Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1854: The state of Emperor Yan

This mountain is very tall. There are many medicinal fields everywhere on the mountainside. Many herbs are planted in the medicinal fields.

Among them, there are quite a few half-immortal medicines, even psychic half-immortals.

Along the way, Lin Fei and Lu Qi both stared fiercely at the half-immortal medicine and the psychic half-immortal medicine.

"Don't look at them, these herbs are not suitable for you, they are all pure Yin varieties.

Moreover, absorbing the corpse essence of endless creatures, all that is contained is the essence of corpse energy.

If you dare to consume them, you will die immediately, your souls will be scattered, and you will never be overborn. "

The monk glanced at Lin Fei and Lu Qi and reminded.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi both laughed.

Under the leadership of the monk, Lin Fei and Lu Qi came to the hillside.

The monk waved his sleeve.


There was a large-scale palace in front of me. The architectural style was very classical, obviously not built in this era.

This palace was previously hidden in a clever hidden formation, so Lin Fei and Lu Qi had not discovered it before.

The monk took Lin Fei and Lu Qi into the palace.

The inside of the palace is wider than the outside, and it is a small space on its own.

"Well, you two, stay here for a while first.

I am going to take a moment to fuse that piece of heritage animal bone into your body.

Moreover, it will help you absorb the energy essence of the three-legged Golden Crow. Your current strength is still too weak.

Without my help, you yourself would not be able to fuse the inherited beast bone of the Three-legged Golden Crow. If you don't pay attention, you will be burned into nothingness. "

The monk said.

"Thank you Uncle for the beauty of perfection.

Uncle, I plan to be here to help my friend reshape the body first.

Then, take time to fuse that piece of heritage animal bone.

After all, this friend of mine has waited for this moment for thousands of years. "

Lin Fei said.


Thousands of years..."

The monk pondered slightly.

"You let his spirit body come out first, let me have a look."

The monk suddenly said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was taken aback, but still followed suit, communicating with Emperor Yan in the Sea of ​​Knowledge to let Emperor Yan come out.

The Emperor Yan knew that this monk had no malice, so he came out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness and turned into a humanoid light and shadow, gradually consolidating from illusion.

"I have seen seniors."

Emperor Yan saluted the monk very politely.

The monk nodded slightly, and then took a closer look at Emperor Yan.

Yan Emperor was wrapped in a terrifying divine consciousness, and he dared not move, even trembling all over.

Although he knew that the monk would not harm him, the monk's divine power was too strong, giving him a tremor that originated from the depths of his soul.

"Well, your spiritual energy has been lost too badly.

The origin of the soul, ten does not exist. It is estimated that you have obtained some magic weapon of the soul in the recent period, which restored your soul energy a little bit.

However, in your current state, even if you use the saint lotus of reincarnation to reshape your physical body, you will plant serious hidden dangers for your future practice, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to exceed your previous realm height. "

The monk shook his head and said.

"Difficult to exceed the previous level?!"

Yan Di couldn't help but look dark when he heard the words, and couldn't get happy.

In the past, his strength was only in the Mahayana realm.

The real combat power might be worse than Lin Fei now.

If after reshaping his physical body, he can no longer exceed the previous level, it means that the possibility of continuing to cultivate and break through is cut off, which is a blow to him.

"Oh, forget it, maybe, this is fate.

I can recover my body and live another life, it's worth it.

As for the realm of cultivation, let it go. "

Emperor Yan said, but in his tone, there was always a sense of loss that could not be concealed.

Also, for a warrior, it is indeed very sad that he can no longer practice breakthroughs.

"Don't worry, since you met me, you are considered lucky.

I have a secret method, first let you slowly recover the origin of the soul.

When your spirit source is almost restored, use the saint lotus of reincarnation to reshape your body, so that it will not affect your future cultivation at all.

So, you don’t have to worry. "

There was a rare smile on the monk's stiff face.


When Yan Di heard the monk's words, he was first stunned, and then he was shaking with excitement, unable to control it.

"However, there is a prerequisite, that is, you must have relatives to survive, preferably parents, brothers, sisters, etc.

Or, alienate a little bit, but also relatives who are related by blood.

You must use their blood source to re-warm and grow your soul source. "

The monk said.

"Senior don't worry, the younger parents and brothers are all alive."

Emperor Yan was overjoyed.

"Well, in this case, everything will be easier.

Well, don't worry, I will teach you the secret method at that time, and you will get the blood of your parents or brothers, and everything will be easy.

When your spirit source is almost restored, use the saint lotus of reincarnation to reshape your body.

At that time, you will be able to practice again and break through as before. "

The monk said.

This monk doesn't know what kind of ancients he is. Not only is he powerful and earth-shattering, but he is knowledgeable and masters many ancient secrets that have long been lost.

"Junior, thank you senior for remaking great favor."

Under the surprise of Emperor Yan, he bowed deeply to the monk.

The monk just looked bland and waved his hand slightly.

"Well, you three, first rest in my palace for a few days, and I have to go out again.

I will be back in a day.

I'm going out to get something. "

The monk said.

Then, his figure shook and disappeared.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi had no choice but to sit cross-legged in this palace.

During this period of time, the two broke into the place of life and death together, and went through several births and deaths.

Now, I finally had the opportunity to take a good rest.

But Emperor Yan returned to Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

In his current state, he could not leave Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness for too long, otherwise it would be very unfavorable for the recovery of the Soul Body.

One day later.

In the palace, the human form flashed.

The monk appeared directly in front of Lin Fei.

"Well, the heaven, material and earth treasures needed now are enough.

I want to fuse the inherited animal bones of the Three-legged Golden Crow for you. "

The monk said.

After listening to the monk, Lin Fei knew that during this day, the monk went out mainly to help him collect heavenly materials and earth treasures to fuse the inherited animal bones of the three-legged golden crow.

Lin Fei couldn't help being very grateful.

When the monk rolled his sleeves, he immediately took Lin Fei into a cultivation chamber.

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