Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1803: confrontation


Humble creatures, so despicable, dare to hurt the warriors of our domain! "

After a moment of dead silence, a roar came from the crack in that space, and the sound shook the sky.


Senior Ximen stretched out his hand again to point to the star boundary map high in the sky, the huge scroll trembling, shaking the void constantly, and constantly breaking apart.

Then, the star boundary map rushed into the space crack that was tens of thousands of meters long, and the big stars, like a torrential rain, instantly filled the entire space crack.


Within the space cracks, violent energy fluctuations spread, and large-scale explosions were continuously produced, chaotic gas bursts, and monstrous terrible storms continued to blow out.

Everyone can clearly see, big stars, constantly exploding in the cracks, turning into dazzling lights!

Ho Ho Ho...

In the cracks, the ten powerful evil creatures kept roaring.

Obviously, they are fighting fiercely with the astral map.


"Go back, go back quickly, we can't pass through this crack and enter the Xianling Realm!"

A roar kept coming out.

Those ten powerful evil creatures were originally subjected to the powerful repulsive force of the space barrier, but now they have to deal with the astral map, they can't handle it at all, and in desperation, they have to retreat step by step.

These ten powerful evil creatures understand that there are so many people in this world, and they will definitely not let them pass through this space crack smoothly, and those who enter this world will be useless if they persist.

After a while, there was no more sound in the cracks in the space.

"They returned."

Senior Ximen said, and at the same time beckoned, Star Boundary Chart flew back from the crack, turned into a black spot, and rushed into his body.

As for that space crack, as time goes by, it will slowly repair itself, and finally return to its original state.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, cheers all over the mountains and plains rang out, and on each of the warships, there were many people applauding, their voices rushing into the sky, shaking the space of the Four Elephants Secret Land.

"The tiny bugs in the Xianling Realm, if you have the ability, let us come over and have a good fight. Relying on magic weapons is just a temporary guarantee of life.

Hmph, the creatures of your world are too weak and small, and when our army arrives, you can level your world without any effort.

Humph, in the ancient times, the Xianling Realm was once beaten to pieces, turning into eight heavens and thirty-six small realms.

In the near future, history will repeat itself, but this time, your interface will not be as simple as broken, but will be smoothed out and completely destroyed!

Let you lowly creatures sink forever and never stand up! "

Opposite the space crack, an extremely cold voice came, revealing a biting killing intent.

Eighth heaven, thirty-six small world?

In the field, the strong men of the older generation have some understanding of the secrets of the ancient times. After hearing this, their hearts sank.

Indeed, in the ancient times, this realm was beaten to pieces, fell apart and fell apart, almost destroyed.

This is a dark ancient history, a time full of blood, tears and humiliation, now being brought up again, many older generations are trembling in their hearts.

Moreover, according to the current situation, these foreign evil demons have never given up, and they want to enter the fairy cemetery again.

However, in the field, those younger generations of young people who didn't understand the inside story at all were confused.

"Our world has ever been beaten to pieces?"

"These evil creatures from the outer realm have always called our realm the Immortal Ling Realm, but isn't our realm called the Holy Venerable Continent?

Is there another name for our Saint Continent, also called Xianling Realm? "

"Eight Heaven, Thirty-Six Realms?!

What is this concept? "

Many people of the younger generation started talking in a low voice in surprise.

"Hmph, the evil demon clown outside the territory, to deal with you, you still need to do it yourself. A magic weapon is enough to kill you!

You spread the word back, you clowns outside the domain, we will kill as many as there will be!

Moreover, one day, our army of the immortal cemetery will go on an expedition to defeat you evil demon clowns outside the territory and slaughter the other world! "

At this moment, the aura exuding from Senior Simon was terrible, his hair was dancing wildly, his eyes opened and closed, like lightning piercing the darkness, shooting in the void.


I laughed to death. Have you heard that these poor worms in the Immortal Ling Realm actually said that one day they would send out the so-called army to crusade against our realm. They laughed me to death..."

"For many years, these lowly creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm have been unable to shrink out of the world relying on the protection of the boundary wall.

Now, I dare to put such a nonchalant phrase, these poor creatures, what kind of **** trash is thinking in their heads..."

Suddenly, on the other side of the space crack, there was a lot of evil laughter.

Hearing the ridiculous laughter coming from the other side of the space crack, the strong men of the older generation were silent for a while.

All of them showed some helplessness, sadness, and even more melancholy.

It seems that the other party was right.

And those young people, seeing the helpless expressions of the older generation of strong men, were very depressed in their hearts and did not want to believe them.

Could it be that our world is really so weak?

Is it true that it has been relying only on the protection of space barriers and can't get out of it?

At this moment, the will of a group of young people couldn't help but drop down instantly.

"Hmph, the bugs of the Xianling Realm, don't think that only you have the magic weapon.

Now, let you try the magic weapon of our abyss domain and see which one is powerful! "

At this time, on the opposite side of the space crack, another huge evil sound transmission came, and its sound rumblingly echoed like thunder.

next moment.

In the horrified eyes of people, a black dragon with a huge body like a mountain suddenly rushed out from the depths of the space cracks, rising up with endless and rich aura of evil energy, like an evil dragon coming to hell.

The huge dragon was as black as ink, and the dragon scales all over the body shone coldly, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, and went to suppress the many warships in the high sky.


The evil black dragon just grabbed it, and it let the shards of space collapse, and countless space fragments splashed all over the sky like a torrent. Furiously erupting.

Almost the entire Sixiang secret place was trembling, the wind was violent, and the rocks collapsed into the sky.

this is too scary!

"Be careful against the enemy!"

All warships glow at the same time, and on each warship, a large defensive array rises to protect the hull.

Boom boom boom...

The black dragon attacked, broke the universe, and scattered the clouds. On the spot, it tore the defense formation on dozens of warships, and sent these warships into flight!

Many people were injured by the shock and coughed up blood.

Fortunately, Senior Ximen saw that the situation was not good, so he released the astral map again in time, set it high in the sky, and fluttered in the wind, which counteracted most of the power emitted by the black dragon.

Otherwise, the black dragon would definitely cause more damage.


How about it, the bugs of Xianling Realm, know how awesome it is! "

On the opposite side of the space crack, there was a burst of wild laughter.

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