Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1801: Exotic creatures return

High in the sky, within that space crack, the space energy began to fluctuate extremely violently.

Then, strange noises came from the depths of the crack.

It seemed that something was passing through the cracks in that space.

"Boy, the monsters on the opposite side of the space barrier really want to come through this crack."

The goblin's face was also very solemn, and he secretly spoke to Lin Fei.

In fact, Lin Fei felt it too.

There are creatures moving in the cracks in that space, it must be the monsters on the opposite side.

After a while.

Boom boom boom...

There was a burst of abnormal noise, which continuously spread from the depths of the space crack, becoming clearer and clearer.

After a while.


At this moment, in the depths of the black space cracks, the energy riots became more and more severe, and then a monstrous black mist was ejected, forming a terrifying field, and then rushed out of dense figures.

From a distance, they stood in the twisted void, standing in the black mist, like a group of most terrifying big demons!

At this moment, endless evil auras enveloped this piece of heaven and earth.

The power of this group of evil creatures is too powerful, towering tower after tower, making people tremble, together, forming a terrifying field, to disintegrate everything.

In addition to Lin Fei, Azi, Qingluo, Ren Shanshan, Princess Yufeng, Xiao Yuanshan and other juniors, all of them pale, their bodies trembling constantly, backing away, they simply couldn't bear it.


Elder Yu of Xuanwu Academy gave a cold snort when he saw this, and then released a gentle primal force that enveloped all the juniors, including Lin Fei.

Azi and others felt that their body was warm as spring, and there was no more discomfort.

Lin Fei couldn't help but admire secretly, the strength of this elder Yu was unfathomable.

Looking at the hideous figures in the black mist, Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

Because, this group of evil creatures that came over is obviously much stronger than the group that was absorbed by the evil needle not long ago!

The tall and hideous bodies are daunting.

"Quack, come here, and finally successfully entered the Xianling Realm!

These humble creatures, immediately roll over, kneel down, and obediently die! "

All evil creatures were laughing wildly, and the roaring laughter swept this space.

"Wang Ba Laozi, fight with them, kill them all!"

There are two or three elders who are very hot-tempered. In addition, they have always been in high positions. Where they can stand the provocation of these evil creatures such as "chi luo", they suddenly roared.

Then, the six elders shot at the same time, making a concerted blow.

I saw six energy shock waves, transforming into six violent dragons of vitality, tearing the space in an instant, and blasting away at the group of evil creatures who had just arrived.

"No, the strength of these six human races is not weak.

Everyone fights together! "

The strength of the first group of evil creatures was obviously not the strongest. Facing the combined attack of the six elders, they were a bit panicked.

After all, the elders of the four major academies have cultivated for endless years, and they have mastered many powerful martial arts secrets. Now, with a full blow, the energy that erupts is naturally extraordinary.


The evil creatures standing in the black mist shot almost simultaneously.

The evil spirit is overwhelming, and the shape is like substance, sweeping like a vast ocean, blocking the six dragons of vitality.


The six dragons of vitality and those evil energy slammed together instantly.

The space trembles violently, makes loud noises, creaks, and is about to collapse, making everyone unsteady.

"Haha, don't be afraid. Although these six human races are powerful, they are strong enough to resist him.

Besides, our ten adults have not come here yet!

As long as ten adults come over, any one of them can easily kill these six human races! "

Suddenly, those evil creatures burst out with more violent laughter.

"Ten adults, please come over immediately and lead us to a mass murder and kill these humble ants!"

In the black mist, all the evil creatures stand respectfully, as if to welcome some big man.

At this moment, the six elders, Lin Fei and others, their hearts sank.

The peak of the two sides just now was evenly matched, and neither of them took the top.

However, listening to the words of these evil creatures, it is obvious that there are still ten most powerful evil creatures who have yet to come.

At that time, when these evil creatures came, it was estimated that the six elders would not be opponents at all.

How can these evil creatures be so powerful!

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, among the cracks in the space, there was another extremely violent energy fluctuation. Vaguely, everyone could even see ten huge shadows projected from the depths of the cracks.

"No, these ten evil creatures that are coming over are terrible.

We are far from their opponents.

Hurry up and stop them from coming.

Otherwise, once these ten evil creatures enter our world, they will surely set off a **** storm! "

Elder Yu's divine consciousness perceives the depths of the cracks in the space, ten huge shadows that are looming, and his complexion changes drastically in an instant.

"Yes, the strength of these ten evil creatures is by no means inferior to that of Semi-Fairyland!"

The other five elders also felt this.

"Do it!"

Elder Yu shouted.

Suddenly, fierce fighting between the two sides resumed.

The six elders glowed at the same time, and one after another powerful runes leaped up all over their bodies. All these runes were condensed by the power of the mysterious laws.

Obviously, these six elders all have a deep dive in the power of law.


Xiong Xiong Yuanli pressure boiled, forming a divine light surging, murderous intent directed towards Xiaohan, the six elders jointly shot, each displayed six martial arts secrets, forming a joint attack, the sky full of law runes, gathered together, There was a terrible resonance, forming a huge energy tsunami.


The turbulent elemental force storm bombarded the cracks in the space to prevent the ten most powerful evil creatures from coming.

"Don't think about it, hurry up, work together to stop these nasty human races, don't let them destroy the passage!"

The evil creatures also roared one by one.

All the evil creatures shot at the same time, vacating a black mushroom cloud of energy, blocking the attacks launched by the six elders.


The attacks of both sides finally collided together.

There was a big explosion here, and endless energy rushed out in all directions, turned into mountains and seas, like a torrent, surging violently.

This is terrible, this piece of space is constantly shattering, and countless pieces of space are flying everywhere.

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