Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1727: Arrive at Qinglong Academy

After slaying the four Celestial Cave Realm masters, Lin Fei quickly entered the nearby Guyue City, and then took advantage of the teleportation formation in Guyue City to teleport away. ()

The area of ​​Zhongshengzhou is too vast. To reach Qinglong Academy quickly, Lin Fei must spend a high price to borrow one teleportation array after another.

"Master, something seems to be wrong.

Think about it, you have just entered Zhongsheng State, and it has only been a day before you have yet to report to Qinglong Academy.

It stands to reason that those ancient big religions in Zhongsheng State should not know that you have come to Zhongsheng State so soon.

However, they not only know that you have come to Central Saint State, but they can also accurately intercept you on the way.

Among them, there must be something weird. "

When Lin Fei was on the way, he suddenly received a transmission from Lu Qi.

"Not bad!"

Lin Fei's heart moved after hearing what Lu Qi said.

With Lin Fei's cleverness, it was natural to immediately think that there must be something wrong with it.

"I think about it, there is one person who knows that the master arrived in Zhongsheng State for the first time."

Lu Qi said slowly again.

"Yumen City, the skinny old man who guards the teleportation array!"

Lin Fei was reminded by Lu Qiyi, and immediately realized.

"Damn, don't ask, it must be that old guy.

After I arrived in Zhongsheng State, I immediately sent the message to those ancient masters in Zhongsheng State.

Therefore, these ancient great sects in Zhongshengzhou were able to send people to chase me in such a timely manner!

Hmph, well, if you have a chance in the future, you must not let the old guy go! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being furious.

"Master, I think that old fellow must have secretly left some mark on you."

Lu Qi said.

Lin Fei was also surprised.

So Lin Fei immediately entered the slave tower.

After a while, Lu Qi found a very secret and clever imprint on Lin Fei's body.

Lv Qi used his powerful divine consciousness to directly erase this divine consciousness imprint on Lin Fei.

"Master, you can be sure now.

This imprint of divine consciousness on your body is indeed secretly left by the old guy who guarded the teleportation formation in Yumen City.

Because, I remember his spirit aura. "

Lu Qi said.

"Well, that old guy, I remember."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

Then, Lin Fei used the Dao breath method to change his appearance and spirit body breath, turning him into an ordinary middle-aged man.

Dao breath method was a secret technique hundreds of thousands of years ago in Cangyan Holy Land, very mysterious.

Now, as the realm of vitality and divine consciousness continue to increase, Lin Fei has already cultivated the Dao Qi method to a very high level.

Once it is displayed, even if it is a master of the cave sky, it is difficult to find out if it is not very careful.

Then Lin Fei came out of the slave tower and continued on his way.

And at this time, near Guyue City, where the four cave-sky realm masters were beheaded by Lu Qi, a white-clothed man with a crown-faced face quickly flew from the distant sky, and then stayed in this area. , Unleashing the power of divine consciousness, perceiving in doubt, as if to find something.

"My Deacon Mu, who is from the dust-free school, has fallen here.

Well, it seems that there are also Deacon Su from the Profound Sky School, Deacon Wu from the Profound Prison Sect, and Deacon Feng from the Ming Sect. They seem to have fallen together in this place!

In this place, four masters of the cave world have fallen at the same time, how is this possible! "

The man in white showed a shocked expression, as if he could not believe it.

"These four deacons should all be here to round up the kid named Lin Fei, how could all of them fall here?!

Could it be that Lin Fei did it?

Logically speaking, no matter how enchanting Lin Fei is, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill four Heavenly Cave Realm masters at the same time.

Could it be someone else did it?

Hmph, could there be someone who dared to do something to these ancient masters in Zhongshengzhou.

No, you must check this matter and find out! "

The white-clothed man murmured to himself, and then took out a piece of jade slip to send out the news of the death of the four deacons.

A few days later, Lin Fei finally came to the area where the Qinglong Academy was located.

"It really deserves to be one of the four great academies in the Holy Venerable Continent, it's so impressive!"

Standing in the distance, Lin Fei could not help sighing while looking at the scene in Qinglong Academy.

I saw a large stretch of majestic mountains covered by dense fog in front of them, endless and endless, with undulating mountains, ancient trees everywhere, huge rocks, fragrant herbs, various spirit birds flying, and beasts haunting the mountains.

The mountains are steep, and the clouds are steaming. All of them seem to be compelling, like a pure land outside the world.

But one scene and one thing are full of an indescribable and peculiar artistic conception and pattern, which is different from any secular city outside, giving people a sense of infinite oppression in the universe.

This is the Qinglong Academy, one of the four most prestigious academies in the Holy Land!

The Azure Dragon Academy is in the Continent of the Holy Venerable. The profound background and the long inheritance are unimaginable.

It is said that the four major colleges have always existed since the ancient times of the Sovereign Continent, and they are still brilliant and splendid.

Lin Fei looked from a distance and sighed after turning over.

"Well, it's time to go in and report.

I've been late for such a long time, I hope I can still enter Qinglong Academy. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

As a result, Lin Feizhan moved his body and flashed towards the gate of Qinglong Academy.

The gate of the Qinglong Academy is very lively. The students come in and out, all handsome men and beautiful women, all with extraordinary bearing, exuding a fierce aura.

Every young man who can become a student of Qinglong Academy is carefully selected and is a genius figure in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

It can be said that these students, both at the realm level and the real combat power, represent the highest level of the younger generation in the entire Holy Venerable Continent.

There is a huge square in front of the gate of the college.

Lin Fei stood before the square and looked at it for a moment.

Lin Fei found that there were two middle-aged men at the gate, one on the left and the other, sitting cross-legged on the stone piers on both sides of the gate, guarding the gate.

Those students who enter and leave need to show a jade identification badge to these two middle-aged men before they can enter and leave freely.

"It seems that you need to rely on the identity jade card to get in and out freely.

I haven't checked in at all, and I don't have a jade badge. Will I be in trouble?

No matter, I just explained the situation to the two gatekeepers directly.

I hope they will open up the Internet. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, so he walked towards the gate of the college.

Of course, at this time, Lin Fei revealed his true face.

Because, it is impossible to conceal the true face, disguised as a different appearance, came to Qinglong Academy to report here.

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