Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1712: Back to headquarters

"Fools, we are not goodbye forever. We will have a lot of opportunities to meet in Zhongsheng State.

Moreover, this is just a process. One day, we will still get together and not separate.

Understood. "

Lin Fei personally wiped away tears for Qingluo, and said comfortingly.

In the end, Qing Luo nodded and turned and left one step at a time.

"Lin Fei, I'm leaving too.

In the future in Zhongshengzhou, remember to visit me often. "

Princess Peacock also came to say goodbye to Lin Fei.

"Hehe, okay, don't worry. I will definitely look for you."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, I am here

Soon, all the new students in the Vermillion Bird Academy jumped on that battle boat.

Then, Elder Chen urged Zhanzhou to leave like lightning.

Then, the elder Lu of the White Tiger Academy also released a war boat to greet the new students of the White Tiger Academy to pass.

Xiao Yuanshan, Lin Wan'er, and Luo Hui came over to say goodbye to Lin Fei, and then jumped on the flying boat of the White Tiger Academy.

"Lin Fei, I am also the White Tiger Academy. If you have time in the future, remember to come to me."

A beautiful woman waved to Lin Fei not far away.

It was Xiao Yinyue.


Lin Fei nodded and smiled.

Then, the flying boat of the White Tiger Academy turned into a flash of lightning and drove away.

"all gone."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh softly. Deep down, there was some emotion.

"Haha, our new students in Qinglong Academy don't have to worry about going to Zhongsheng State.

Because I have something to deal with in the Eastern Region, and then I can start the journey after the processing is completed.

Therefore, all the new students from Qinglong Academy, five days later, once again concentrated in the Kuncang Mountains and set off for Zhongsheng State.

And in these five days, you can go back and slowly say goodbye to your teachers, family members and friends.

Well, remember the time, five days later, still in this place. "

The old man in the grey shirt of Qinglong Academy said to the new students of Qinglong Academy.


Suddenly, all the new students of Qinglong Academy cheered.

There are still five days to go back to say goodbye to the teachers, relatives and friends slowly, which is naturally a very happy thing.

Next, everyone left the square suspended in the sky.

The old man in the gray shirt of the Blue Dragon Academy, after everyone had left, waved his hand and put away the square suspended in the sky.

Then, his body shape flashed and disappeared.

The rest of the Eastern Regions, including those new students from Qinglong Academy, also left the Kuncang Mountains one after another, and went back to their own sects or families.

After a while, there was a dead silence in the Kuncang Mountain Range, and no one stayed here anymore.

In this way, this time the selection test of the four major academies that affected the nerves of the entire East Territory warriors was over.

Lin Fei followed the Great Elder, all the way back to the Cangyan Holy Land.

On the way, Lin Fei and the elder talked about himself and Qingluo, not long ago, they encountered the murderer.

"Huh, it must be the three holy places, the ghosts of the sects of the three great families!"

The elder's eyes were cold and murderous burst out.

"Yes, the three sacred places, the three aristocratic families, the Qingyuan Sect, the Kylin Sect, and even those ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou are all possible.

Lin Fei nodded.

"You have to be careful in the future.

It is said that the killer in the killing world, after accepting the client's wages, will not give up unless he completes the task.

Moreover, this time, there is actually a killer with the strength of the Celestial Sky Realm, who is dispatched to kill you.

Explain that the owner behind has a strong intent to kill you and is willing to spend a lot of money.

Because, if you want to hire a killer with the strength of the cave world in the killing world, the price it will cost is very high. "

The elder was a little worried about Lin Fei.

"Huh, kill the world!

One day, I will personally take action to get rid of this malignant tumor in the Eastern Region! "

In Lin Fei's eyes, a strong murderous intent burst out.

The killer who killed the world had already turned over four times and came to assassinate Lin Fei.

Lin Fei naturally did not have the slightest affection for this killer organization.

Soon, Lin Fei followed the Great Elder and returned to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

"Haha, yes, this time, in our Cangyan Holy Land, a total of more than a dozen disciples have entered the four colleges, which is not bad."

Elder Nie was quite satisfied when he heard the result.

Now in Cangyan Holy Land, besides Elder Nie, there are five other ancients who have been resurrected.

Including Elder Nie, there are a total of six people who belong to the resurrected ancient people.

Each one is unfathomable in strength.

Lin Fei estimated that the true strength of the six resurrected ancients, including Elder Nie, belonged to the invincible existence at the level of the cave sky.

At least, in the Eastern Region, in any holy land, and the hidden elders in the family, absolutely no one is the opponent of the six resurrected ancients in Cangyan Holy Land.

It can be said that the Cangyan Holy Land, with the six resurrected ancients like Elder Nie sitting in the town personally, the true strength is already stronger than the other three holy places and the three aristocratic families.

Now, in the Eastern Region, there is absolutely no sect that dares to provoke the Cangyan Holy Land in public!

Lin Fei was very satisfied with this.

"By the way, Elder Nie, I rescued a total of more than 20 special law crystals, and each of them was sealed with ancient seniors.

I don't know if the seniors sealed in the crystal of the other special laws have been saved.

Isn't it, the half-immortal medicine is not enough?

There are still a lot of half-immortal medicines here, let you use them. "

Lin Fei said to Elder Nie.

"Oh, Lin Fei, you don't know anything.

Among the more than twenty special law crystals that you gave me, although every one of the law crystals is sealed, there are ancient people of my time.

However, some of these ancients were relatively weak. After such a long period of sealing, their vitality was exhausted and they were already dead.

In addition, many of them were seriously injured before they were sealed.

For these seriously injured ancients, if we release them from the crystal of law, we must heal their injuries immediately.

Otherwise, they will die immediately.

Therefore, I have not moved the remaining law crystals.

When there is a chance in the future, save them again. "

Elder Nie sighed.

"It turned out to be so."

Lin Fei suddenly.

I understood why Elder Nie only saved five people.

Next, Lin Fei stayed in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land for a day, mainly staying on his mountain peak, in the cultivation chamber, and practicing.

"Boy, do you want to explore a place."

Suddenly, Emperor Yan said to Lin Fei.

"Oh, where?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Have you forgotten? Didn't I tell you before, where did I get the Sun Sutra?

Haha, boy, your main cultivation now is the Golden Sun Sutra. I guess you will definitely be interested in that place.

How do you want to explore it. "

Emperor Yan said with a smile.

"In the Izumo Empire!"

Lin Fei whispered.

"Not bad.

That place was in the Izumo Empire. I used to get the Yunyuan Stone by accident, and the Sun Jinjing was stored in the Yunyuan Stone.

After I got the Yunyuan Stone, I brought it to the Yuanwu Realm.

You only have a chance to get it later. "

Yandi said.

"Okay, let's set off now!"

Lin Fei decided immediately.

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