Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1753: One trick to win

"Want to interrupt my feet, and hands?!

Hahaha..., don't you think you have this ability?

Interesting, he is indeed an extremely arrogant person, who simply doesn't know how high the world is. "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Wang Tiansheng couldn't help but shrink his eyes, his face gloomy, but soon he burst out laughing, staring at Lin Fei sternly.

At this time, the news that Wang Tiansheng, a strong leader in the battle list, left the pass and went to the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation to kill Xiao Fei had long been spread among many students.

In the first-level student area and the second-level student area of ​​the Qinglong Academy, a group of figures rushed up, rushing towards the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation.

"Hold on, the last time I entered the range of Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain, the follower named Xiao Fei slaughtered a fortune severely before allowing me to leave.

Now, we just broke into Princess Yufeng's territory, I'm afraid it's not good.

At that time, Xiao Fei might be like last time, requiring us to pay to leave. "

Some students, when they were about to enter the range of Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain, remembered their last encounter, and couldn't help but feel worried and said to other students.

"Hahaha, do you mean that Xiao Fei, after a battle with Wang Tiansheng, still has a chance to live?

That Wang was born on the top of the battle list, ranked forty-two strong, and, I heard that he has been in retreat for two or three years, and his real combat power may have long been qualified to compete for a higher ranking on the battle list. Up.

This time, Wang Tiansheng killed Xiao Fei without any suspense.

Your worries are simply unnecessary. "

Immediately there will be other students who will refute those who are worried.

"Well, too, Wang Tiansheng's combat power is much higher than Liu Ping.

That Xiao Fei should not be an opponent.

It is true that we have been worrying too much. "

Those students who originally had worries in their hearts nodded after thinking about it carefully, feeling that they would die without Xiao Fei.

As a result, all the students broke into the range of Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain, surrounded in all directions, waiting for a good show.

Lin Fei remained silent, his divine consciousness released, feeling more and more figures nearby, he couldn't help being secretly happy.

"This time, I can get a lot of money again."

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Lin Fei was standing still in the sky, standing far away from Wang Tiansheng.

"Xiao Fei, he is the forty-second strong man in our Qinglong Academy ranking.

Moreover, it is said that he has been in retreat for two or three years, and his true combat power is estimated to be even stronger.

You'd better not fight it hard with him, think of a way to avoid it. "

Princess Yufeng was anxious and sent a voice of divine consciousness to Lin Fei.

"Haha, don't worry, Princess Yufeng, just this kind of role is not qualified to let me avoid it."

Lin Fei smiled and replied.

"Okay, Xiao Fei, die!"

Wang Tiansheng shouted violently.

Then, his whole person's momentum rose steadily, and golden Buddha light burst out of his skin.

The phantom of a golden Buddha appeared above his body.

The golden Buddha light shone all over, faintly, in the space where Wang Tiansheng was, an ancient small world of Buddha country appeared.

In that small world, there are towering temples, and many believers are worshiping and praying. At the same time, there is an ancient Buddha sitting in meditation, chanting, and meditation.

A magnificent, turbulent energy that enlightens the world is transmitted from this small world of ancient Buddha country.

In the surroundings, some students with weaker spiritual consciousness faintly developed an impulse to pay homage to the place where Wang Tiansheng was, sincerely correct their mistakes, and take refuge in my Buddha.

Even in Lin Fei's heart, there was a faint thought of reverence.


This is a very powerful ancient scripture! "

In an instant, less than one-tenth of the breathing time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness moved, and all the thoughts of reverence were successfully driven away.

Soon, some students around also woke up and realized that they had been affected by Wang Tiansheng's practice just now.

"Gosh, it's terrible.

Just because of this momentum, I almost knelt down for worship just now, how to fight. "

Many students secretly marveled in their hearts, and they looked at Wang Tiansheng with awe.

This is worthy of being a strong man on the battle list, and the technique he cultivated is terrible.

"Brother Wang has successfully practiced the ancient Buddhist scriptures!"

"Senior Brother Wang obtained this ancient Buddhist scripture in a secret realm a few years ago. It is said that in recent years he has been in retreat frequently just to cultivate this ancient scripture!"

