Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1791: Appeared too timely

In the realm of Xuwu.

Under the earth, Lin Fei turned into a ray of red light, and while walking fast, he felt the earth's energy and the momentum of the earth.

Gradually, they found common ground between Xiang Di Jue and the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat.

Because both are of soil properties.

Lin Fei walked through the ground for about half an hour.

Suddenly, my heart moved.

Because Lin Fei seemed to feel the breath of Azi.

A Zi has a brand of divine consciousness, staying in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Between the two, as long as they are within a certain distance, they can perceive each other.

"It seems that Azi is nearby.

Those students and followers from the four major colleges should also be carrying out training missions nearby. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, so he walked in the direction of Azi.

at this time.

Azi, Qingluo, the goblin, Ren Shanshan, Princess Yufeng, Princess Peacock, and even Xiao Yuanshan, all gathered together, working together, and desperately fleeing outside the secret place.

Everyone is very embarrassed, and there are more or less scars on the body.

In the violent killing just now, the students and followers of the four major academies were almost killed or injured.

The only ones who can really challenge are those who are particularly powerful seed students.

It was already quite difficult for Azi, a group of people, to barely persist in surviving.

Seven or eight evil creatures with hideous looks were chasing and killing them closely behind them, flying sand and rocks, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains, and some small peaks were constantly smashed to pieces by their bodies.


These creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm are too weak.

Such a one-sided slaughter is meaningless! "

Behind, a head of evil creatures burst into crazy laughter. The sound was loud and sharp, which made people's eardrums burst into pain.

Every evil creature's body is full of monstrous evil spirits, and wherever it goes, even the flowers, trees, birds, and insects immediately shrink, turn yellow, and die.

"Damn, what kind of monsters are these? It's terrible.

These students from our four major colleges are simply vulnerable to them.

Those elders sent us to this ghost place for training, and they let us kill ourselves! "

Xiao Yuanshan continued to complain while running desperately.

"Hey, don't run so fast..."

Among this group of people, Xiao Yuanshan's body technique was the slowest. Gradually, he was at the end, and he was about to be overtaken by the fastest evil monster.

Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help being shocked. The combat power of these monsters, he had learned just now, was simply incompetent.

"Damn, you kid, nagging along the way, my ears become calluses.

You don’t need a snack to escape! "

The goblin shook his head and said.

A Zi and the others also stared at Xiao Yuanshan one after another. Originally, everyone could escape faster, but Xiao Yuanshan slowed down a lot.

Moreover, this guy, screaming along the way, never stopped, very annoying.

"I said, you wouldn't be so loyal, leave me alone..."

Xiao Yuanshan sneered.


I caught up.

Weak ants, go to death! "

A brown giant with a height of more than fifty meters roared, with endless ridicule and abuse in his voice.

It runs very fast, its appearance is exactly the same as a human, but it is terribly tall, like a skyscraper, with a leather skirt wrapped around its waist, and a huge stone axe in its hands.


I saw it moving huge steps, and it was about to catch up not far behind Xiao Yuanshan.


The huge stone axe in its hand was like a stone mountain, slashing towards Xiao Yuanshan's location.

Ahead, Azi and others couldn't help being shocked when they saw this.

Because this giant's combat power is terrible, everyone has fought it before, and they are not opponents.

However, seeing Xiao Yuanshan was about to suffer, Azi and others couldn't bear to save it.

As a result, everyone gritted their teeth, and the figure in the rush, all stopped.


One body after another, dragging the afterimage, one after another rushed to the brown giant from all directions.


A group of weak guys dared to resist, and they all died! "

The brown giant roared wildly, and the overlapping sound waves rushed out from his huge mouth, forming layers of spatial ripples, visible to the naked eye, and constantly violently impacting everyone's eardrums.

The huge stone axe in its hand burst out terrible evil energy.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, fierce fighting broke out, and Azi and others jointly besieged the giant.

However, the giant's combat power was too strong. The violent and evil energy inspired by the great rock axe, whizzing and dancing, was too terrifying, like a monstrous wind, blowing everyone swaying.

To make matters worse, there are six or seven terrifying monsters in the rear, quickly approaching.

"Damn, this monster is too powerful.

Unless Brother Lin Fei is here, our students from the four major colleges are definitely not its opponents! "

During the fierce battle, Xiao Yuanshan roared.

Just as Xiao Yuanshan's voice fell.

The ground where the brown giant stood, suddenly, like a wave, up and down, shaking violently.

Then, a cloud of yellowish yellow mist erupted from the ground instantly, transforming into thick yellowish yellow dragons, carrying amazing energy, spreading their teeth and claws, and pounced on the brown giant.


what is this! "

The brown giant was shocked, because the energy emitted by the yellow giant dragons was very powerful.

In an instant, dozens of khaki foggy dragons rolled and danced, besieging the brown giant in the middle, attacking frantically.

The stone axe in the hands of the brown giant kept blowing out.

However, what surprised it was that these misty dragons, after being chopped apart, could automatically reunite, and they were not unkillable at all.

call out!

A red light flashed.

Then, a figure appeared above the brown giant's head.


A giant human arm as thick as a dragon, holding a giant cauldron in hand, instantly hit the brown giant's head.

Boom boom boom...

The brown giant was besieged by more than a dozen khaki dragons, and there was no time to escape.

In less than two breaths, the brown giant's head was completely smashed into a blood mist, the brain was splashed, and then evaporated and disappeared completely.


The headless brown body, more than fifty meters high, fell into the dust.

A young man hovering in the air, looking at Qing Luo, A Zi and others, it was naturally Lin Fei.

"Brother Lin Fei!

Great, Brother Lin Fei, you really showed up in time! "

Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help being overjoyed.

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