Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1742: The strongest

"Look, this time, Yumen's team, the leader, is actually Liu Ping.

I read it right. "

"Liu Ping is a well-known strongman on our academy's battle list. He actually led the team personally for the followers of a new student.

Could it be that the follower is really a monster with three heads and six arms? "

"Yes, Liu Ping personally leads the team. I guess that the follower who provokes Yumen is definitely not easy."

"Haha, it's interesting, this time there is a good show."

Many students recognized the identity of the tall young man who led the team among the Yumen people.

At this time, more than a dozen members of Yumen had already besieged Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain.

"The **** called Xiao Fei, immediately get out, kneel on the ground, and accept our Yumen's condemnation!"

A member stepped forward, shouting violently, and screaming, like a huge wave, crashing toward the entire mountain.

Suddenly, above the mountain peaks, flying sand and rocks, violent winds and raging winds, all the mountains and forests were swaying wildly.

Before the cultivation cave where Princess Yufeng was located, bursts of milky white array energy immediately appeared, closely guarding the area where the cave was located.

In Qinglong Academy, every student's cultivation cave has a brilliant isolation formation arranged by the formation mage.

Because the most fearful thing about the martial artist's quiet cultivation is that other people's sudden interruption can easily lead to confusion, serious, death on the spot, and slight, it will also affect the realm of cultivation.

Therefore, in order to ensure the cultivation of the students, the Qinglong Academy has laid a heavy foundation and arranged a clever isolation formation for each student.

But at this time, the three followers of Princess Yufeng, the tall and thin man, and the two women, saw so many Yumen members surrounded by the mountains, they were so scared that their feet and legs were weak.

The three people leaned together, hiding in a dense jungle above the mountain, looking out with fear and trembling.

"What to do, what to do now, do you want to wake up the master and let the master come out to preside over the overall situation."

The male follower trembled.

"Before the master retreats, he once told me that once the isolation formation for cultivating the cave mansion is opened, we cannot contact the master from outside.

Unless the owner takes the initiative to exit. "

A female follower said, she also paled with fright.

"It's all caused by Xiao Fei. He is really a troublemaker. As long as he is in Princess Yufeng's territory, there will be no peace!"

Another female follower complained.

Among the huts.

Lin Fei felt the violent shout outside, and his face was cold.

As a result, the mind moved, and the five-meter-high divine sense Xiaoding rushed out instantly.

The member of Yumen who shouted loudly saw the whole mountain trembling under his violent drink, and couldn't help feeling a little smug.

As a member of Yumen, in the entire Qinglong Academy, no matter where he goes, he feels superior to himself and likes to be in the limelight.

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, his face turned pale, and blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Because, in his sea of ​​knowledge, a majestic treasure tripod broke in and slammed into his soul body viciously.

Then, the next moment.

A figure suddenly appeared beside this Umen member from the void, and slapped his face with a palm.


The body of this member of Yumen, like a cannonball, was thrown away thousands of meters away as if struck by lightning.

"This is Princess Yufeng's private domain. Who will allow you to yell nonsense."

This abrupt appearance is naturally Lin Fei, and Lin Fei took the Yumen member away with a palm and said lightly.

Suddenly, all eyes were focused on Lin Fei.

"You are Xiao Fei?!"

The tall young man headed by Yumen stared at Lin Fei, and said every word.

"Yes, I am Xiao Fei.

I don't care who you are, I have dozens of breaths, after ten breaths, if you don't get out.

I'm not welcome. "

Lin Fei's tone was still very plain, it seemed that he didn't care.

"Ok, very good, hahaha...

Boy, I have to admit, your combat power is indeed not weak, no wonder you dare to provoke us Yumen.

However, you will soon understand that if we provoke Yumen, there will only be one consequence, death! "

The tall young man headed by Yumen smiled with anger.

However, he is also a strong man. With his eyesight, he can naturally tell at a glance that the young man named Xiao Fei in front of him has terrifying combat power and is definitely not something ordinary Yumen members can deal with.

Therefore, he intends to do it himself!


As soon as the voice fell, the power of the Yuan force came out from his body, and his aura increased.

The extremely violent Yuanli coercion set him off like a terrifying demon, full of debauchery and violent power, making the void tremble.


I read it right!

Could it be that Liu Ping actually intends to take action personally to deal with this follower! "

"Liu Ping is on the top of the battle list, ranking the 60th strong!

Now I actually have to take action personally to deal with the followers of a new student!

OMG, the world seems a bit messy! "

"Extraordinary event!

This is a huge event in our Qinglong Academy! "

The students around who watched the excitement suddenly became a sensation when they saw that Liu Ping was about to take action in person.

Moreover, there are many good people who immediately used the jade slips to send out what happened in the new student area.

Suddenly, there are many students who are curious and like gossip, show their practice, rush here.

"Sixtieth on the battle list?

The battle list, is it a ranking list in the Qinglong Academy? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly said in his heart when hearing the comments from the people around him.

However, at this time, that Liu Ping had already launched an attack.


A loud noise suddenly rose from Liu Ping's body!

These loud noises are like the anger of the gods, coming down with disaster, making the world tremble, and changing the face of the wind and clouds!

At this time, Liu Ping's whole body is constantly rising, his eyes are like a torch, majestic like a sea, despising all beings!


Liu Ping let out a roar, and the whole world was rumbling, and he shot Lin Fei with a punch.

The fist is extremely terrifying, and the thunderbolt seems to be the killing of the emperor. The fists are rolling in the sky and the earth, and the void is violently turbulent. This is a double attack of will and body, complementing each other, blending together, and infinite power.

"It's Heavenly Fury Fist!

As soon as Liu Ping started his hand, he immediately performed the Heavenly Wrath Fist.

It seems that Liu Ping still attaches great importance to this follower named Xiao Fei. "

"It's worthy of being the 60th strongest in the battle list.

If the Furious Fist is cultivated to a certain level on this day, once it is displayed, it will have the terrible power of God's anger, which will disturb the enemy's mind and even give up without a fight! "

The students around, seeing the terrifying offensive displayed by Liu Ping, couldn't help but admire them.

"Well, this guy's combat power is pretty good."

Even Lin Fei couldn't help but nod in secret.

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