Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1763: Hard shake


In the next moment, the whole golden war spear burst into pieces, not only the spear front, but also the long rod behind it, which was extremely bright.

Lin Fei also deliberately wanted to try the so-called seed student, how strong he was, so he released most of his physical power.

This iron-blooded punch was extremely powerful, driving the horrible blood to spread, making the void tremble, and shocking everyone around.


The seed student of the Suzaku Academy felt a violent shock, and he backed up a few steps again and again, his arm was cramping and painful, and the force transmitted through the war spear just now made his face a little ugly.

His golden war spear was a secret treasure, made of rare and precious materials, but in the end, he couldn't even take a punch in front of that person, and was shattered by a blast.

One can imagine how powerful the opponent's physical power is.

In an instant, his vigilance reached the highest level, knowing that he had encountered a real rival, and if he was careless, he might fail miserably.

"Hey, what's the matter?

Isn't that Jiang Tianwei, the seed student of our college?

It's weird. Someone can actually repel him. Could it be that the other party is also a seed student from another college? "

"Don't guess, the person who was fighting Jiang Tianwei must be the seed student of the other three academies. Ordinary students, absolutely without this ability, can knock Jiang Tianwei back."

Nearby, many students from Suzque Academy were killed and recognized the identity of the seed student of Suzque Academy who was fighting with Lin Fei, named Jiang Tianwei.

However, there were also some students from Qinglong Academy nearby.

"That's great, that Xiao Fei can actually fight against the seeded students of the Vermillion Bird Academy, and even beat the opponent back.

It's no wonder that he can engage in wind and rain in our Qinglong Academy. With his combat power, it is really against the sky. "

Those students in Qinglong Academy were shocked when they saw this scene.

Princess Yufeng was also very surprised. She had been in Qinglong Academy for a month, and naturally she knew about seed students among the four colleges.

Among the new students in this year, each academy has several seed students appointed by the academy. From the day they first entered the academy, they have been secretly trained by the senior figures of the academy.

In the first month of entering the academy alone, the strength of these seed academies is said to have been improved several times or even more than ten times.

However, Xiao Fei, his own follower now, was able to fight against seed students, which is too powerful.

"Huh, it turned out to be just a brute force.

Body refining is just the end of the trail, not worth mentioning.

If you only have this kind of brute force, I will kill you and turn your back on easily! "

Jiang Tianwei said coldly.

As a seed student of Suzaku Academy, he was slammed back by others, and the killing intent in his heart became more and more intense.

call out!

I saw his body move, speed like a ghost, and instantly distanced from Lin Fei.

Then, he folded his palms together, made a pious gesture, and muttered words, as if he was chanting some mysterious mantra.

The next moment, a very strange and terrifying aura, faintly, with a fascinating red light gushing from his body, along his arms, and finally gathered between his palms.

Between his palms, there were red lights of all kinds of monsters, constantly flickering and intertwined, beautiful and desolate.

"This should be a very clever vitality martial art."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, also a little jealous.


Jiang Tianwei gave a sharp drink.

call out!

Between his palms, a fascinating red light slashed out, it was like a flying fairy from the sky, emitting a dazzling light, and the speed was strange.

The distance of hundreds of meters is like an inch far away for this red light!

This is a stunning brilliance, and in an instant, it illuminates the entire world.

"The fairy cut!

Isn't this the fame skill of our elder Zeng, Immortal Slash? !

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tianwei had successfully cultivated in such a short period of time! "

The students from the Vermillion Bird Academy who were paying attention to this fight immediately exclaimed one by one.

The bleak red light came to Lin Fei's body in an instant, slashing towards his neck, with bursts of red glow, covering Lin Fei's whole body, like a person in the sunset, shocking people's hearts.

The sorrowful red light blooms, the bright haze flows, and it is amazing.

Lin Fei immediately felt that his whole body was erect, and there was a faint tingling sensation in his skin.

Everyone's breathing almost stopped, and they were thinking, if they were to replace Lin Fei with Lin Fei, what kind of situation would it be like, the end would definitely be killed!

The red light was gushing, as if blood mist was permeating, misty and tragic.

"Ah, the result is separated, Jiang Tianwei from Suzaku Academy, kill the opponent!"

"It looks like Xiao Fei is miserable."

"Yes, that seed student from the Vermillion Bird Academy has launched a terrible offensive.

It's hard to think that Xiao Fei has been strong all the way since entering our Qinglong Academy.

In the end, it turned out to be dead here. "

Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but cried out.

Anyone can feel the terrible horror of the move that Jiang Tianwei displayed.

Most people felt that Jiang Tianwei's opponent was inevitable.


Lin Fei's arm was infinitely enlarged in an instant, as thick as a dragon, and the huge fist that resembled a small mountain peak suddenly blasted out, overwhelming the space and shaking it up.

Numerous black and faint space cracks spread out in front of Lin Fei's fist.


A loud noise, like a sharp blade slashing on the metal, shook the ears of people nearby.

Then, in the shocking gaze of everyone, Lin Fei's fist blocked the magical red light.

The two are at a stalemate.

I have to say that the power of that red light was too strong, and Lin Fei's fist was shaken, causing a faint pain.

However, it was just pain, and there was no damage.


The immortal cut with a fist against me! "

At this moment, Jiang Tianwei was completely shocked.

The elder of the Vermillion Bird Academy who taught him the practice of Immortal Slashing once said to him, Immortal Slashing, if you cultivate to the highest level, you can kill Immortals!

Not to mention any other things in the world, it is simply nothing but nothing.

However, now there are people who resist physically!

What a perverted physical quality this is.


At this moment, Lin Fei broke out and took the initiative to attack. The other arm was also infinitely enlarged, swept out, and the huge fist smashed past.

The thick dragons of vitality and blood, blessed on the two thick arms, kept roaring and roaring, full of power and shocked people, and many people breathed in cold air.

"I don't believe that you are not dead!"

Jiang Tianwei also broke out at this moment.

He used the immortal cut like a lightning, and a faint red light was cut out again, and the energy contained was stronger than just now.


Everyone's ears hummed.

The two powerhouses, in head-to-head, frantic confrontation, are very fast, far beyond ordinary people's understanding.

At this time, on the four warships of the four colleges.

The elders and deacons of the various colleges are chatting and communicating, and they are all guessing which college and which students will perform outstandingly in this training, and push their opponents horizontally.

"Elder Tao, I heard that in your Xuanwu Academy, among the new students in this year, a total of nine people have been designated as seed students by default.

All come to participate in the calendar exercise. "

Asked an elder of the White Tiger Academy.

"Surely all such rare opportunities for training have come.

You, the seed students of the White Tiger Academy, are all the same? "

Elder Tao of Xuanwu Academy replied.

"Not bad.


To be honest, the eight seed students of our White Tiger Academy this year are all talented and talented, and the combat power at this stage is definitely outstanding among the younger generation. "

The elder of the White Tiger Academy replied triumphantly.

"Haha, I said, old man Jiao, stop blowing here.

To be honest, the last time I went to your White Tiger Academy, I met all of your eight seed students.

The overall quality is definitely not as good as our Suzaku Academy!

Just wait and see. This time, the ten seed students of the Suzaku Academy must have performed the most prominently. Maybe they will kill the world and push all the seed students of your three major colleges. "

An elder of Suzaku College laughed.

"By the way, Elder Wei, I heard that among the new students in this year of Qinglong Academy, only three have been designated as seed students.

What, is the overall quality of the new students in this year of Qinglong College so bad? Pick and choose, only three qualified? "

Suddenly, the elder of Suzaku Academy asked the elder of Qinglong Academy who had been silent.

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