Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1687: Nine thunders

"Okay, I promise you!"

Ji Donglai glared at Lin Fei.

"Huh, rubbish, don't delay time, let's fight!

Fight with me, you will die!

There is no chance to gamble with Ji Donglai anymore.

So, don't waste your time there. "

Seeing that Lin Fei was actually bargaining with Ji Donglai, the Saint Son of the Wuchen sent out into a rage. He couldn't help it anymore and screamed.

"Well, since you are in such a hurry to die, I will fulfill you!"

Lin Fei looked very simple at this time, moved forward and walked out.

"Lin Fei, you have to think clearly, the other party is after all the saint son of an ancient great church in Zhongshengzhou..."

Elder Nie suddenly said to Lin Fei.

"It's okay, Elder Nie can rest assured, as for him, I haven't taken it to heart yet."

Lin Fei knew that Elder Nie was worried about him, smiled at Elder Nie and said.

In the Fallen Immortal Realm, Lin Fei had already fought against the Saint Child of the Wuchen Sect, and knew a little about his strength.

The Saint Child of the Cleansing Sect is the strength of the Intermediate Mahayana Stage, but his combat power is much more powerful than the ordinary High Mahayana Stage.

His aptitude and talent are quite powerful.

However, Lin Fei felt that he would not lose.

"Well, be careful."

Elder Nie knew a little about Lin Fei's character, and knew that Lin Fei had decided, so he did not persuade him.

What's more, as a young warrior, if you want to grow up, you always have to experience competition and fighting of this kind, even if you really die because of this, there is no way.

The world of warriors was originally a cruel world full of blood.

"Hahaha, rubbish, take your life!"

The Son of the Cleansing School laughed wildly.


A golden halberd appeared in his hand.

With a movement of his body, he rushed directly into the sky, reaching above the clouds, and then condescending, like a meteorite outside the sky, from the sky, rushing down Lin Fei below.

The golden light of the golden war halberd bloomed, too bright, illuminating the entire space, and slashed towards Lin Fei below.

This slender son of the Dust-Free School is now glowing, black hair is scattered, and his eyes are sharp, as if the **** of war was born, extremely powerful.

The golden glow of the war halberd is dazzling, and accompanied by the terrible energy pressure, I can't wait to smash Lin Fei immediately.

This space was shaking, whimpering, and seemed overwhelmed.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei said with a cold smile, calmly raised his head and looked up at the Saint Child of the Cleansing School that seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Then the right palm slammed upwards, and the endless turbulent golden vitality burst out, instantly forming a giant palm burning with raging fire, covering a large area of ​​several acres.

Chi Yan vacated and burned for nine days!

This was Lin Fei's palm of the great sun that had just successfully practiced not long ago.

It was one of the three martial arts given to Lin Fei by the beautiful woman who claimed to be a master uncle in the world of falling immortals, in the ice and snow.

This kind of palm of the great scorching sun is used in conjunction with the light golden vitality cultivated by the Sun Golden Sutra, and it is very powerful.


The huge fire palm violently collided with the golden war halberd, and the center of the violent energy wave impact exploded. The flames were overwhelming, the golden glow was dazzling, and the void was shaking violently, as if about to collapse.

The exploding fierce fire and the dazzling golden light completely submerged the figures of the two fighting people.

People in all directions, with a slightly weaker cultivation base, can't see the two of them at all with the naked eye, and can only perceive them with the power of divine consciousness.

This type of big showdown is completely a head-to-head style of play, it broke out too strong!

When the violent energy fluctuations calmed down, the brilliance faded, and the Son of the Cleansing Sect stood in the void, looking down below, fiercely billowing.

However, underneath, Lin Fei stood there, unmoved, without the slightest damage, standing there well, never shocked.

"Holy Son, don't show mercy, just kill the trash!"

"Trash, you are dead, Saint Son, kill him soon!"

Those disciples of the Wuchen Sect yelled one after another in solidarity with the Saint Son of the Wuchen Sect.

"Huh, kid, it was just a little warm-up just now, and then, my real killer move.

You're dead! "

The Son of the Cleansing School looked down at Lin Fei with a cold voice.

"Nine thunders blasted the sky!"

Shengzi of Wuchen sent a soft cry from his mouth.


I saw the golden halberd in his hand blooming with flaming golden light, and he slammed into the void in front of him. Then, there was a sound of thunder and explosion, and countless golden thunder-light electric snakes suddenly emerged from the halberd. Rushing out, it instantly turned into a huge ball of lightning about ten meters in diameter.

This ball of thunder and lightning is full of terrible violent thunder and lightning energy. The endless golden thunder-light electric snakes, in the ball of thunder and lightning, wander wildly, constantly emitting sizzling explosions, which is terrifying.

Boom boom boom...

Then, the dazzling golden halberd in the hands of the Saint Child of the Cleansing School continued to slam into the void in front of him. In less than a breathing time, a total of nine huge golden lightning **** appeared high in the sky. .

Every ball of thunder and lightning exudes an extremely terrifying breath of thunder and lightning energy, which makes the scalp numb.

Nine golden thunder and lightning balls, lined up in a row, seem to destroy the world.

"The Son is mighty!"

"Haha, nine thunders blasted the sky, it is one of my dust-free stunts. Unexpectedly, the holy child can quickly gather nine thunder and lightning **** at once!

I am really convinced! "

"That **** named Lin Fei, you are dead, Saint Son, use the lightning ball to kill that rubbish!"

The disciples of the Cleanroom School screamed excitedly one by one, blushing.

"Hehe, you still have a decent training."

The elder Chu of the dust-free school also nodded and smiled.

The other people around, especially those young warriors in the Eastern Territory, looked at the nine terrifying extremely thunder and lightning **** in the sky, and they all admired them.

"As expected to be the saint son of the ancient Dajiao of Zhongshengzhou!"

"It is estimated that none of us in the entire Eastern Region, the younger generation, can accept this trick.

It is terrible. "

Many young warriors in the Eastern Region were talking in a low voice.

"Lin Fei, you are finished.

In the next life, remember to keep a low profile.

Those who can't afford to offend, it is best not to provoke indiscriminately. "

The Son of the Cleansing Sect was condescending, looking down at Lin Fei, his voice indifferent, his tone seemed to be condemning Lin Fei to death.


The Son of Wuchen sent a stern shout.

The nine golden thunder and lightning **** in the high sky trembled at the same time, and directly shattered the void. With a super speed, from nine different angles, carrying the terrifying energy that dominated the world, they rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Okay, try the power of the Jiuyan Tablet Array."

Lin Fei did not panic in his heart, muttering to himself.

Then, quickly squeezing the tactics with both hands, the pale golden vitality in the body, like the Yangtze River, rushed out endlessly.


The space where Lin Fei was shook violently, and then, a tall, generous, and simple golden stone stele appeared beside Lin Fei.


Then, the space continued to vibrate, and one and the same tall and simple stone steles appeared constantly, arranged around Lin Fei's body in an orderly manner.

Each stone tablet is engraved with mysterious and mysterious ancient symbols.

This is exactly the Jiuyan Tablet Formation, which Lin Fei had practiced not long ago.

It was also given to Lin Fei by the beautiful woman who claimed to be the uncle in the fairy world.

The three martial arts that the beautiful woman gave to Lin Fei were all commonly used by the previous master of the Great Flame Stele.

Lin Fei believes that the level and power of these three martial arts are definitely not worse than those martial skills possessed by any ancient university and four colleges in Zhongshengzhou.

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