Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1777: Break the line

Qing Luo, A Zi, the goblin, Ren Shanshan and others quickly moved closer to Lin Fei's position. ()

The Chaos Cauldron transformed into a huge Dan Cauldron, lying above the head, enough to protect everyone.

In the void above the big tomb, countless thunder and lightning, like a silver-white waterfall, kept falling on the tripod body, sparks splashing, and loud rumbling noises.

Most of the cauldrons of the Chaos Cauldron are made of chaotic real gold.

The essence of chaotic real gold is that it is heavy and hard.

Those lightnings, although there were a lot of them, could not cause any damage to Chaos Cauldron at all.

Under the protection of Chaos Cauldron, Lin Fei and his group quickly climbed up to the top of the grave.

Many of the other students and followers also possessed very high-level secret treasures, floating above their heads, releasing their might and easily blocking the lightning that fell.

However, there are also some students and followers whose secret treasures are of too low level, and they are constantly exploding under the thunder and lightning.

Those followers and students who were weak in strength were beaten by thunder and lightning to fly out and fell out of the scope of the grave.

After a while, Lin Fei and his party finally rushed to the top of the grave.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that there was no thunder and lightning on the top of the platform, and the wind was calm.

At the top is a wide platform, and in the center of the platform is an altar.

In the altar, there was a coffin impressively.

Next to the Lingshu, there are three light clusters suspended.

The three light clusters are constantly shining with crystal luster. There seems to be something wrapped in the light clusters, but the line of sight cannot see clearly, nor can the divine consciousness perceive it.

"There must be the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat's inheritance!"

Someone shouted in surprise.

Except for Lin Fei and his party, the rest also rushed to the platform on the top of the grave.

Hundreds of people surrounded the altar at the center of the platform.

Everyone's eyes were staring fiercely at the three light clusters in the altar and the spirit hub, and their breathing was a bit heavy.

One of the ten great ancient chaos beasts, the things left by the Red Devil Rat, are there ordinary things.

It is estimated that everything is worth the treasure of heaven!

"Haha, it's all mine, don't grab anyone with me!

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "

A tall man with a dapu knife stuck in his back said with a wild smile.

This man was a seed student of Xuanwu students, called Lan Batian, who practiced a very domineering sword technique, and his personality was also very domineering.

In today's experience, there are at least a few hundred students and followers who died under his sword.

While Lan Batian laughed, he rushed towards the center of the altar like a wild dragon.

"Lan Batian, you want to be beautiful!"

The other seed students, naturally not to be outdone, rushed to the center of the altar.


Lan Batian, who rushed to the front, was suddenly hit by a huge force and flew backwards.

Bang bang bang...

The figures flew back upside down, falling into the distance.

Seeing this, the rest of the students stopped quickly.

"There is an invisible formation with a very high level!"

Someone yelled.

Sure enough, the next moment, the energy of the formations exploded, and the light was shining, and a formation exuding a simple atmosphere appeared in front of everyone.

That formation protected the coffin pivot and the three light groups.

"Damn, I'll break the battle!"

Lan Batian rushed back at this time, angrily.


The simple sword in his hand turned into a giant sky-high sword, surrounded by storms of sword energy, and slashed at the big array fiercely.

However, no matter how Lan Batian slashed, that formation did not move at all.

On the contrary, it was the huge rebound force produced by the formation, which shook his arms sorely, even the tiger's mouth was shattered, and blood constantly leaked out.

"No, the level of this formation is too high. Although we have gone through a long period of time, none of us can break this formation alone.

Unless we all work together. "

Lan Batian said.

"Okay, let's break the battle together first!"

The other seed students also felt the power of this formation, and they all nodded in agreement.

As a result, everyone immediately began to use their hands, or use secret treasures, or use martial arts and secrets, bursting out fierce Yuanli energy, blasting towards the big formation.

Lin Fei waved the Chaos Cauldron to release his physical power. The giant cauldron was like a sledgehammer, constantly hammering on the great formation.

About half an hour later.

Finally, the big array began to sway.

Then, it blasted to pieces with a boom.

At the moment when the big formation exploded, everyone rushed to the three light groups at the same time.

Everyone knows that these three light groups must be wrapped in valuable treasures.

Of course, Lin Fei didn't hesitate, unfolding his own body skills, and instantly rushed to one of the light groups, waved his sleeves, and rolled towards that light group.


Suddenly, a blue ribbon drew a azure blue light and pierced it very quickly. The ribbon turned into a spear, tearing the space and piercing towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei waved the Danding tripod and collided with the silk ribbon.

In an instant, the war broke out, and the three light regiments were robbed one after another.

Lin Fei turned his head and looked around, and saw a woman who was as beautiful as a fairy, wearing a pink battle dress, exuding luster, like a feathered fairy, shrouded in light and rain, holding a colorful ribbon, majestic and majestic.

This woman Lin Fei had seen before, and she was the ancient master of Zhongshengzhou, the saint of Yuedian.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a new student of the four major colleges this year.

"Hehe, this brother, the little girl is very interested in the things in this light group, can you let me go."

The Saintess of Moon Palace said with a smile.

This saint, dancing in a pink battle dress, is beautiful and faint, with bursts of moonlight draped on her body, looking hazy and holy, as if she was banished to the world.


Sagong Ziyue, who is not interested in such a baby, let him have his own skills! "


A golden lantern hovered, shed endless flames, and simultaneously attacked Lin Fei and the Holy Maiden of Moon Palace.

Then, a young man in a golden robe appeared with a cold and arrogant expression.

The combat power of this golden robe youth is very powerful.

That golden lamp was obviously a very powerful secret treasure, and bursts of golden flames burst out, carrying terrible energy coercion, and overwhelmingly suppressed Lin Fei and the saint of Yuedian.


Lin Fei and the Saintess of Yuedian both fought back at the same time.

As soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, five hundred zhang sword auras formed a sword formation and strangled it out. At the same time, his two arms were infinitely enlarged, as thick as a dragon, holding the Chaos Cauldron, and rushed in.

And within the body of the Saintess of the Moon Palace, a bright moon flew out, splashing bursts of bright moonlight, covering her body.

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