Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1805: Longing for a battle


A shock wave of terrifying energy constantly oscillated from the center of the battle.

The wolves are everywhere, the void collapses, and the two vague figures with shocking energy are constantly moving fast, and all kinds of lore secret techniques are continuously displayed.

Some younger generations who are weak in strength can't even clearly perceive the specific situation of the battle between the two strong men.

"Deacon He must win!"

"Go on, Deacon Ho!"

Almost all the young people yelled, cheering for Deacon He in the fierce battle.

However, after a few hundred moves in the battle, a muffled hum came out from the center of the battle, **** arrows splashed all over the sky, a large area of ​​the space was stained red, and Deacon He of Qinglong Academy kept regressing.

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

I saw that Deacon He's face was extremely pale, half of his body was almost broken, and one of his arms was also torn off by the evil creature opposite, and his whole body was bloody.


The lowly creatures in the Xianling Realm, but so! "

The tall evil creature laughed wildly, rushed forward, and continued to fight.


After dozens of moves in the war, Deacon He's head was smashed to pieces by the evil creature, and the soul body also turned into fly ash, and fell completely!

"He Sheng!"

An elder from Qinglong Academy was very heartbroken, roared, his eyes red.

However, according to the previous agreement, this is a battle of life and death, and the strong on both sides will not interfere.

"Is this the strength of the creatures of the Xianling Realm? It's really weak, ah, it seems that soon, our army can drive straight into this realm!"

The tall evil creature on the other side had a very rampant tone.

"Deacon Ho died terribly!"

The students of Qinglong Academy were all in grief and their eyes were red.

At this moment, another evil creature spoke.

"I have been cultivating for two hundred years, who would dare to fight with me?"

This is an evil creature with a hideous appearance and an upright giant crocodile.

This is a very terrifying monster, surrounded by an endless storm of blood, and as it steps, the entire void is trembling slightly.

These evil creatures who came over have almost all cultivated within a few hundred years.

Because those more powerful evil creatures have a lot more difficulty to come over.

"I'll fight!"

"I'll fight!"

Almost at the same time, dozens of people stood out, all of them in high spirits.

Among them, there are even a few strong men of the younger generation.

"I want to fight too!"

Lin Fei also stood out.

"The younger generation, step down first, and agree to come by generation."

The gaze of Senior Ximen glanced lightly at the young people who stood up.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on Lin Fei.

Obviously, he recognized Lin Fei.

"This kid, when did he come here."

After recognizing Lin Fei, Senior Ximen was a little surprised.

After all, this was a good seed he discovered in the Eastern Region, and he valued it more.

After learning that Lin Fei had not come to Qinglong Academy to report, he personally went to Qinglong Academy and asked the elder in charge of recruiting students from the Eastern Region.

Unexpectedly, I met here.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fei knew that Senior Ximen had recognized him, so he smiled politely at him as a greeting.

In the end, a blue-clothed middle-aged man from the ancient Dajiao of Zhongshengzhou stepped forward to challenge.


The blue-clothed middle-aged man and the evil creature shaped like a giant crocodile immediately broke out in a fierce battle.

The blue-clothed middle-aged man screamed from his mouth, emitting layers of blue rippling energy all over his body, turning into a surging ocean world, covering the opponent.

The evil creature shaped like a giant crocodile burst out with terrifying physical power. The tail of a crocodile was as thick as a mountain, surrounded by thousands of thunder-light electric snakes, constantly beating.

In the end, the crocodile tail struck the blue middle-aged man's body like lightning.


Almost in an instant, the body of the middle-aged man in blue was gone and turned into nothingness.

Lost another game!

At this moment, everyone on this side was dead silent, and no one said anything.

How can this be?

How can these evil creatures from foreign lands have such terrible combat power?

For everyone, this is a heavy blow.

Especially those young people, one by one clenched their fists, very unwilling.


The middle-aged generation of you in the Xianling Realm is too weak and small, and you will die if you come up again!

Now, we are the warriors of the younger generation to challenge your younger generation.

Who dare to die? !

Well, in our abyss domain, ten young generations of warriors will come out to challenge all the young generations in your fairyland world.

Ten of us young warriors are standing here, all young people in your field can take turns to challenge!

Moreover, given a chance, you lowly and poor bugs, you can challenge our ten young warriors by the way of wheel warfare. "

A voice that could not be described as contemptuous came from the camp of those evil creatures.

Ten young evil creatures came out of the black fog, each with different shapes and races, with a breathtaking coercion, walking in the void, volleying, their eyes are fiery, staring at everyone on the opposite side, this This kind of gaze is completely the hunter, the gaze at the moment when he aimed at the prey.

I have to say that these evil creatures from the Abyss Realm underestimate the warriors in this realm.

Actually allowed the warriors of this world to fight their ten young warriors by means of wheel warfare.

All the warriors in this world, especially those young warriors, listened to the arrogant voice on the opposite side, and looked at the hunter-like gazes of the ten young evil creatures.

The other party's posture is too arrogant, it is completely despising the young warriors of this world, what do they regard them as?

Do you really think that the warriors of this world are tiny bugs?

This is shameful!

"Whether it is tolerable or unbearable!"

Not to mention young people, even those middle-aged warriors are angry, these evil creatures from foreign land are too arrogant, and they don't treat people in this world as opponents.

"Mom, I'm here to fight, and destroy you evil clowns and make you arrogant!"

Suddenly, there was a tall and sturdy student among the four colleges, rushed out, and roared.


Young people rushed out one after another.

This group of young people feel too depressed and too humiliated!

Everyone is eager for a battle!

Of course, those who came out were all young and powerful among the four major colleges and those ancient big teachers in Zhongshengzhou.

It is a famous elite among the younger generation.

Lin Fei also took a few steps forward, deliberately playing.

As a young man in this world, Lin Fei's heart was also full of anger, and he wanted to kill all the ten young evil creatures in front of him.


Seeing this situation, the seven magical fairyland masters all nodded secretly, very pleased.

At the very least, the two fiascos just now did not frustrate the confidence of these young people. Instead, they boiled over the fighting spirit. This is naturally a good thing.

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