Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1704: Talent monument

call out!

An earthy streamer of [man novel network] rose from a certain position in the mountains.

After the ocher streamer rushed into the sky, it blasted.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, in the high sky of the Kuncang Mountains, a huge floating land unexpectedly appeared.

"The selected location is just above the floating land in the sky. Now everyone can come up and participate in the selection."

The faint voice just now resounded again from the floating piece of land high in the sky and passed down.

next moment.

Huh hoo hoo...

Countless figures, from different positions in the mountains, rose into the sky, like a locust crossing the border, rushing to the floating piece of land in the sky.

"Let's go up too."

The Peacock King said to everyone, his figure was raised, and he took the lead and flew up.

The rest also flew up.

Lin Fei was also among the crowd.

Lu Qi, Qingluo, Goblin, and Azi were all closely following Lin Fei.

Soon, everyone came to the floating land in the sky.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Fei couldn't help but praise him.

It turned out that above this floating continent was a vast and boundless huge square.

The extremely rich aura, like a mist, drifted slowly in the square, standing in the square, everyone felt comfortable and flying.

Soon, everyone's eyes were looking closely at the center of the square.

In the center of this huge square, a stone stele is shining.

This stone monument is very huge, at least one kilometer high, magnificent and majestic, exuding a crystal luster.

"Everyone, welcome everyone to participate in the selection of our four colleges.

I won’t say any extra nonsense.

Just talk about the specific method of this selection.

This time, our four colleges, among the Eastern Regions, will recruit far more new students than ever before.

Because, this time, the number of new students recruited by our four colleges in the Eastern Region is 400! "

Beside the stele, four figures suddenly appeared, four old men.

One of the old men with gray clothes and half-white and half-black hair slowly said.



As soon as the old man's voice fell, all of them showed expressions of disbelief.

Then, the atmosphere in the entire square began to boil.

Every young warrior is extremely excited.

Because, every time the four major colleges came to recruit new students in the Eastern Region, the number generally did not exceed 100.

At the least, only 20 or 30 were recruited.

However, this time, 400 were recruited unexpectedly, which means that many young warriors who had no chance in the first place suddenly had a lot of hope.

"Haha, great.

If only a few dozen are enrolled, maybe I won't have a chance.

However, 400 are enrolled. Anyway, I also have a chance. "

"The opportunity is here, this time, take it anyway!

It's this time to change your life! "

Many young warriors screamed in excitement.

"Everyone get quiet first."

The old man in grey clothes spoke again.

Suddenly, all the people in the square became quiet and listened to him.

"Indeed, the number of new students recruited this time is much higher than before.

This means that there are more young talents who can enter our four colleges for further study.

However, there is one point, I want to make it clear to you in advance.

Our four colleges can indeed provide students with better training resources and opportunities, so that every student will leap over the dragon's gate from now on and move towards a higher level of life.

However, after joining our four colleges, all students also need to face a more cruel environment of cultivation and competition.

Let's put it this way, the reason why our four colleges recruited so many new students this time is because, in the past few years, the students of our four colleges have died too many students during the training and competition.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to add more new students.

In short, entering our four major academies is an opportunity for you to soar from now on, facing a different stage, a different world, and casting your own brilliance.

But it is also possible that he will die at any time in the cruel experience and competition!

Therefore, every young person who wants to join our four colleges must think carefully before making a decision. "

The voice of the gray-clothed old man slowly echoed in the square.

At this moment, no one spoke.

Everyone is silent.

Obviously, the words of the old man in gray clothes touched everyone a lot.

Joining the four colleges, it is possible to soar from now on, or it is possible to die at any time!

"How could it be so dangerous to enter the four major colleges?

It's terrible, why is it different from what I imagined, father, I don't want to enter the four colleges, I want to stay in the Eastern Region!

Staying in the Eastern Region, I can still feel comfortable and practice freely, just as a master.

What if you enter the four major colleges and die by then! "

Suddenly, there are many weak-willed warriors, especially those young people who are used to enjoying themselves, began to retreat.

"Hmph, the cultivation of a martial artist was originally a cruel way of competing with others and competing with the world. This is normal!"

Of course, most of the young people were fighting spirits, and did not retreat because of the gray-clothed old man's words.

After a while.

"Okay, let's talk about the method of selecting new students this time."

The old man in gray clothes continued.

Everyone hastily listened carefully.

"Everyone has seen the stone monument in the middle of the square."

The old man in gray shirt pointed to the stone tablet in the middle of the square and said to everyone.

Everyone's eyes fell on the stone tablet again.

"This stone monument is called the talent monument.

You can test a person's combat power, talent, potential, etc. You see, on the top of the stone tablet, from top to bottom, there are many grids carved on it.

Each stone lattice represents a ranking, from top to bottom, there are more than one thousand stone lattices.

Any warrior, as long as he slapped a palm towards this stone monument.

This talent monument can display your ranking based on your age, talent, potential, and other factors.

Of course, every time, no matter how many people participate in the ranking, only the top 1,000 will be displayed.

And this time, the selection of new students from our four major colleges is based on the ranking of this talent monument. Those who are ranked in the top 400 can enter our four major colleges and become new students! "

The old man in gray shirt said slowly.

Talent monument!

There is such a magic weapon!

Everyone's eyes were staring at the stone tablet, and they secretly praised.

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