Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1770: Red Tide Palace

Just when Lin Wan'er was talking to Qingluo and Azi from behind.


Na Ge Feilong led a group of his confidants, hurried to the road.

Several of this group of confidants are his followers, and there are also many ordinary students who take refuge in him.

The influence of a seed student is very large, and many ordinary students are willing to rely on it.

"Master, the two women, the attitude towards you, Master, is neither lukewarm nor hot, and it seems difficult to get started."

An enchanting woman in pink, crawling in Ge Feilong's ear whispered.

This woman is one of his followers, dressed in a **** and slutty dress.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, no matter how cold they are, they are just two ordinary students.

These two women, I must get them, and they are very good for the kind of secret power I cultivate.

The one called Azi was actually an ancient relic, a nine-tailed demon fox. This fox has a unique physique, and the source of the demon power contained in the body is very pure.

Her physique is a great nourishment to my secret practice.

And the one named Qingluo is not simple, nor is it a human race, but a woman from the legendary evil shadow race.

The female of the evil shadow clan contains pure evil energy in her body, which is not small for my practice.

And it seems that both of them are still young children, virgins, and men and women in the end, the original is lost, which is great. "

Ge Feilong said.

"Tsk tusk, in this way, after the master gets these two women, the technique will definitely improve.

In the near future, it will definitely rise!

The secret method that the master practised secretly, is good at picking up the art, can absorb the essence of the woman, it is really amazing.

Last night, my master absorbed a lot of origin..."

When the enchanting woman in pink clothes said this, the thinly-dressed body couldn't help but leaned against Ge Feilong's body, her eyes were silky, her face flushed.


You "sao huo", do you want to... again! "

Ge Feilong remembered the debauchery of the enchanting woman in pink clothes last night, and couldn't help but feel stunned.

"Well, no, master, you are good or bad...

By the way, the master, since the physique of the two women is a great nourishment to the secret practice of the master secretly, it is better to hit the iron while it is hot, and now it is here to force them to do it.

Hmph, it's just two ordinary students. The master estimates that with a finger, they can subdue them and rob them of their virginity! "

The enchanting woman in pink suddenly offered to Ge Feilong.


Not in a hurry, this young master plays with women and always wants women to be willing, and will never force them!

Forced things are a big deal! Look, these two women are determined to escape from my palm!

Sooner or later, I will seize them physically and mentally with my own true charm, and let them be like you in the future, and they will die to me! "

Ge Feilong laughed triumphantly.

"Master, you are really good or bad..., always bullying others..."

The enchanting woman in pink took the opportunity to get closer to Ge Feilong and acted like a baby.

In the rear, Lin Fei's divine consciousness is powerful, and of course he can perceive Ge Feilong's every move very clearly. Looking at him and the enchanting pink-clad woman's slutty and proud look, Lin Fei has indescribable disgust.

However, that Ge Feilong's body seemed to be carrying a secret treasure that specifically isolates the divine consciousness. Within three feet of his body, Lin Fei's divine consciousness could not perceive it at all.

Therefore, Lin Fei couldn't hear exactly what Ge Feilong and the enchanting woman in pink were talking about, otherwise, Lin Fei's character would have been punched.

"Attention, everyone, the front is very likely to be where the Red Tide Palace is.

It is said that the location of the Red Tide Palace is not fixed.

Every year, one place will be moved, and once a master of high level approaches, he will take the initiative to escape.

However, according to the analysis of the map my master gave me, this year, the Red Tide Palace is very likely to be in this area.

Everyone look carefully! "

Ge Feilong suddenly said in a deep voice, and at the same time his figure was also a meal.

Everyone was overjoyed after hearing what he said.

As a result, all the people scattered in a fan shape and searched forward.

This area is almost all reddish-brown hilly areas. Although the mountains are not high, they are numerous. At first glance, there are layers of short and bare ugly hills everywhere.

Moreover, the air was filled with sticky and pungent red mist, which seemed to be covered by clouds, making people palpitating.

After a while.

Suddenly, in the front, at the extreme point of sight, the blood rushed into the sky, and most of the sky was reflected, and it was all coquettish and bright red.

Then, everyone was surprised to find that the coquettish red light that soared to the sky had actually rushed up from an underground abyss.

"That's it, Red Tide Palace, right in that underground abyss!"

Ge Feilong couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the abyss erupting red light.

Sure enough, when everyone approached and came to the edge of the abyss, they found a huge blood-red palace at the bottom of the abyss, crouching quietly like a monster.

That red palace, constantly spewing coquettish red light, filled with mist, dazzling, and very mysterious.

Red Tide Palace!

All people were overjoyed in their hearts, staring at the bottom of the abyss, the red demon palace.

Everyone knows that I finally found the right place!

Ho Ho Ho Ho...

When everyone discovered the Red Tide Palace, not far away, in some dark places, there were shadows and red light, and there began to hear low roars.

Obviously, there are a large number of Red Devil Rats lurking everywhere in this place.

"Be careful, everyone, we are now in the nest of the Red Devil Rat!"

Ge Feilong's face also showed some coldness and sternness, and it was no longer as easy as the journey just now.

Lin Fei and several people are also cautious.


I finally found the Red Tide Palace! "

"Yes, the place where the red light is shining to the sky must be where the Red Tide Palace is!"

Suddenly, shouts of ecstasy rang from the rear, and then, stern figures rushed in this direction.

It seems that the number of people is very large, and there are figures appearing in all directions, surrounding them.

Suddenly, Ge Feilong's face turned blue, very ugly.

"How can this be!

I have a map so I can find the Red Tide Palace, but why can they even find it here? ! "

Ge Feilong roared in a deep voice.

He originally brought a group of confidants, and wanted to find the Red Tide Palace first, and then see if he could swallow the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat alone.

"Master, do other people have similar maps?"

One of Ge Feilong's confidants spoke to him with little wings.

"Well, it's possible.

Now, it's only competition to see the real ability. "

At this time, Ge Feilong also calmed down, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

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