Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1756: Outside scenery

All the students are concentrated in a huge square in the college.

This year, Qinglong College has recruited more than 600 new students.

Among them, there are 400 new students from the four states of Eastern Region, Western Wilderness, Nanling, and Beiyuan, and more than two hundred from Zhongsheng State.

At the same time, almost most of the new students brought their followers with them.

Some new students, even with five or six followers, think that there are many people.

In this way, more than a thousand people gathered in the entire square.

At this time, in the center of the square, there was already a huge warship lying there.

This is a mighty warship full of gold, exuding dignified energy and pressure. Obviously, there are many formations equipped with both offense and defense.

Soon, two elders and five deacons came at the same time to greet these new students and enter the warship in the center of the square.

Then, the golden warship moved, rose from the sky, turned into a little golden light, and hurried away from the Qinglong Academy.

This warship was too large, comparable to a giant island, and students stood on the deck, looking down at the mountains and everything below.

On the ship, Lin Fei found many students from the Eastern Region.

Including the children of the three sacred sites, three aristocratic families and other first-class major sects.

There are also several disciples of Cangyan Holy Land, as well as disciples of those sect forces that are allied with Cangyan Holy Land.

Just as the golden battleship of Qinglong Academy set off, the other three academies in the Sovereign Continent, the White Tiger Academy, the Suzaku Academy, and the Xuanwu Academy, each flew out a huge battleship.

The four warships of the four major academies are all moving in the same direction.

On the battleship of Qinglong Academy.


How could the warship fly up to the depths of the sky high in the sky?

How is this going? "

Soon, on the battleship, some students discovered this and said in shock.

The other students were taken aback and felt carefully.


The huge golden warship, the direction of advancement, turned out to be up to the sky, and gradually entered the depths of the sky.

"Hehe, you guys have found it too.

Yes, the Xuwu Legacy Realm is not above the mainland, but in a void in the depths of the sky, outside the domain.

The Xuwu legacy is sometimes peaceful and safer, and sometimes more violent and dangerous.

According to the observation of the strong from our four colleges, the Xuwu Legacy Realm has been in a peaceful period for most of the past six months, and there is no major danger, so I decided to take the opportunity to let you enter and experience it.

You must seize the opportunity. "

An elder explained to the students with a smile, and encouraged a lot.

"The Xuwu legacy is actually outside the heavens!"

When many students heard this, they were all shocked.

Although, as a warrior, you can fly with qi, and come and go freely in the sky.

However, no ordinary warrior dared to fly to the depths of the sky, that is, beyond the horizon.

It is said that the outside world is vague and vague, it is a cold and dark void, even those stars that seem to be the nearest, it is estimated that ordinary warriors will not reach it in a lifetime.

Moreover, outside the territory, there is a huge danger of unseen knowledge, and the violent wind layer, meteorite layer, and gravitational atmosphere can easily tear the warrior to pieces.

According to the legend, only the great power of the fairyland can dare to rely on their own strength to break into the outside world and explore alone.

Under the great power of the fairyland, there is no warrior who dares to take risks.

Now, the golden warship of Qinglong Academy is actually sailing outside the territory.

For these new students of Qinglong Academy, and those followers, naturally they all felt very thrilling.

Gradually, the golden warship moved further and further away from the mainland.

Outside the territory, it was dark and cold, and even the places with starlight seemed desolate.

"Be careful, everyone. There are all kinds of dangers outside the territory. Stand in the middle of the battleship. Don't get too far."

An elder had a solemn expression and reminded him loudly.

Suddenly, all the people were stunned when they heard the words, and they quickly followed the words and stood in the middle of the warship.

Sure enough, after a while, the warship entered the Gangfeng layer.

The boundless, pitch-black hurricane blade that covers every space is raging everywhere.

Chi Chi...

Countless spatial winds whizzed past, some as long as one hundred meters, some as long as one thousand meters, some as long as ten thousand meters, or even one hundred thousand meters...

There are so many winds in these spaces, and each of them is extremely powerful.

With the continuous raging winds of these spaces, the space is constantly being fragmented, and black and secluded void cracks are everywhere.

Obviously, this is an extremely terrifying wind layer.

Fortunately, under the combined force of the two elders and the five deacons, the golden warship continued to explode with brilliant golden glow, and a large number of formations were activated at once, with both offense and defense.

In addition, the golden warship moved forward cleverly along a specific track, avoiding the most terrifying winds.

In the end, the golden warship passed through the wind layer safely without any danger.

Then, we reached the meteorite layer, countless heavenly meteorite layers, as huge as a mountain peak, each meteorite turned into the most terrifying shell, and bombarded everywhere aimlessly.

Fortunately, with the combined efforts of the two elders and five deacons, the golden warship safely passed through the meteorite layer.

Then, to the gravitational atmosphere.

In this layer, there is endless and terrifying gravity, which will crush everything that enters here into nothingness.

However, the golden warship continued to explode with golden light, and in the end, it successfully passed through this layer.

"Now, we have officially entered the depths of the outside world."

An elder said to the new students and followers.

And along the way, these new students and followers of Qinglong Academy have already seen a [biqugex] with a pale face.

There are many courageous people whose feet are already trembling and their bodies are obviously swinging.

Lin Fei was also secretly surprised.

Outside this territory, it is indeed very dangerous.

Lin Fei understands.

If it hadn't been for the golden battleship of the Qinglong Academy to be strong enough to withstand the dangers outside the territory, it is estimated that these people on the ship would have no bones left and turned into nothingness.

"Is this the depths outside the territory?"

At this time, the new cadets and followers on the golden battleship were all looking at the outside scenery in front of them.

Everyone felt fresh and exciting everywhere, and bursts of exclamation burst out from time to time.

The endless void, deep outside the remote domain, is also dotted with many shining stars.

What is surprising is that there are so many different kinds of bones, some human beings, some monsters, and many others. The rare races that everyone has seen and heard of are all floating in the dark. In Tianyu, it is amazing.

Everyone even saw that many broken weapons, banners, etc., faintly exude incomplete power.

"These places are rumored to have been battlefields, so there are many bones and incomplete weapons left.

However, these bones and incomplete weapons must not be touched. There will be terrible dangers that are unknown. "

An elder saw that everyone was surprised, so he explained to everyone and warned.

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