Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1683: Coming war

"I'm just an ordinary old man who is unknown, probably not many people know me.

People usually call me the old man Fang. "

The old man with half-white hair and beard smiled and said, his smile looked very kind.

"It turned out to be Brother Fang, so lucky to meet."

The elder Chu said in a loud voice, but at this time, he was still remembering in his mind.

But he still couldn't remember, in this Saint Venerable Continent, when would there be such a master with the ability to transform the fairyland.

"This young man has a destiny with me. Can this elder give me a face and not embarrass him."

The old man with half-white beard and hair slowly said to the elder Chu, his face was extremely flat, Gu Jing was waveless.

"Brother Fang doesn't know that this young man, with an arrogant, cunning and treacherous character, is robbing others of treasures and opportunities.

Moreover, he was cruel and bloodthirsty, and committed a serious murder, among other things, my Cleansing faction alone had an elder and hundreds of disciples who died in his hands.

If you don't kill him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to explain to Zhongshengzhou and the four colleges.

Brother Fang is also asked not to interfere in this matter. "

The elder Chu's face was uncertain, thought a little, and said in a loud voice, his attitude was still very tough.

Although he knew that the old man with half-white beard and hair in front of him was a great ability to transform the fairyland, but he himself, also the strength of the fairyland, could not retreat because of a word from the other party.

"Hehe, in fact, I know a little about what you said.

I think you are a little bit extreme. Such a statement is unfair to this young man.

Numerous warriors entered the world of falling immortals, naturally relying on luck and ability. All treasures and opportunities are obtained by those who are predestined, but there is no saying that who robs the other.

As for the murder, casualties are unavoidable in the trials and competition between warriors. Just ask the people present, who has not killed anyone.

Every warrior's growth must experience this cruel competition, which is nothing more than normal.

Alas, the experience and competition among young people, we old men, why bother to interfere. "

The old man beside Lin Fei said that his tone was still very plain.

"Brother Fang, do you have to intervene in this matter?"

Elder Chu's face was already a little gloomy, and his tone began to become severe.

"Haha, yes, this young man, indeed has some fate with me.

If he was killed in a competition with younger generations of young people, I would definitely not interfere.

However, if it is a senior expert like the elder, who wants to interfere arbitrarily and strangle him.

I will never sit idly by. "

The old man with white beard and hair said with a faint smile.

"Brother Fang, your attitude makes me very embarrassed.

You also heard that this young man already has a lot of resentment towards me. Today, I must not keep him. "

The tone of the elder Chu also began to become cold.

If it is not necessary, he definitely doesn't want to offend a great power of paradise, because this will bring great disasters.

However, he also had the mentality of killing Lin Fei.

"Hehe, there is no way."

The old man with white beard and hair shook his head.

"In this case, I'll come to learn the tricks of my brother."

Said the elder Chu.

Obviously, the two great powers of the fairyland have fallen apart and are ready to do it.

All the other people around were both excited and faintly afraid.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are such masters in the Eastern Region. It's a blessing to meet him."

At this moment, suddenly, a tall old man suddenly appeared, with sharp eyes, staring at the old man beside Lin Fei.

"Old man Gao, you are here too."

The elder Chu was overjoyed.

"It's Dean Gao, haha, Dean Gao is here."

Suddenly, among the four colleges, the students of the White Tiger Academy cheered one by one.

"It's the vice-president of White Tiger Academy!"

The people in Zhongshengzhou and the other three colleges are also very happy.

It turned out that this tall old man who suddenly appeared was a deputy dean of the White Tiger Academy, and also a great power to transform the strength of the fairyland.

"Dean Gao, you must not let this Lin Fei go. He killed a lot of our White Tiger Academy students in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

"Yes, this Lin Fei was in the realm of Falling Immortal Realm and attracted Thunder Monster, killing a dozen students in our White Tiger Academy. He must pay this blood debt."

"Also, he grabbed the golden futon in the inheritance hall. He must have obtained a very powerful martial arts inheritance. He must be handed over."

The students of the White Tiger Academy gathered around the Dean Gao and said in a loud voice.

The rest of the people around, especially those warriors of the Eastern Region, were shocked to the extreme.

In normal times, the great power of the fairyland is just the legendary, high-ranking senior, equivalent to the existence of a fairy.

However, today, here is all of a sudden, three great powers of the fairyland appeared.

Things are a bit dreamy, so much so that many warriors are wondering if they are dreaming now.

"Heh, old man Gao, you probably already know what happened just now.

What is your attitude? Should this young man named Lin Fei keep him? "

The elder Chu of the dust-free school said to the dean of the White Tiger Academy.

"Yes, I know what happened just now.

This young man is too murderous and has an arrogant character. I think he should do what Brother Chu wants and cannot keep him. "

The High Dean of the White Tiger Academy said coldly.

"Hahaha, that's good, since Brother Gao agrees, it's easy to handle."

The elder Chu of the dust-free school laughed.

"Brother Fang, this is the end of the matter, I advise you not to interfere in this matter."

Elder Chu looked at the old man beside Lin Fei with sharp eyes.

"You can't move this young man."

The old man beside Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"Huh, since that's the case, there is nothing to say."

The elder Chu of the dust-free faction gave a cold snort, took a step forward, and was about to make a move.

The Dean Gao of the White Tiger Academy also had cold eyes, moving slightly, approaching Lin Fei.

Three great powers in the fairyland are about to start!

It is conceivable that once the three great powers of the fairyland really fight, it must be a earth-shattering battle.

Of course, everyone was optimistic about the elder Chu and Dean Gao, but felt that the elder next to Lin Fei would lose.

After all, two-to-one is naturally the one with the larger number of people and the odds of winning are higher.

Lin Fei was also secretly worried.

"Master, let me come out."

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly received Lu Qi's transmission.

"Senior Lu, what do you want to do."

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Of course to stop this war.

Once these three transforming wonderland great abilities are fought, regardless of victory or defeat, the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land will definitely be completely destroyed.

Even this land within 100,000 miles is estimated to be completely in ruins in the future.

Therefore, they cannot be allowed to fight. "

Lu Qi said.

"But, Senior Lu, you are just a master of the Heavenly Caverns, how can you stop them?"

Lin Fei asked helplessly.

"Hehe, I don't have this strength. But you can."

Lu Qi said.

"I can?!"

Lin Fei heard Lu Qi's words, and all of a sudden, he was completely stunned.

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