Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1736: Practice Dongfu

Princess Yufeng and Ren Shanshan walked in front, talking quietly.

However, Ren Shanshan looked at Lin Fei curiously from time to time.

"This guy doesn't know me. Why did he ask to be my follower just now for no reason?"

Ren Shanshan secretly said in his heart.

Not only Ren Shanshan, but even Princess Yufeng was a little curious.

"By the way, I don't know yet, what is your name."

Not only Ren Shanshan, but Princess Yufeng was also more impressed with Lin Fei. Perhaps it was Lin Fei's behavior in the square just now, which made her feel a little interested in Lin Fei.

"Xiao Fei."

Lin Fei replied with a carefree attitude, short and direct.

Princess Yufeng couldn't help but frowned, and she was a little speechless. This guy, as a servant, this attitude is a bit taller. Why doesn't she have a little servant consciousness.

Princess Yufeng also had another male and two female followers who also glared at Lin Fei.

And when Ren Shanshan heard it, he couldn't help but move.

Because the name of this follower in front of her had a word of Fei, which reminded her of Lin Fei.

So, she couldn't help but look at Lin Fei a few more times.

However, Lin Fei's Dao breath technique had already cultivated to a very high level, and it was impossible to recognize it with her strength.


Sister Yufeng, your follower has so much personality, it seems to be fun first. "

Behind her, a beautiful girl who looked like an elf immediately followed. The pair of smart eyes looked at Lin Fei curiously and giggled.

It is Luo Qingwu.

"Hey, boy, you are here to present to Sister Yufeng now, how can you put on your side with Sister Yufeng.

The present person should be respectful and respectful to the owner, try to please, humbly, obey his words, and understand.

Come, now bow to sister Yufeng and call the master to see. "

Luo Qingwu's agile beautiful eyes blinked, smiled slyly, and said to Lin Fei with great interest.

"Miss Luo, forget it, stop making trouble."

Princess Yufeng frowned slightly. She knew that this young girl had the kind of character who feared that the world would not be chaotic. She liked to join in all kinds of fun.

"How can this be done, sister Yufeng, as a master, you must have the majesty of the master.

Hey, boy, bow quickly and call the master, otherwise, I will let Sister Yufeng fire you and drive you out of Qinglong Academy! "

Luo Qingwu waved a pair of powder fists and said to Lin Fei viciously.


Little kid, Princess Yufeng told you to stop making trouble, go wherever it is cool. "

Lin Fei said grimly.

Suddenly, all of them were in a daze.

This is Miss Luo Qingwu, a follower who dares to speak to her in this tone? !

"Smelly boy!

Who do you call a kid! "

Luo Qingwu reacted, her delicate little face flushed with anger, like an angry little tiger, roaring at Lin Fei.

"Whoever answers me, I'm just who I call!"

Lin Fei licked his lips and faced each other.


Brat, I won't let you go!

Sister Yufeng, immediately kick this stinky boy out of Qinglong Academy! "

Luo Qingwu almost exploded with anger.

She is a young and beautiful girl. In the Qinglong Academy, I don't know how many outstanding male students have flattered her, approached her, and pursued her. Now she is called a kid, how can she not be angry.

Princess Yufeng and Ren Shanshan saw this scene, and at the same time Yu hand covered their small mouth and almost laughed out loud.

"Miss Luo, forget it, why bother with the next person."

Princess Yufeng said lightly.

She and Luo Qingwu are acquaintances in general, and their identity backgrounds are almost the same, so naturally they will not drive away the followers they choose for Luo Qingwu's mischief.

"Okay..., brat, you have offended this lady, you are miserable!

I won't let you go! "

Luo Qingwu glanced horizontally at Lin Fei, then turned and left in anger.

"Xiao Fei, why did you actively ask to become a follower of Shanshan before?"

Princess Yufeng asked curiously.

"Actually, I am also from the Eastern Regions. I have met Miss Ren before, and I can be considered an acquaintance for this reason."

Lin Fei replied vaguely.

"So that's the case!"

Princess Yufeng suddenly.

"In his name, there is a Fei character, also from the Eastern Region. Have you seen me before?"

Ren Shanshan was taken aback, and could not help but think of Lin Fei again.

Soon after, Princess Yufeng returned to her residence with Lin Fei and three other followers.

A quiet and beautiful mountain peak, this is the place where Princess Yufeng practices.

The mountains and forests are faint, and the aura that is thick and foggy, sets off the entire mountain peak with clouds covering the mist, looming.

Lin Fei discovered that elixir and Taoism are planted all over the mountain peaks, growing in the woodland, and in the crevices of the rocks, accompanied by the transpiration of purple clouds, it looks very cold and holy.

The Qinglong Academy occupies a very vast area. Among them, there are countless beautiful peaks. Every student has his own small peak, which belongs to one person.

And like Princess Yufeng, a student who is extremely noble and has outstanding aptitude and talent, and has a territory that surpasses others, and has a mountain with an excellent geographical location.

On the top of the mountain, there are a few thatched huts, which look simple and plain, blending into this piece of nature.

And not far away, there is a cave mansion.

This cave house, excavated from the stone wall, is equipped with a very clever formation, which is specially used to gather the aura of heaven and earth. The aura inside the cave is so rich that it turns into gurgling water, which flows slowly in the space. It is to practice the Holy Land.

Lin Fei and three other followers were all led by Princess Yufeng into the cave and walked into the stone wall. They immediately felt the oncoming essence of heaven and earth, as thick as water waves, as if they were in a sea of ​​spiritual energy.

"The formation of aura in the cave mansion is really too clever!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Because of the existence of this formation, almost most of the essence of the heavens and earth around the small mountain peaks have been gathered in this cave mansion.

Inside the cave, the colors are colorful, and the glow is like water.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a small pool made of jade, in which there is half a pool of milky white liquid, like milk, and a light white mist drifting out.

Smelling the mist, Lin Fei felt that his body, all over his body, meridian bones, and every cell were extremely comfortable.

"Essence of Mother Earth!"

Lin Fei looked at the half pond of milky white liquid and couldn't help being taken aback.

In the past, when Lin Fei was in Yuanwu Realm, he had accidentally obtained the essence of Earth Mother, so he recognized it all at once.

"You have a good vision, these are the essence of Mother Earth.

In Qinglong Academy, every student will regularly obtain some of the essence of the earth mother to use in cultivation. "

Princess Yufeng nodded.

The essence of the earth mother can change the aptitude and talent of the martial artist to cultivate vitality.

Even a mediocre martial artist, if he can obtain a certain amount of the essence of the earth mother, then he can transform himself into a martial arts genius.

Lin Fei couldn't help but took a breath, feeling very shocked.

Lin Fei used to be in the Yuanwu realm, only to obtain the essence of the earth mother of eight small jade bottles, and then made the realm advance by leaps and bounds.

In Qinglong Academy, every student can get it regularly.

No wonder, in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, so many young people are eager to join Qinglong Academy.

Such training resources alone cannot be provided by any sect or family.

"Here is my dedicated cultivation cave.

However, you can also practice here regularly in the future. "

Princess Yufeng said to the four followers, although her face was calm and she did not smile, she still gave people a gentle feeling.

The four followers, including Lin Fei, were pleasantly surprised when they heard the words, and the cultivation of such a treasured land would surely do more with less.

They didn't expect Princess Yufeng to be so generous that they would also cultivate here instead of forming a house outside the cave.

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