Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1669: Wang Chan's visit

"You were in the realm of Falling Immortal, and you actually got three Extreme Immortal Soldiers!"

Elder Nie was surprised and excited.

In the Eastern Region, the Extreme Immortal Soldier represents the most powerful magic weapon.

The three sacred places and the three aristocratic families all just possessed an extremely immortal soldier as one of the most important strengths.

However, Lin Fei immediately took out three extremely immortal soldiers. It is estimated that any Eastern Region martial artist will be shocked to speak when they see it.

"It seems that you are in the realm of Falling Immortal, and the harvest is really good."

After being shocked for a while, Elder Nie came back to his senses and said with a smile.

"It's pretty good, I got these three extreme immortal soldiers in the city of immortal burial.

Leave it to Elder Nie for safekeeping and use it to protect our Cangyan Holy Land. "

Lin Fei said.

Elder Nie couldn't help but feel relieved secretly.

Generally speaking, every sect, the upper level of the sect, will not interfere with and interfere with the opportunities of the disciples in the sect.

Lin Fei got these three extreme immortal soldiers, if they didn't take the initiative to speak out, no one would know.

And now, Lin Fei not only took the initiative to speak out, but also took the initiative to hand it over to the school.

Elder Nie's heart was very moved, and he looked at Lin Fei even more.

"How about this.

I will accept two, and you will keep one for yourself.

With your qualifications, Ken [Biquga] will definitely be able to break through to the cave world.

As long as you break through to the cave world, you can truly exert the power of the extreme immortal soldiers.

You left one as a weapon after you broke through to the cave world.

Our Cangyan Holy Land originally had one Extreme Dao Immortal Soldier, but now there are two more, which is enough as the foundation of the school. "

Elder Nie said.

"That's good, just follow Elder Nie's idea."

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded.

Then, Lin Fei returned to his mountain peak, preparing to retreat and practice several martial arts.

In that fairy world, Lin Fei obtained several martial arts.

Among them, from a young master of the Western Regions, he obtained a sonic martial art called Liuzi Mantra, with a total of six sounds.

The power of this six-character mantra is terrifying. It is said that when you truly cultivate to a high and deep place, the sky will burst and the earth will fall with a roar.

Also, in that icy and snowy world, Lin Fei met the beautiful woman who claimed to be the uncle of the master, and also presented Lin Fei with three martial arts, said to be several martial arts commonly used by the previous master of the Sun Jinjing.

Lin Fei has already looked through the three martial arts a bit, and found that they are all masculine and domineering primordial martial arts. If they are used in conjunction with the Sun Golden Sutra, the effect should be very good.

Lin Fei planned to spend a while to cultivate all four martial arts.

Because these four martial arts are very powerful.

Now, Lin Fei's physical cultivation has temporarily reached a state of bottleneck.

Unless you can get a large amount of Tao medicines of rank 6 or higher, and some other precious treasures of heaven and earth, you can refining the Immortal Refining Artifacts and the Golden Body Secret Art for several times and estimating the physical strength and quality of your body will improve again.

And now, Lin Fei intends to improve his strength first in the realm of vitality and vitality martial arts.

However, just when Lin Fei was about to retreat to practice, his expression suddenly moved.

After a while, a figure came to Lin Fei's small peak.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Luo."

Lin Fei smiled and greeted him.

The person here is Luo Hui.

"Junior Brother Lin, outside the headquarters, a woman came to see you. She said her name was Wang Chan."

Luo Hui said as soon as he saw Lin Fei.

Wang Chan? !

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"It seems that she really saw through my identity.

Moreover, she actually knew about my Cangyan Holy Land in the Eastern Territory. It seems that she must have spent a lot of effort investigating me. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Could it be that she did this to personally thank me for saving my life?"

Lin Fei secretly guessed.

After all, Lin Fei knew that when he was in Yuanwu Realm, there was not much friendship between himself and Wang Chan. It could even be said that it was a hostile relationship.

Therefore, even if Wang Chan recognized his true identity, he probably wouldn't come to Cangyan Holy Land to look for himself.

However, women's minds, sometimes, are really hard to guess.

Now that the matter is over, it is naturally impossible for Lin Fei to go out to see Wang Chan.

So Lin Fei let Luo Hui lead the way.

Outside the gatehouse of the Cangyan Holy Land, standing a beautiful woman in white clothes and snow, skin like mutton fat and white jade, beautiful appearance and classical temperament is Wang Chan.

Suddenly, Wang Chan's gaze tightly looked at a young man who was walking out inside the gatehouse of Cangyan Holy Land.

This young man is naturally Lin Fei.

"Sure enough it is him!"

Although it was already certain, now, as soon as he saw Lin Fei, Wang Chan couldn't help but stare at Lin Fei with beautiful eyes for a long time, unable to move away.

After she came to the Saint Venerable Continent, she had experienced a very difficult period. At that time, in this unaccompanied strange world, she missed everything in the Yuan Wu Realm, including people, things, and things.

Fortunately, I later met an elder from the Moon Palace in Zhongshengzhou, followed that elder and went to the Moon Palace. Finally, he was recognized for his aptitude and became one of the most important core disciples of the Moon Palace.

However, now suddenly, I saw an old friend from Yuan Wujie again. In Wang Chan's heart, that kind of yearning for Yuan Wujie was suddenly hooked up again.

Quietly, even the corners of her eyes were slightly moistened.

"You... are all okay?"

Wang Chan couldn't help muttering to herself, her voice so soft that only she could hear it.

She was thinking of her past relatives, friends, teachers, and fellow students in Yuanwu Realm.


At this time, Lin Fei came out in his true face. Since Wang Chan already knew his true identity, there was no need to hide anything.

However, seeing Wang Chan again, Lin Fei didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, in the world of falling immortals, the two have been together for a long time, but they get along as strangers.

"Why do you hide your identity from me in the world of falling immortals."

The two of them were speechless. For a long while, Wang Chan glanced across Lin Fei's beautiful eyes, and asked in anger.

"Ahem..., this..."

Lin Fei was also embarrassed and did not know how to answer.

"Forget it, don't talk about it.

The purpose of my coming this time is to inform you that you can find a place to hide.

You have offended a lot of the elite disciples of Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges in the world of falling immortals. Now your true identity has been investigated.

They are preparing to unite their forces to come to Cangyan Holy Land to find you and ask your guilt.

Many people are worried about the treasures you got in Luoxianjie.

Also, you killed Elder Hua of the Cleansing Sect and many disciples, and you also killed the disciples of other sects and the four major colleges in Zhongsheng State, so they would not give up easily.

Although your strength is good, they have a lot of people, and they also moved a lot of masters of the older generation, planning to come to Cangyan Holy Land together to settle accounts with you.

You better hide. "

Wang Chan said, with an anxious expression on his face.

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