Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1836: Slashing Cave Heaven Realm Master

The dozens of masters in the cave world were all very surprised at this time.

Because the combat power displayed by Lu Qi is too powerful.

A dozen of them attacked at the same time, and it was difficult to defeat each other for a while.

"Hmph, just because you guys who don't know the so-called want to jump in front of me, it's just a joke."

During the fierce battle, Lu Qi's indifferent and slightly proud voice sounded.

"Don't have reservations, everyone, I don't believe it, so many of us can't kill him if we work together!"

A master of the Heavenly Caverns realm, after listening to Lu Qi's words, couldn't help being furious.

Suddenly, a dozen or so masters of the Heavenly Cavern Realm all stepped up their attacks, and none of them had the slightest reservation. They all took out their stunts to attack Lu Qi.

This world is completely boiling.

The terrifying elemental energy smashed everywhere, shaking the sky and eclipsing the sky, and the earth did not break open a wide ravine.

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly startled.

I have to say that the energy shock waves released by these cave-sky realm masters are really terrifying.

As a result, Lin Fei moved his body and withdrew back several kilometers away before standing still and watching the battle.

at this time.


"Hahaha, Lin Fei, I'll catch you first."

A figure, not knowing when, turned out to be quietly, approached Lin Fei, appeared in front of Lin Fei, transformed into a giant hand of vitality, exuding terrible power, and grabbed it at Lin Fei.

This is a tall and thin middle-aged man shaped like a bamboo pole.

He didn't know what secret method he had cultivated, his actions were very secretive, and Lin Fei did not discover his existence until he appeared in front of Lin Fei.

In this situation, even if Lu Qi wanted to come to rescue, it was too late.

The tall and thin man was about to grab Lin Fei's body, his face couldn't help showing a cheerful smile.

In his heart, he was thinking, after catching Lin Fei, should he take Lin Fei away immediately, take Lin Fei to a hidden place, ask him about the secret method Lin Fei possesses, and then swallow it alone.

Because he cultivated a very secret body technique, he had the confidence to get rid of the tracking of the dozen or so masters of the cave world, and successfully escaped with Lin Fei.

But at this moment.


call out!

A tall and dark figure stood in front of Lin Fei.


A terrifying evil energy burst out directly.

The boundless black mist spread instantly.


A thick, pitch-black iron rod smashed out of the black mist.

On this pitch-black iron rod, there is a terrible and evil aura, and the entire space seems to be frozen wherever it passes, making people feel chills.

"What the **** is this!"

The master of the Cave Sky Realm on the opposite side couldn't help being terrified, because he felt a very terrifying breath on this iron rod.


The pitch-black iron rod smashed the giant Yuanli hand that grabbed Lin Fei.

Then, like cutting tofu, it easily tore the space, dragged an afterimage, and smashed it towards the cave sky master.

At this moment, the runes of evil spirits filled the sky quietly, and in an instant, they filled every corner of this space.

Suddenly, the master of the cave sky realm was surprised to find that his body seemed unable to move.

"how is this possible!"

The master of the cave world screamed, his body was sealed so easily that he was a master of the cave world.

However, it seemed that he felt that this kind of sealing power seemed to only seal his body for a few moments.

Therefore, he struggled to turn his destiny into his vitality, and the endless terrifying source of vitality turned into huge rivers of the Yangtze River, continuously rushing out of his body, against the evil sealing force.

However, he finally slowed down half a step.

The moment he discovered that the sealing force exerted on him suddenly disappeared.

That terrible black iron rod had already hit his body.

At this moment, his whole body's vitality formed a layer of vitality defensive cover, making his whole body glow brightly, like a god.

At the same time, a purple light bursting armor appeared directly on his body, which was a secret treasure of his body protection.

Huh hoo hoo...

At the same time, there are more than a dozen magic weapons of all kinds, under the manipulation of his mind, one after another, surrounding his body.

As a master of the cave world, his family background is naturally very impressive.

At this moment, he was almost exhausted to protect himself.

Puff puff puff...

The pitch-black iron rod finally fell on his body. All the magic weapons, including the purple light bursting armor, were like paper, under the iron rod, easily torn apart. Shocked into dust.


Then, the master of the cave world screamed, and the dark iron rod directly smashed his body into a cloud of blood.

"Little thief Lin Fei, I won't let you go, you wait!"

Then, an illusory light and shadow flashed, and this was a luminous little man.

It was the soul body of the master of the cave world just now.

The divine consciousness of the master of the cave sky is very powerful, and the energy possessed by the divine soul body is also very powerful, which can be separated from the physical body and move for a period of time.

If the soul body of this cave sky master can escape in time, there may be hope of reshaping the body in the future.

However, at this moment.

The pitch-black iron rod that smashed his body into blood mist suddenly sent out a terrible suction force, like a black hole, and instantly sucked the soul body of the master of the cave world and dragged it back. On top of the iron rod.

"Ah, no, let me go!"

The Soul Body of the Master of the Cave Heaven Realm was truly panicked now.

Because, he felt that the aura exuding from that iron rod was too terrifying, it seemed that it could drag his soul body into the boundless sea of ​​suffering, and suffer endless torture forever.

"Hehe, it didn't disappoint me."

Lin Fei looked at the tall demon clone standing in front of him, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

It turned out that in that virtual martial realm, after the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle had absorbed a large number of foreign evil creatures, the energy it possessed had advanced by leaps and bounds, and had made an incredible breakthrough.

Correspondingly, the combat power possessed by Lin Fei's demon body clone naturally skyrocketed directly.

Moreover, some time ago, Lin Fei also let the demon body clone into the slave tower, and initially cultivated to the fourth level!

Just now, Lin Fei tried, this fourth level of magic forbidden method can directly seal the body of a master of the cave world!

In other words, now Lin Fei's demon body clone can fight against the master of the cave world.

This point, Lu Qi told Lin Fei a few days earlier.

Therefore, Lin Fei saw more than a dozen masters of the Celestial Sky Realm appear just now, and it was still relatively calm. In addition to Lu Qi, there was another reason, that is, the strength of the demon body clone became stronger.

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