"Brother Wang is showing great power!

That Xiao Fei is dead! "

The members of Yumen cheered one by one, cheering for Wang Tiansheng.

At this time, above the distant sky, there was a figure hidden in the void.

"Although this Wang Tiansheng is ranked 42nd on the battle list, it seems that his real combat power can completely enter the top 30 on the battle list.

Well, that Xiao Fei may be in danger.

Elder Fang seemed to value this Xiao Fei very much, and specifically told me to always pay attention to Xiao Fei's actions.

Well, well, for the sake of Elder Fang, I will save Xiao Fei's life. "

In the void space, this figure muttered to himself.

It turned out that this figure hidden in the void was a deacon from Qinglong Academy, named Deacon Luo.

"Unexpectedly, this Wang Tiansheng is indeed a well-deserved reputation. It seems that Xiao Fei should not be his opponent.

Forget it, at the critical moment, I will also take action and fight Wang Tiansheng with Xiao Fei. "

At this time, Princess Yufeng nearby was also anxious, and said in her heart.

call out!

In the distance, a beautiful shadow also flashed over, standing beside Princess Yufeng, it was Ren Shanshan.

"What to do, Sister Yufeng, Xiao Fei is definitely not Wang Tiansheng's opponent."

Ren Shanshan also looked very anxious and said to Princess Yufeng.

"Shanshan, don't worry, Xiao Fei is my follower, I won't watch him get killed.

At critical moments, I will step forward and stand in front of Xiao Fei.

Hmph, based on my identity, even though Wang Tiansheng is powerful, he definitely doesn't dare to hurt me. "

Princess Yufeng said.

Ren Shanshan listened, feeling a little relieved.

However, she had made up her mind, and she would do her best to help Lin Fei in a critical moment.

And this time.


Wang Tiansheng's body was radiant with golden glow and extremely flaming, setting off the surrounding space with pitch black, as if he were the only light.

"Enlighten you, Xiao Fei!"

Wang Tiansheng slowly opened his voice, which seemed to be a solemn and solemn Sanskrit singing, magnificent and kind, making people unable to resist the idea.

Then, his right palm stretched out and turned into a Buddha's palm, surging out a bright golden light.

This golden awning Buddha's palm, condescendingly, slowly patted Lin Fei.

At this moment, the world was silent, and there was no sound. It seemed that the Buddha's palm that slowly patted Lin Fei was the protagonist between the world and the earth, controlling the entire situation.

When Princess Yufeng, Ren Shanshan saw this, her figure moved, ready to rush to rescue Lin Fei.

Above the sky in the distance, Deacon Luo, who had been invisible, also showed up, ready to perform his tricks to rescue Lin Fei.

at this time.

"Okay, I'm about to try the latest physical power, to what extent!"

Lin Fei chuckled.

Therefore, Lin Fei was as fast as lightning, without dodge or dodge, with full physical strength, and burst out with a punch!


This punch seemed to crash Optimus Prime, and the sky immediately collapsed and collapsed.

The fist wind is like a mountain, the fist intent is like the emperor, the fist is as heavy as the earth, and the world seems to be shattered with one punch!


The terrible fist wind swept away, and the small world of the Buddha country created by Wang Tiansheng was completely shattered into messy golden powder, and the sky was blown to pieces by golden light!

Now, Lin Fei's fist crushed everything and hit Wang Tiansheng's body.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Wang Tiansheng's clothes were shaken by Lin Fei's fist.


A series of crisp and terrifying bone fragmentation sounded like firecrackers!

Every bone in Wang Tiansheng's body was shattered, and the surface of his skin was torn into criss-cross gaps, splashing blood!


He flew upside down like a torn sack, and fell to the ground several kilometers away, convulsing constantly.

Fortunately, Lin Fei didn't strike a dead hand. At the moment when his fist hit Wang Tiansheng's body, he forcibly recovered most of his physical strength.

Even if he was a master of the Heavenly Caverns, he didn't dare to touch Lin Fei's physical strength, let alone Wang Tiansheng.

This scene caused everyone around him to fall into a short silence.

No one spoke up.

One move points the winner, and Wang Tiansheng is seriously injured.

The result was unexpected and it happened too fast.

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