lin Fei furrowed his brows, and replied grimly.

Many people were not reconciled and stepped forward to attack Princess Peacock and Xiao Yuanshan, but the purple futon beneath them glowed at the same time, blasting all those who stepped forward to attack.

At this time, Lin Fei took out the Chaos Cauldron, and the Sky Swallowing Gourd, and rushed to the position of the golden futon.

Beside that golden futon, more than a dozen strong men are still fighting fiercely.

These dozens of powerhouses are all the most powerful people in this hall, and all of them are proud and arrogant people.

At this time, no one would give in, vowing to sit on the golden futon.

Because everyone knows that as long as you can sit on this golden futon, you will gain the greatest reward.

"Damn, this golden futon must be snatched over."

Lin Fei is also determined to win this golden futon.

In an instant, Lin Fei rushed to the front, the Sky-Swallowing Gourd in his hand flicked, and streams of black water flew towards the dozen or so strong.

The terrible breath of death instantly filled the entire space.

"The sea of ​​the sea of ​​burying immortals!"

A strong man exclaimed.

Suddenly, everyone was startled and angry, and they hated Lin Fei.

However, in desperation, more than a dozen strong men chose to dodge first.

Because these are the sea water that buried the Xianhai, and the warriors in the cave world didn't dare to get infected.

As everyone evaded, Lin Fei was in the shape of electricity, and he had already grabbed the golden futon.

"Let's work together to kill this **** first!"

The Son of Wuchen sent angrily.

"Yes, make a quick move and kill this kid first!"

"Quickly stop him! He is going to sit on it!"

The rest of the powerhouses, one by one agreed with the words of the Saint Son of the Cleansing School, and they roared.

Boom boom boom...

In the next moment, while evading, the dozens of strong men quickly shot, displaying various powerful attacks and blasting towards Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei just wanted to jump on the golden futon.

However, more than a dozen terrifying attacks have already tore through the space and attacked his side.

Each of these dozens of powerhouses is extremely powerful, and they all cultivate terrifying martial arts.

No matter which one, the combat effectiveness is not below Lin Fei.

A dozen terrifying attacks were terrifyingly fast, shaking the space in which Lin Fei's body was located, and it seemed that it was about to collapse. A series of small spatial cracks continued to appear, spreading in the void.

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