Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1772: Too fierce

On the spot, a few of Ge Feilong's henchmen rushed towards Lin Fei in anger, trying to kill Lin Fei.

However, at this moment.

"It's not good, there are a lot of Red Devil Rats, there is another rat tide!"

Not far away, someone screamed.

Then, in the abyss that spit out red light, there were a large number of red magic rats crawling out of the abyss, like a red tide, coming up.

In an instant, countless Red Devil Rats rushed to the edge of the abyss, and pounced murderously at the students and followers of these four colleges.

"Hahaha, good come, a group of rats, just used to practice their skills!"

A tall man with a big Pu knife stuck in his back laughed wildly, and his eyes burned with excitement and blood.

This is the seed student of Xuanwu Academy, Lan Batian!

The Dapu knife on his back rose up into the sky, and instantly turned into a giant knife, surrounded by thousands of sharp sword auras, which was terrifying.

call out!

A blade gas with a width of hundreds of feet was slashed out, and dozens of Red Devil Rats were immediately hanged by the blade!

It is really no trivial thing for seed students to take action.

"All dead!"

On the other side, a slender young man, above his head, a huge black hole suddenly appeared, seeming to swallow everything, exuding terrible strangulation and tearing power.


The black hole was sacrificed, and fifty or sixty Red Devil Rats were strangled to pieces in an instant.

This is another seed student!

In the field, almost all seed students from major colleges rushed to the forefront.

Because, under the abyss, is the Red Tide Palace, and everyone wants to reach that palace first.

Therefore, at this time, every seed student no longer retains, and burst out his strongest offensive power, rushing to the abyss where the Red Tide Palace is one by one.

Ge Feilong also started to do it, swept out a giant palm, and easily killed dozens of Red Devil Rats.

And his confidantes naturally followed him closely, slaying the Red Devil Rats that came from there.

"Two sisters, if you come here now, what I just said and the promise you made will still have effect.

how about it! "

At this time, Ge Feilong still didn't give up, looked at Qingluo and Azi, and said.

"Furthermore, after I get the inheritance secret technique of the Red Devil Rat, I can also practice with you."

Ge Feilong said.


Brother Ge, how to listen to your tone, you seem to be able to get the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat.

What use is your promise if you don't get it when the time comes.

Are you deceiving me.

I'm an ignorant girl. "

A Zi smiled, his tone was obviously ironic.

"Go away, stop harassing me!"

Qing Luo was even more direct and scolded coldly.


When Ge Feilong saw A Zi's attitude, he suddenly seemed to understand.

These two women can't be tempted by themselves at all, they probably have been playing with them like monkeys!

The corners of Ge Feilong's eyes jumped violently, and in an instant there was an anger that was played by others!


It turns out that you two **** have been perfunctory me!

Wait, I, Ge Feilong, is by no means a character who is arbitrarily played by others, you two sluts, I will definitely make you worse than dead! "

In Ge Feilong's heart, at this time, it was simply hateful, and hate immediately rushed over to kill the few people in front of him.

However, in the end, he suppressed his anger, and cast a gloomy look at Lin Fei's few people, deep in his eyes, there was a strong murderous intent.

He had already decided secretly in his heart, ready to find an opportunity to retaliate severely.


Ge Feilong waved his hand, leading a group of his confidants, and rushed forward instantly.

Lin Fei naturally noticed the killing intent in Ge Feilong's eyes, and smiled coldly in his heart.

Although Ge Feilong was a seed student, Lin Fei was confident that he could deal with it, so he didn't take it seriously. If he dared to offend him, he would just kill him.

Lin Wan'er saw Ge Feilong and A Ziqingluo tear their faces, and for a while, she didn't know what to say.

"Sister Azi, Sister Qingluo, I'm with you, one more person, more strength!"

In the end, Lin Wan'er gritted her teeth, stayed, and walked to Qing Luo's side.

"Go, rush into the Red Tide Palace!"

Lin Fei didn't stay here anymore, taking Azi's people, and also rushed under the abyss.

Suddenly, a large group of Red Devil Rats rushed towards Lin Fei.

These Red Devil Rats seem to be protecting the Red Tide Palace under the abyss, and keep people away.

As long as anyone wants to rush into the abyss below, the Red Devil Rats will rush up and block them.


Lin Wan'er screamed, taking the lead, twisting her body and killing her.

However, she didn't wait for her to actually do it.

When Lin Fei raised his hand, five hundred sword auras formed a five-element sword formation, passing by Lin Wan'er and strangling forward.

The space twists, the sword aura is like a tide, which contains the clever and sharp power of the five elements.

Puff puff puff...

The Red Devil Rats, all that were slightly swept by the sword light, were blown to pieces and exploded into powder, just like fireworks blooming, and masses of blood-colored powder exploded one after another!

In just one or two breaths, there were hundreds of Red Devil Rats that died under Lin Feijian, and a large area was immediately emptied.

"Hi! You?"

Lin Wan'er found that the hundreds of Red Devil Rats in front of her were all killed in an instant, she couldn't help but be stunned, and looked at Lin Fei with extremely incredible eyes.

At this time, Lin Fei's momentum changed drastically, and the aura of the whole person rose to the apex, like a **** of murder, born!

"Leave it to me.

You follow behind and it's okay.

I will protect you. "

Lin Fei smiled casually.

next moment.

When Lin Fei moved, lightning rushed forward.

The physical power was released, and the two arms were like two thick dragons, and the blood and blood were released. A long dragon of blood and blood was wrapped around the two giant arms, shaking the nearby space constantly and violently. .

Lin Fei descended like a **** of death, his two giant arms swept forward and his fists were like lightning. Every punch almost killed dozens of Red Devil Rats.

Within a few breaths, the number of Red Devil Rats killed by Lin Fei was as many as four to five hundred. The bones were flying, and the blood ran everywhere, forming a stream of blood, gurgling.

"This...too...too vigorous..."

Lin Wan'er's eyes were straight, demented, staring at Lin Fei, her eyes sparkling.



That brat, how can he be so strong! "

Ge Feilong, who had already rushed to the front, actually used his divine consciousness to perceive it from time to time. At this time, he almost jumped up, his face full of disbelief.

He wanted to wait to see several people in Lin Fei, besieged by the Red Devil Rat, unable to cope with it, and then he planned to turn around and laugh, and watch them with his own eyes, who were torn to pieces by the Red Devil Rat.

Unexpectedly, he saw Lin Fei showing off his power and beheading the Red Devil Rat.

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