Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1845: Funeral

"That's a bald head. He doesn't even have a single strand of hair. His body is shriveled, but he hasn't rotted!"

Lin Fei stared, looked carefully, and muttered in his mouth.

"Well, dressed in a robes, it looks like he is a monk, his golden body is not broken, maybe he is a legendary monk!"

Lu Qi said, he seemed to be very interested, and he looked carefully.

"This monk has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years at least, and even longer years. His physical body has gone through such a long period of time, and it hasn't rotted. It can be imagined how powerful he was before his death!

This is definitely the ultimate power at the time! "

After feeling for a while, Lu Qi couldn't help sighing and made such a judgment.

"Even such a character died here, it is really a fierce place!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

"A peerless master like this is definitely not poisoned to death, will there be a greater unknown danger on this mountain!

Master, let me forget it, let's give up the psychic half-celestial medicine on the mountain, it is too dangerous.

I estimate that it is impossible to pick it based on our strength. "

Lu Qi showed a solemn look and persuaded Lin Fei to dispel the idea of ​​picking medicine.

"Well, okay, there are dead bones all around this mountain. It is conceivable that throughout the ages, I don't know how many people wanted to collect those semi-immortal medicines, but they all died here.

Well, let's leave quickly.

I always feel that something bad is about to happen. "

Lin Fei nodded, faintly, always feeling a chill rising from his back.

"Hurry up, this place can't stay for long!"

Lu Qi also nodded, immediately stretched out his figure, planning to leave.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a black mist surged, and then a lifeless figure suddenly flashed.

A tall figure blocked the way of Lin Fei and Lu Qi.

It turned out to be the monk in the medicine field on the mountainside just now, who seemed to have died for endless years.

It's just that, at this time, the monk's robes released no longer golden light, but surging darkness and death.

It seems that endless lifelessness radiated from the rotting and even cracked "rou feng" on his body, covering the sky and the sun.

This monk's body is very tall, two or three heads taller than normal adults.

"No, this guy seems to be watching us!"

Lu Qi could not help but his face changed drastically.

"Isn't this monk dead? Is he cheating the corpse?"

Lin Fei's expression also changed drastically.

The pressure on the monk in front of him is terrible.

It seems incapable of the enemy.

At this moment, the monk's eyes opened quickly, and two silver lights were shot.

It was as black as ink, and the darkness of death was getting stronger and stronger. Among the black aura, only the tall and terrifying silhouette of the monk emerged, with a pair of cold silver eyes looking at Lin Fei and Lu Qi.

"Two living people, come here, and want to make my herbal idea.

In that case, die. "

The monk did not speak, but released a sound transmission, which was transmitted to the sea of ​​knowledge between Lin Fei and Lu Qi.

"Senior, you have misunderstood. We are planning to leave and we don't mean to pick herbs anymore."

Lin Fei immediately sent a voice transmission over.


It's too late. This is a restricted area. Anyone who enters within ten miles here must die.

This is a punishment. There are too many creatures who want to hit me with herbal ideas. "

The monk's sound transmission contained extremely terrifying murderous intent.

"No, Master, I remembered.

In ancient times, there were some great powers, after death, they were reluctant to leave their own body, so they refined their own body into walking corpses.

Then, seal his soul body in, so that the body before alive will never be old, immortal, and immortal.

Such existence is called burial clan.

It is equivalent to having developed into a new race.

Their soul bodies, thinking, and humans are not much different, but their bodies are zombies. "

Lu Qi looked at the deathly tall monk, his face changed drastically, and finally remembered, speaking to Lin Fei.

"Burial family?!

There are such races. "

Lin Fei was surprised and curious, the first time I heard about it.

"Master, don't underestimate the funeral clan.

In the legend, every burial clan is an extremely terrifying existence.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, after the soul body leaves the living body, it cannot survive for too long, and it will soon disappear.

And these burial tribes can seal the soul body into a walking corpse, and go through a long time without losing soul. Think about it, is it possible for ordinary warriors to do it.

Every burial clan must have existed in heaven and earth before his death!

Therefore, we cannot be the enemy, we have to find a way to escape.

If it doesn't work, enter the slave tower first. "

Lu Qi quickly transmitted to Lin Fei.

"Damn, this place of life and death is really thrilling.

If you don't pay attention, you are in danger of falling! "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

In these two days, since entering the land of life and death, I don't know how many terrible dangers I have encountered.

Thinking about it, Lin Fei felt his scalp numb.

"Oh, boy, it seems that I was too impatient.

With your current cultivation base, it is still far from enough to enter the land of life and death.

Moreover, this is not the core area of ​​life and death.

Well, boy, after you have escaped this level, leave the place of life and death first, and wait until you become a figure of great power before you come.

Anyway, I have waited for thousands of years, and if I wait, there is nothing. "

At this time, Emperor Yan was also in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, exclaiming.

In the past few days, the various dangers encountered in life and death have made him thrilling.


At this moment, the monk moved, and a very terrifying energy was suddenly released from his shriveled corpse, and the sky fell apart. The power of this burial clan was too powerful to imagine.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi both turned pale, and their bodies moved back quickly at the same time, not wanting to head-on.


The monk stretched out a big rotting hand and grabbed it directly. Wherever he passed, the space shattered on a small scale, and countless black and secluded space cracks appeared.

Then, the big rotting hand, at an astonishing speed, had already caught in front of them before the two of them could react.

"Master, Chaos Cauldron!"

Lu Qi yelled urgently.

Lin Fei waved, the Chaos Cauldron flew out and fell into Lu Qi's hand.

Lu Qi held the Chaos Cauldron in his hand and moved forward.


The Chaos Cauldron zoomed infinitely in an instant, transformed into a giant cauldron, and violently collided with the big rotting hand.

Then, Lu Qi was hit by a huge force and withdrew again and again, retreating thousands of meters away, barely standing still.

"so smart!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but blurt out.

You must know that before entering the place of life and death, Lu Qi had single-handedly played against a dozen masters of the cave world without losing the wind.

Now it's a loss for one move.

If it weren't for Chaos Ding, it is estimated that Lu Qi might be injured by this move alone.

At this point, Lin Fei finally realized how terrifying the burial clan in front of him was.

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