Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1716: In distress

The valley was faint, and Lin Fei felt that something was wrong as he walked.

Before, in this valley, when there was no fog, the topography was very simple, at a glance, most of it was flat black.

However, now, the entire valley is blocked by a strange fog, and the terrain seems to have also become complicated.

Lin Fei walked forward and found that there were all kinds of forks, which turned out to be like a maze. Lin Fei didn't know how long he walked, and it felt like there was no end.

"Emperor Yan, we seem to be lost."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly and said to Emperor Yan.

Lin Fei's current strength is in the advanced Hinayana realm, and the strength of the divine consciousness is even closer to the divine consciousness of a master of the sky cave.

The power of divine consciousness can perceive thousands of miles away at will.

Now, actually lost in a valley.

After saying it, no one can believe it.

"It's not lost, we encountered a ghost hitting the wall!

Things are not good!

Ghost hitting the wall is also one of the unknown things in this valley in the legend.

Ghost wind, ghost fog, bone land, ancient corpses, and ghosts hit the wall, boy, our luck seems to be bad. "

Emperor Yan's voice trembled a little, and he also appeared trembling.

"Ghost hit the wall?!

How can you believe in these fictitious things.

I feel that in this valley, there seems to be a relatively sophisticated formation that can affect the perception of the gods.

So, let us feel lost. "

Lin Fei guessed.

"Well, your statement is more reliable.

However, the formation that can affect your divine consciousness is not simple, kid, you have to be careful.

Damn, I plan to follow you to Central Saint State, enter the place of life and death, find the saint lotus of reincarnation, and reshape the body.

I don’t want to fall into this ghost valley..."

The Emperor Yan babbled.

"Emperor Yan, can you say something nice.

Over the years, how many dangers I have gone through, in a valley, what is there to be afraid of. "

Lin Fei heard a black line on his forehead.

"Well, kid, I believe in your strength.

Look, something seems to have appeared again. "

Yandi said.

Lin Fei's gaze at this time was also staring at the mist ahead.

I saw the shadows in the mist ahead, stiff figures walking in the mist.

There were so many and densely packed that in a short while, they gradually appeared in Lin Fei's sight.

There are humans, demons and monsters, demons, demons, and other strange creatures. However, all of them are corpses, dead without corruption, and exuding a powerful atmosphere of terror.

When people see it, they know that they must have been a peerless powerhouse.

"The road ahead is almost completely blocked by these things.

How to move forward. "

Lin Fei frowned.

Ahead, there are too many dead corpses, walking around unconsciously.

Moreover, each one is extremely powerful.

Lin Fei found that he was not their opponent at all, and couldn't force it.

Soon, those corpses slowly walked towards Lin Fei's direction.

These corpses were all pale with pale eyes and faint eyes, and the breath emanating from their bodies was extremely terrifying.

Lin Fei had a numb scalp, and hurried back, lest he meet them head-on.

However, there is one thing that makes Lin Fei a little relieved.

That is, if it is not provoked, these terrifying corpses will not attack.

However, at the same time that this thought arose in Lin Fei's heart, suddenly, a black giant wolf walked towards Lin Fei, moving slowly, one foot high, silent.

This giant wolf is completely dark with a strong breath of death. The four wolf feet are like four huge thousand-year tree stumps. As they walk around, on the ground, there are huge footprints like deep pits.

The ground of the entire valley was constantly trembling because of the walking of this pitch-black giant wolf.

"No, boy, this wolf corpse seems to be coming for you!"

Yandi quaked.

Lin Fei kept backing away, and at the same time his hair was tight, he was sighing, this pitch-black giant wolf is obviously dead, only vague instinct, but still possesses such terrifying strength.

Lin Fei estimated that even if a master of the Celestial Cavern came, he could only retreat when he encountered this wolf corpse.

call out!

Suddenly, just as Lin Fei sighed, the wolf corpse slammed on the ground with all four feet. The hard ground suddenly cracked and wide and terrifying cracks appeared.

And the wolf corpse directly ejected in the air and rushed towards Lin Fei.

Its speed is terrifying.

In shock, Lin Fei used his body speed to the extreme, teleporting backward.

Just a little bit, the hideous and terrifying wolf mouth was about to bite Lin Fei’s head. Lin Fei could even feel the rich death breath from the wolf mouth, blowing it on Lin Fei’s face, making Lin Fei Fei has a nausea of ​​vomiting.

This wolf corpse is too terrifying, definitely more powerful than most ordinary Heavenly Cave Realm masters.


The wolf corpse fell on the spot where Lin Fei was standing just now, smashing the ground out of a huge sinkhole, and the wolf corpse stood in the depths of the sinkhole.

However, in an instant, the wolf corpse flew up from the bottom of the sinkhole again and rushed towards Lin Fei.

The speed is so fast that it has already broken through the barriers of space, and it seems that it does not take time to reach Lin Fei.

One of the front feet of the wolf corpse hit Lin Fei's body.


Lin Fei immediately felt that his body was out of control, as if he had been hit by a shell, and flew out.


Lin Fei slammed down on a huge rock like a small hill in the valley. He felt pain all over his body, his bones creaked, and his whole body was almost deformed.

Lin Fei noticed that the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his body was obviously injured.

And the huge rock like a small hill has already turned into powder.

call out!

To Lin Fei's surprise, the wolf corpse was reluctant and pounced on Lin Fei again.

Where did Lin Fei dare to fight with it? With a wave of his hand, the Chaos Cauldron appeared in front of him, quickly zoomed in and turned into a giant cauldron.

At the same time, in Lin Fei's mind, suddenly thought of another thing, the Taoist robe woven from cold spider silk, which was obtained by the old man not long ago.

So Lin Fei immediately took out the Taoist robe and put it on his body at the fastest speed.

The moment Lin Fei put on that Taoist robe.

Suddenly, the wolf corpse seemed to perceive something, and the body immediately stopped in the air. The wolf, which had no life fluctuations, had its head sideways, and there was a puzzled expression.

Then, the wolf corpse slowly landed on the ground, turned and walked in other directions, not paying attention to Lin Fei.

The other large numbers of corpses were also walking back and forth stiffly, ignoring Lin Fei at all.

"I understand, it senses this robe.

The old man is also a terrifying existence in this valley. It is estimated that this wolf corpse can perceive the breath of the old man from the robe.


Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"This valley is truly a ghost valley. I can't deal with some corpses that come out casually."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"Boy, there used to be a few masters of the Heavenly Caverns who entered this valley and wanted to explore the mystery of this valley. As a result, they just disappeared.

With your current strength, it's pretty good to be able to persist until now. "

Yandi said.

Next, Lin Fei continued to walk forward.

It might be because of Lin Fei's body wearing that Taoist robe, those terrifying corpses simply ignored Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei carefully walked through the corpses, but nothing happened.

After half an hour.

Lin Fei suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

In this place, the amount of fog is scarce, and the line of sight is gradually clear. Lin Fei can clearly see that there is a grand building not far away.

"Boy, this is it!"

Emperor Yan's surprise voice also rang at this time.

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