Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1761: Shopping


Not far away, the surging vitality is like a vast ocean, surging and erupting, a young man with red hair, a majestic and stalwart.


He let out a violent shout, like a thunder, the first one to move forward.

"Look, it's a seed student of Baihuxue, Zhu Yan!

He is about to make a move, my God, he really deserves his reputation, the breath he burst out is terrible! "

Immediately, someone nearby recognized the identity of the young man.

"Seed students?"

Lin Fei looked at Zhu Yan bathed in the mighty and terrifying force of Yuan Li, could not help but secretly said in his heart.

Although Lin Fei entered Qinglong Academy for a while, he had never inquired about the students' specific conditions.

This is the first time I hear the term seed student.

At this time, Zhu Yan has already taken action!

He opened his mouth and let out a soft chick, a flame of green vitality spewed out, and the red devil rat in front of him exploded several heads.

Then he started killing like a tiger into a flock, and there were several followers behind him.

I have to say that this Zhu Yan is too fierce, killing amidst thousands of troops, like a sharp knife, cutting open the battlefield, advancing bravely, no beasts can stop.

Although the Red Devil Rats in the court were numerous and densely packed, all of them opened their mouths and exposed the terrifying rat teeth of the cold, but in front of him, they could not stop them, and they were all killed by him.

He started to kill, invincible!

When the others saw this, their morale was greatly boosted.


Princess Yufeng also looked heroic and brave at this time, waved her hand, screamed, and took the lead to kill.

Lin Fei and the others also followed behind and rushed together.

The killing on the battlefield shook the sky. Although the Red Devil Rats were ferocious and charged like a flood, they still did not frighten everyone. They fought fiercely and rushed forward.

No one thought that when they entered this red tide land, they would encounter the most terrifying beast tide in the legend!

At the same time, everyone faintly understood why this land was called the red tide land, probably because there was a tide of red rats that made the scalp numb.


Ahead, the overwhelming Red Devil Rats continue to flood like a tide, one by one very hideous.

Moreover, everyone quickly discovered that among these Red Devil Rats, there are strong and weak ones.

Powerful, equivalent to advanced Mahayana.

Weak and small, only equivalent to the Hinayana, even the Divine Bridge, and the Bitter Sea.

However, the most troublesome thing is that there are too many, a steady stream, as if there is no end.

Soon, there were students and followers who were bitten by the Red Devil Rat in the fierce battle and died.

Of course, these people are not really dead.

Just before they were dying, the life-saving on their bodies was aroused, emitting a white beam of light, enveloping the flesh and blood of the dying person, and then disappeared instantly.

Obviously, it was sent back to the battleship of the four major colleges.

"If you work hard, if you rush past, the front should be quiet!"

Someone yelled that this person is also an ancient tribe from Zhongshengzhou, who naturally knows a lot about the secrets of this red tide land.

Everyone rushed and fought **** battles.

"Hey, Xiao Yuanshan seems to be in danger."

After half an hour, Lin Fei suddenly moved in his heart and saw Xiao Yuanshan, Luo Hui, Lin Wan'er and a group of people not far away, leaning together and fighting together.

Most of the people who besieged them were Red Devil Rats with high-level Mahayana realm strength.

Moreover, the number is extremely large, at least more than a hundred.

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan and others had already begun to get into trouble.

Lin Fei moved towards the location of Xiao Yuanshan and his party, fearing that they would have an accident.


A Red Devil Rat rushed towards Lin Fei, like a hill, opened its hideous giant mouth, the cold was shining, and the demon power on his body was like a hurricane, circling and whistling.

This is a Red Devil Rat with advanced Mahayana realm strength!

"Good job, beast!"

Lin Fei shouted violently.

The physical power was released, bluntly, with a punch.


The Red Devil Rat was hit by Lin Fei and flew horizontally, exploded in the void and turned into a red mist.

All the people nearby were taken aback. This method can only be seen by those seeded students. It is too aggressive and domineering.

You know, the Red Devil Rat in the high-level Mahayana realm, some formal students struggled to deal with it, but he was blown up with a punch, so powerful.

However, the identity of this guy in front of him clearly seemed to be just a follower.

How could it be so powerful? !

"It's Xiao Fei?!"

"It's too powerful, no wonder, as soon as he entered our Qinglong Academy, he dared to challenge Yumen alone.

Those from Qinglong Academy recognized Lin Fei and talked about it.

However, just before Lin Fei had time to rush to the location of Xiao Yuanshan and his party.

A very harsh and loud voice sounded.

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect to meet you here.

Damn, people from the Eastern Region are really weak.

A few mice can't resist it.

What, now understand, who is the crooked melon? "

It was a disciple from the ancient Dajiao of Zhongshengzhou, with a tall and straight figure, surrounded by fierce dragons of Yuanli.

The quality of the vitality in his body is still strong, very rich, turning into a series of giant dragons, winding around the body, very mysterious.

Not long ago, on the battleship, Xiao Yuanshan had spoken, and the disciples of some ancient Great Sects from Zhongshengzhou had forgotten their hatred.

This student was one of them. When he met Xiao Yuanshan here, his eyes grew gloomy. He stared at Xiao Yuanshan and his group maliciously, sneered.

"Huh, what the crooked melons are talking about are those of you in the Saint State. Why, are you not convinced!"

Xiao Yuanshan was not a person who would give in easily. He immediately confronted each other and retorted loudly.

"Hahaha, depending on your combat power, it's just a waste.

He even dared to speak hard in front of me.

Well, since I met, then I will kill you this trash casually.

Let you thoroughly understand who is the crooked melon date! "

The student sneered coldly, his eyes bursting with fierce murderous intent.

Obviously, he was murderous against Xiao Yuanshan.

"Master, kill these wastes, where is the master's own action.

Let us come. "

The five or six followers next to this student volunteered.

These five or six followers are also some powerful sects from Zhongsheng State, and naturally they look down on the warriors from Zhongsheng State.

"it is good."

The student nodded.


Kid! "

Immediately, five or six followers surrounded Xiao Yuanshan.

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