Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1816: Identity completely exposed

On the battleship of Qinglong Academy.

Many students and followers are scattered on the wide deck of the warship.

However, everyone did not have much thoughts, and then went to enjoy the scenery outside the region.

On the way home, they were always talking about what happened in the Xuwu legacy.

In particular, the space barriers of this realm have been broken through, alien creatures have invaded, these new and exciting things, for these new students and followers who have been living in the Continent of the Holy Venerable, they have seen nothing before. After hearing what I heard, this time, it was truly eye-opening.

Until now, everyone's heart is still very shocking.

At the same time, all the students and followers looked at Lin Fei with a little complicated gaze.

There is admiration, gratitude, jealousy, jealousy, hatred...

However, no matter what, these students and followers of Qinglong Academy know that this follower named Xiao Fei, whose true strength is above all the students, including the seed students, is definitely not his opponent.

Those students from the Eastern Region had secretly guessed that this Xiao Fei was Lin Fei!

Because, Lin Fei used the Chaos Cauldron, four golden **** of light, the Five Elements Overlord Sword, and the Demon Clone in the previous competitions, all of which had been used in the Eastern Region before.

Those new students from the Eastern Regions of Qinglong Academy couldn't even think of Xiao Fei's true identity.

At this time, all of them were communicating secretly using sound transmission.

"This Xiao Fei must be Lin Fei!"

"Yes, huh, this Lin Fei offended several ancient sects in Zhongshengzhou and immediately spread the news.

When the time comes, those ancient big teachers will definitely not let him go! "

"Let's just wait for a good show. How long will you be proud of this Lin Fei!"

Some students from the three holy places and three aristocratic families in the Eastern Region secretly looked at Lin Fei with malicious gazes.

The three sacred places in the Eastern Region, the three great families, and Lin Fei had long ago forged a great enmity. These students naturally did not see Lin Fei well.

As a result, these students from the three holy places and three aristocratic families in the Eastern Region all used Voice Transmission to secretly tell the students of Lin Fei's true identity to those students from the ancient Great Master of Zhongshengzhou.

Suddenly, ill-intentioned gazes all fell on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei!

The disciples of the ancient Dajiao of Zhongshengzhou all sneered.

Although, they all knew that Lin Fei's combat power was terrifying, and among this group of new students, there was almost invincible existence.

However, after all, he is only a young man and has not really grown up yet.

In front of those ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou, it is still not worth mentioning.

Before, when Lin Fei had just arrived in Central Saint State, he killed four masters of the Heavenly Caverns.

Later, several ancient big teachers conducted a round of investigation, and all signs and doubts pointed to Lin Fei.

Therefore, the hatred between Lin Fei and those ancient great sects in Zhongshengzhou has become deeper and deeper.

"Hmph, should I call you Xiao Fei or Lin Fei?

My followers. "

On the deck of the battleship, in a corner, Lin Fei was quietly watching the strange scenery outside the region. Princess Yufeng came to Lin Fei's side, her beautiful eyes widened and said with a cold hum.

Her temperament is ethereal, very dusty, with a graceful figure and flying skirts, giving people the illusion of banal.

"Cough cough cough...

Call me Lin Fei. "

Lin Fei was also a bit embarrassed. In fact, Lin Fei still had a good impression of Princess Yufeng.

"Hmph, I'm not going to cheat anymore."

Princess Yufeng's cheeks puffed up, still seemingly perplexed.

"Anyway, thank you for bringing me to Qinglong Academy at that time."

Lin Fei said.

"Haha, sister Yufeng, forgive Lin Fei, he has troubles."

Ren Shanshan also came and said to Princess Yufeng.

"Well, since Shanshan is pleading for you, I will forgive you reluctantly.

But remember, you owe me a favor. "

Princess Yufeng said.

At that time, she recruited Lin Fei to become a follower, originally intending to recruit a talent for the family.

Now, after knowing Lin Fei's strength against the sky, her thought became even stronger.

She understands that such an enchanting young man will definitely grow to a very terrifying height in the future, so, if you get a good relationship early now, maybe it is tantamount to attracting a peerless master for the family.

"Also, look how much Shanshan cares about you, how good it is.

Don't disappoint Shanshan's heart. "

Princess Yufeng continued, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.


Little girl, what are you talking about!

See I can't spare you! "

Ren Shanshan was taken aback, and his face was full of Feixia, with a hot feeling, suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch Princess Yufeng's graceful waist.


Let me go, I dare not! "

Princess Yufeng was caught off guard, her slender waist was tossed, and her whole body was soft. She collapsed in Ren Shanshan's arms, crying for mercy.

Two stunning beauties were actually beside Lin Fei, like two little girls, making a fuss.

The two women are both beautiful and beautiful, and they were originally the objects of the male students secretly watching and admiring.

Now, two stunning women are fighting like this, their waists trembling, "shuang feng" fluctuates and whispers softly, suddenly on the entire warship, all the male students and followers have fiery eyes, Stared at it closely.

At the same time, these male students and followers are very envious of Lin Fei.

This kid, why is it so lucky, two beautiful and beautiful women are turning around him!

"Hmph, Lin Fei, you dare to come to Zhongshengzhou, you are so brave.

You are not afraid, does someone ask you to settle the account? "

At this time, suddenly a resentful woman's voice sounded, and a couple of men and women came over.

It is Yu Wenjie and Shen Bingbing.


Don't mess with me, otherwise, I don't mind keeping you locked up for ten or eight years. "

Lin Fei responded coldly.

"Lin Fei, you...!"

Shen Bingbing's face was distorted with anger, staring at Lin Fei, with unspeakable resentment in his eyes.

She used to be in the Eastern Region, was captured by Lin Fei, and locked up in the slave tower for several years.

This can be said to be the biggest stain in her life.

Originally, she was one of the three largest families in the Eastern Regions, the daughter of the Shen family, she was extremely noble, and she was very beautiful.

In addition, she has been talented since she was a child, and among the younger generation of the Eastern Region, she is a well-known young strong.

All sorts of extraordinary features have made her in the Eastern Regions in the past, the limelight is extremely high, no matter where she goes, she is always concerned, and her halo is unlimited.

However, after experiencing the arrest and imprisonment of Lin Fei, her reputation in the Eastern Region has naturally plummeted, and she has since become a laughing stock.

Such hatred, how could she not hate Lin Fei.

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