Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1843: Comprehend

"Trendy boy, don't go too far.

Well, if you give me the soul tree, I can teach it to you, my lifelong faculty.

As long as you practice my lifelong faculty, then, within this immortal tomb realm, you will definitely be able to meet opponents rarely. "

The heart continued to tempt Lin Fei.

"What you cultivate is evil energy, what I cultivate is the vitality between heaven and earth, what use is it for me to learn your stunts."

Lin Fei said.

"Your ontology is impossible to learn.

But your demon body clone is a unique technique that can cultivate me.

Doesn't it mean that you have cultivated yourself.

Hey, don't think I can't see it, your demon body clone, now cultivating, is probably evil energy. "

Said the heart.

"The nine stone pillars on this altar are each carved with my lifelong secret.

Originally, I engraved these faculties on these nine stone pillars to counter the oppressive power of this altar on me.

If you agree to give me the soul tree, I will allow you to come forward and take away all these faculties. "

The heart continued.

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move when he heard what the heart said.

Concentrating on the altar, looked over the nine tall stone pillars.

Sure enough, on each stone pillar, there are densely packed mysterious and mysterious runes.

It looked like a verse after another.

"This creature, just a heart, is already so powerful.

It’s a lifelong skill, no need to ask, it’s definitely an evil magic trick used by the sky!

If you can really get these fascinating knowledge and let the demon body clone practice, it is estimated that the combat power of the demon body clone will definitely be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei kept looking at the nine stone pillars.

"Well, it seems that the heart is firmly sealed on this altar.

Let the magic body clone take a chance! "

Lin Fei decided immediately.

As for using the soul tree and this heart to exchange its lifelong skills, Lin Fei would not even think about it.

The degree of preciousness of the soul tree is unique, and it is a very heavenly treasure.

Lin Fei would never exchange the soul tree for anything.

Under the control of Lin Fei's mind, the demon body clone immediately walked to the altar.

[Yoyou Reading] "Boy, you are looking for death!"

That heart also immediately understood what Lin Fei meant. This kid was actually planning to grab it.


The heart, under the anger, let out a stern roar.


Arrays of extremely powerful evil energy, like a flash flood, poured out on the altar.

Then, violently slammed into the demon body clone.

The demon body clone also releases surging evil energy to fight against it.

However, only a few breathing times.


The devil body clone was knocked back and flew back, falling down beside Lin Fei.

"so smart!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this creature is so terrible, with only a heart left, which is even more powerful than his own demon clone.

However, the demon body of the demon body clone has now reached a level of hardness that can hardly be destroyed, so the demon body clone has no damage.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei shouted.

The devil body clone stood up again and rushed towards the altar.


Suddenly, on the altar, there was another terrible evil energy bursting out.

As soon as the demon body clone stretched out his hand, the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle appeared in his hand.

Then, a terrifying and evil aura that dominated the sky suddenly rushed out from the evil needle.

That evil needle continuously sprayed out a series of extremely strange energy runes, completely protecting the demon body clone.

Then, the demon body clone, under the protection of the Ten Thousand Demons Zhutian Evil Needle, finally approached the altar step by step.


impossible……! "

When the demon body clone took out the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, the heart, like a ghost, immediately burst out with a sharp hiss.

"How is it possible, what is going on?

Human kid, you honestly confess, how could my world's treasure fall into your hands!

Return the holy prince!

This Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle should be in the hands of the Holy Prince! "

The heart asked Lin Fei sharply.

"Holy Prince, did you mean that flying ghost monkey? Haha, if you were talking about it, I would have killed it a long time ago."

Lin Fei said with a cold smile.

At the same time, Lin Fei's demon body clone, holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, had successfully boarded the altar suspended in mid-air.

Then, the demon body clone walked to one of the stone pillars and began to comprehend the magical scriptures engraved on the stone pillars.

The demon body clone originally started to practice these evil energy techniques, and the forbidden method of the demon of the heavens and the earth, which belongs to the evil energy technique.

Therefore, it is not difficult to enlighten this type of scriptures.

On the contrary, there is a taste of familiarity.


Human kid, you mean, the holy prince was killed by you!

Impossible, with your ant-like strength, even one thousand, ten thousand you, it is impossible to be the opponent of the holy prince.

you are lying! "

The heart seemed very excited and screamed sharply.

It seems that this heart not only knows the flying ghost monkey, but also must be very closely related.

"If I didn't kill the flying ghost monkey, how could this evil needle fall into my hand."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Human kid, I am going to kill you!"

That heart finally understood that it was indeed the human kid in front of him who had killed the holy prince.

Suddenly, its voice became sad.

Boom boom boom...

A wave of pitch-black energy like landslides and seas rushed out of that heart.

The entire altar was shaking violently.

It seems that the next moment is about to collapse.

However, on the altar, there was a row of bright array light patterns immediately, protecting the entire altar.

I saw an endless wave of energy slapped towards Lin Fei's demon clone.

However, the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, floating above the head of the demon body clone, emitted bursts of evil energy, protecting the demon body clone inside.

The demon body clone is dedicated to comprehend the magical scriptures on the stone pillars.

No matter how the heart bursts with energy, it is indifferent to attack.

That Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle was originally one of the most powerful sacred artifacts in the Abyss, and it could be dealt with easily.

Next, no matter how the heart is blocked, it will not affect the enlightenment of the demon body clone at all.

Finally, a day later, the demon body clone had already comprehended all the demon scriptures on the nine stone pillars.

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