Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1658: Shocking battle

This turned out to be a giant dragon standing upright. The head of the giant dragon towered into the clouds, and it was impossible to see it. The thick and unbelievable dragon body was hovering fast and powerful.

On the dragon's body, a piece of huge green-gold dragon scales shone with a cold, strange metallic luster.


The loud noise came from the clouds above the sky.

The dragon seemed to be fighting fiercely with someone.

The entire sky and the earth were shaking violently, and the aftermath of the battle made Lin Fei feel the creeps.


Suddenly, a pitch-black bird swooped down from the high-altitude clouds, waving a pair of giant wings hanging from the sky, no one knows how many 10,000 meters long.

The pitch-black giant bird, screaming up to the sky, was flying at extreme speed, constantly flapping its wings, and blowing up terrible winds. On the ground below, there were so many peaks, like paper, that were blown off the ground. Fly up, blast into pieces in mid-air.

The overwhelming black light swept out of his body, and the black light filled the place, as if even the light was covered.

"What is the origin of this giant bird?!"

Lin Fei was extremely shocked.

Lin Fei had no doubt that he was too weak to speak in front of this black bird. It is estimated that the other party's breath would be enough to wipe out himself.


The virtual space was shaking and collapsing continuously, and the dragon also rushed down from the sky, chasing and killing the black giant bird.

Lin Fei finally saw the dragon's head clearly.

The ferocious dragon head, crowded the entire high sky, a pair of huge golden horns, shaped like antlers, two long eyes, like two deep lakes, those terrifying dragon breaths, erupting from the dragon’s mouth, constantly The void tears.


The dragon, and the black giant bird, once again violently tore together.

They were fighting in the clouds in the sky just now, Lin Fei couldn't see them.

But now, it was above the ground, torn back and forth, and the entire battle scene was very clearly presented in front of Lin Fei.

That pitch-black giant bird kept flapping its wings in the sky, and every time it lifted the endless peaks above the earth, it seemed that it could easily tear the whole piece apart.

Moreover, in the beak, a sea of ​​black fire was constantly spraying out, and the terrible high temperature made the world become hot, and the void was continuously burned to collapse and shattered.

And the giant dragon is more powerful, four dragon claws, every time they are caught, they cover the sun and the moon, the purple qi is inexhaustible, and the strong divine pressure exudes, forcing the black giant bird to continuously retreat ,flee.


The dragon and the black giant bird were torn and killed fiercely. Every big collision between the two sides sent out waves of divine power, and the void exploded to pieces!

When Lin Fei first started, he was a little worried that the aftermath of the terrifying fighting energy would hurt him. He planned to flee far away, and then watch again.

But, soon, Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that when the aftermath of the fighting energy rushed in front of him, his body did not feel at all, and was not affected at all.

Even, once, the pitch-black giant bird suddenly fled towards Lin Fei's position.

Lin Fei was so scared that he turned and fled.

Because Lin Fei understood that facing a master of this level, people just exuded some energy coercion, and he couldn't stand it.

However, the pitch-black giant bird was too fast. As soon as Lin Fei turned around, it rushed past Lin Fei's side.

A huge jet black wing swept across Lin Fei.

However, that giant wing looked like an illusion, sweeping on Lin Fei's body, without any feeling, like air.

Then, the pitch black giant bird flew past Lin Fei's body.

Then, before Lin Fei had time to think, the dragon also caught up, and the suffocating dragon's body slammed directly into Lin Fei's body.

Then, as if passing through the air, he rushed over in an instant, chasing and killing the black giant bird in the distance.


For a while, Lin Fei was completely stunned.

The bodies of those two giants actually penetrated directly above their own bodies, without any feeling at all.

Could it be that all I saw were fake?

Just some imaginary images?

Lin Fei felt that his thinking was completely messed up.

At this time, the battle between the dragon and the black giant bird continued.

The sky is falling apart, the ghosts are crying and howling, this land seems to be bursting to pieces, and great destruction is about to happen.

The void is constantly collapsing, as if the world is dying, there are black cracks everywhere, and the aura of the chaotic void rushes out frantically from the gap.

The battle between the two strong men was terrible, it seemed that the end of the world had come.

After discovering that the battle between these two strong men couldn't hurt him, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and showed his body, closely following the figures of these two strong men, and engaged in a terrifying fierce battle to observe them at close range.

This is a rare learning opportunity.

Lin Fei discovered that these two powerhouses, in every move, every attack, every defense, are indistinguishable from a certain way of heaven and earth, and they seem to be vividly explaining a certain original law.

It seems to be a random blow, but it is the most mysterious, showing the world.

It was very good for Lin Fei to watch the battle between two peerless powerhouses at close range.

Not long ago, Lin Fei used to be in a bamboo forest, comprehending the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and the Law of Origin. He benefited a lot and gained a preliminary understanding of the Law of Origin.

Now, before the eyes, the fierce battle between these two peerless powerhouses is a live demonstration of the laws and order of the heaven and earth.

After a long time.


The pitch-black giant bird was swept by the dragon's claws, spurting blood continuously, and blood filled the sky, like a rainstorm, falling down, staining the endless earth, and cracks appeared on its bird body, making it startled and angry.


The pitch-black giant bird rushed towards the dragon, the two collided, the horrible energy surged, the blood burst, and the world was shattered!

This kind of duel was too amazing and too tragic.

The dark feathers fell and fluttered, and blood was splashing everywhere.

The black giant bird flew upside down, a pair of wings seemed to be broken, and it was difficult to lift it up.


The dragon was chasing after victory, and the dragon's claws shimmering with cold metal luster made a stroke.

The body of the black giant bird was completely scratched to pieces, and the bones in the body crackled, I don't know how many pieces were broken.

Its body was almost split in half.

Then, the black giant bird dragged its broken body and fleeed away.


The dragon looked up to the sky and roared.

Lin Fei also showed his starting method and tried his best to follow.

This battle is about to end, Lin Fei wants to see the ending with his own eyes.

Finally, the dragon caught up with the black giant bird.

The pitch-black giant bird, desperately dying, burned the essence and blood of life, and the pitch-black blood shrouded the whole world.

In the end, a powerful dragon claw directly blasted the black giant bird's head to pieces.

A peerless strong man fell like this.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, Lin Fei discovered that the giant dragon suddenly changed. The dragon body kept shrinking and changing, and finally turned into a middle-aged man in a golden robe.

"Now, I will teach you the secret of the true dragon."

The middle-aged man in the golden robe said to Lin Fei slowly without anger.

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