Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1797: Relic of the demons

Seeing the dozens of evil creatures, one by one desperately fled to the space crack in the sky.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and suddenly, the pitch black iron rod in the hands of the demon body clone turned into a black light and shot out.


It was just an instant, that dark iron rod, constantly enlarged, turned into a giant stick, lying above the sky.

Of course, the real shape of this huge black stick is actually like a huge black embroidery needle.

Because it was originally a needle.

Above the stick, there was a tsunami-like dark and evil aura lingering, like an abyss like a sea, completely blackening the entire sky, ghosts crying and howling wolves, like thousands of demons roaring.

In the distance, Azi and his party, seeing this scene, stopped immediately and did not dare to approach.


No, I can't move! "

"That black stick, what the **** is it, it's terrible."

Suddenly, high in the sky, a dozen evil creatures, one by one, seemed to have been hit by the concentration technique.

The evil and evil runes all over the sky, gushed out from the pitch-black giant stick, overwhelming the sky, completely blocking this space.

Even Azi, Qingluo and others in the distance felt an extremely vicious amount of pressure in an instant.

"No, my body can't move!"

Xiao Yuanshan yelled first.

Then, all people found that their bodies couldn't move at all.

"It's okay, don't resist, it will be fine in a while."

At this time, Lin Fei's voice reached everyone's ears.

A Ziqingluo and the others were relieved.

And high in the sky, the dozen or so evil creatures that could not move, at this moment, began to scream miserably.

Because they discovered that the energy in their bodies was continuously being absorbed by the huge black stick.

Then, their bodies kept shrinking.

"Hurry up and pass the news, tell those adults, let them find a way to save us!"

An evil creature roared.

call out!

The body of another evil creature shot out a black light, and instantly rushed into the gap in the space.

This space crack actually connects the two sides of a space barrier.

The other side of the space barrier.

The endless evil aura, surging and rolling, tens of thousands of hideous figures, suspended in this void.


It's not in vain that we have searched for such a long time and finally found a weak space wall.

Just think of a way to really break this space wall, when our Abyss domain, and the army of several other domains, rush into the Xianling Realm, we can blood wash the Xianling Realm. "

A creature with a height of fifty or sixty meters, with black sharp horns on its head, black skin all over, and a huge black cloak, laughed.

In this space, almost all creatures are in a carnival state.

at this time.


A black light flew out from the huge gap in the space ahead.

Then, the black light burst into pieces with a bang, turning into a dark spot of light.

"Several adults, help, our people are almost killed!"

A harsh cry for help sounded like a howling ghost.

"What the **** happened!"

All evil creatures were taken aback.

Then, the dark spots of light in the sky began to combine into a moving picture, and the process of the death of the hundreds of evil creatures in the four-image secret land was clearly revealed one by one.

During this process, the tens of thousands of evil creatures all looked at the dark iron rod in the hands of Lin Fei's demon clone in shock.

Because, almost all evil creatures, from the depths of their souls, were terrified by that dark iron rod.

The aura from that iron rod seemed to be innately capable of suppressing them.


What the **** is that?

What on earth is that dark iron rod, how can it be so terrible! "

Some evil creatures couldn't help but tremble all over, frightened inexplicably.


I read it right!

Could it be that this pitch-black iron rod turned out to be a family of demons in our domain. In the last era, it was already a lost holy thing, the evil needle of the ten thousand demons! "

An evil creature that is more than ten meters high and covered with dense black scales all over the body, with an incredible gaze, staring at the clear pictures that are constantly being presented, and said in a loud voice.

The head of this evil creature was a young human man with a handsome face, long black hair with a shawl, naturally scattered, and he looked very leisurely.

But at this moment, his eyes were shocked to the extreme.

Ten Thousand Demons punish the evil needle!

As soon as the voice of this evil creature with the head of a young human man fell, almost all the evil creatures were completely shocked.

A series of fierce gazes stared at the evil needles in the hands of the demon body clone even more closely in that picture.

"Impossible, the holy artifact of the demons, that is one of the most powerful holy artifacts in our abyss.

It is said that he was carried away by the saint son of the evil demon clan and disappeared.

How could it appear in this immortal tomb world and fall into the hands of a human kid? "

An evil creature with a body as high as hundreds of meters and full of unevenness, like a toad skin, kept shaking his head and said.

Soon, all the evil creatures were clamoring.

"All quiet!"

Suddenly, a faint voice rang, clearly transmitted to the ears of every evil creature.

This voice, extremely indifferent, seemed to contain endless negative emotions, cold, deadly, unfeeling, desperate, like a cold current flowing through the body of every evil creature.

Suddenly, all the evil creatures fell silent in an instant.

Then, a gray streamer drifted slowly from the void in the distance.

In the end, a short stature, only about 1.5 meters, a humble stature, and a weak human old man appeared.

This gray-clothed old man looked very weak, and among this group of tall evil creatures, his size was simply pitifully small.

It is like an ant crawling into a group of elephants.

However, all the evil creatures looked at the gray-clothed old man with incomparable jealousy, even deep fear.


Unexpectedly, the evil demons had been searching for such a long time, and the holy objects that they could not find appeared in the immortal tomb realm. "

The short gray-clothed old man stared at the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle in the hands of the demon body clone, hehe sneered.

"Ten Thousand Demons Zhu Tianxie Needle, the power is very terrible, the ones we sent before, it is estimated that the whole army was wiped out, and none of them can escape."

The little gray-clothed old man sighed.

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