Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1781: unbeatable

"I come!"

An ordinary student with a tall and thin body and a spear on his back said in a loud voice.

Suddenly, a red light fell from the sky, and he wrapped it and sent it to the ring.

"Master Red Devil Rat, junior Zhu Shaoying is offended!"

The tall and thin young man saluted.

call out!

Then, a black spear on his back soared into the sky, and instantly turned into a huge spear, lying above the void.

A sharp and unmatched black energy ripple, surging from the black spear, filled the space of the ring, strands of strands.

All of them felt that there were countless invisible spears aiming at themselves, and a chill came up in their hearts.

call out!

Then, the huge spear high in the sky, like a black dragon, tore through the sky and lunged at the young man in red in the middle of the ring.

Where the black spear passed, the space continued to shatter on a small scale, and countless black and faint space cracks were constantly born, like a spider web, climbing in the space.

Although this tall and thin young man is only an ordinary student, the combat power he has displayed at this moment, even those seed students, have also paid much attention to him.

"Well, it's much better than the one just now."

The young man in red said a rare word.

Then he waved his hand casually.

A shock wave of red energy rushed out of his palm.


Above the ring, that huge black spear was immediately bombarded and thrown away.


The tall and thin young man was also shocked by a terrible force, flew out, left the ring, and fell back to the platform where everyone was.

He waved his hand casually, as if swatting a fly, and shot a student who was not weak in combat power into the air!

On the platform, all the students and followers stared at the young man in red on the ring with shocked eyes.

Such combat power is terrible.

Lin Fei was also deeply jealous.

This is the ancient times, one of the ten ancient chaos beasts, is the Red Devil Rat's combat power when it was young?

It really deserves its reputation.

The students from the four major colleges are definitely the most powerful group among the younger generation in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

However, before this young man in red, he was simply vulnerable and extremely ridiculous.

"I come!"

A woman's voice screamed. This is a girl in a green dress with a hot body and a beautiful face. She has an intermediate Mahayana realm and is also an ordinary student.

Immediately after the girl in the green skirt finished speaking, a red light fell from the sky, teleporting her to the ring.

After the girl respectfully saluted the young man in red, with a wave of her hand, countless green lights shot out from her body, and then turned into green snakes. In a moment, in the space of the entire ring, It was filled with thousands of green snakes.

"Well, you actually got the snake soul of the Demon Shadow Void Snake. Take care of it, and your future combat power will definitely not be weak."

The young man in red nodded.

"However, in front of me, it is still not enough."

The young man in red continued.

Then, reaching out and volleying, a terrible red energy came out.

Bang bang bang...

The green snakes were blown to pieces one after another.

The girl in the green skirt also snorted, backed a few steps, and there was a faint blood seeping from the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, he was also injured.

"Thank you for your mercy, Lord Red Devil Rat."

The girl in the green skirt knew that she could never be her opponent, so she hugged and said, turned and jumped back onto the platform.

Another student who was not weak in combat failed the challenge.

At this time, everyone understood that the combat power of this young man in red was really terrifying.

Then, more than a dozen ordinary students challenged.

However, they were all defeated by the young man in red.

Only one trick!

At this time, not only the ordinary students and followers, but also the twenty-something seed students, frowned, and they were extremely jealous.

The feeling of this young man in red is simply invincible!

"I come!"

A tall man with a big knife stuck in his back said loudly, his physique is strong, his face is full of beard, and he looks fierce.

It was Lan Batian, a seed student of Xuanwu Academy.

He was slightly injured by Lin Fei before.

However, now it looks like it has returned to its peak state.

These seed students from the four major academies have very rich cultivation resources and various healing medicines in their hands.

A slight injury can be recovered in a moment.

A red light sent Lan Batian onto the ring.

"Senior Red Devil Rat, offended!"

With a violent cry, Na Lan Batian squeezed the big sword in both hands. The big sword continued to stretch and grow in size, instantly transforming into a giant sword, with cold light flickering and a forceful edge.

Above the giant knife, there were bursts of fierce knife aura, which turned into bursts of violent whirlwind, constantly blowing and scouring, and the entire arena space was constantly shaking under this knife aura.


The giant sword slashed towards the red-clothed young man, with bursts of sword air, whizzing wildly.

"Well, finally came up with a good one."

The red-clothed youth moved and disappeared like a ghost.


The Great Sky Knife slashed on the ground of the ring, and the ring was constantly shaking.

However, this arena was constructed with various laws and powers, and with the strength of this blue tyrant, it was absolutely impossible to get the slightest damage.

The next moment, the young man in red appeared in another position in the ring.

At this moment, Lin Fei stared at the young man in red.

"Unexpectedly, the Red Devil Rat when he was young had mastered such a clever spatial body technique!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei has spatial power in his cultivation, so he naturally knew that the body of this red-clothed youth contained extremely clever spatial power.

The moment he disappeared just now, he actually went directly into the chaotic void from the real space, and then came out directly.

Lin Fei can also do it through the void.

However, the red-clothed youth's body style through the void was too fast, too casual, and completely natural, freely swaying, entering and leaving the real space, and chaotic void, it was simply easy.

Even, it seems that there is no need to display space power, but a kind of talent, as if it was born to travel through the void.

"Well, your combat power is good. If you work hard, you can make small achievements in the future.

Of course, it can't be a big weapon. "

The young man in red commented on Lan Batian.

next moment.

I saw him move and disappear instantly.

Lan Batian couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body.

The next moment, a red light appeared from the void, slamming into Lan Batian's body quickly and extremely fast.

Bang 1

Lan Batian flew directly away from the ring and fell back to the platform where everyone was on.

A seed student was defeated so easily.

Before and after, the young man in red was actually just a trick.

Then, several seed students in succession took the stage to challenge.

However, one of the strongest seed students only insisted on four moves and was defeated.

too strong!

Simply invincible!

At this time, this idea was born in everyone's mind.

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