Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1856: Advanced Mahayana

Two days later.

In the practice secret room.

Lin Fei, who was sitting cross-legged, opened a pair of eyes abruptly, and two brilliant lights burst out.

At this time, if someone observes, they will find that in Lin Fei's eyes, there is a faintly bright three-legged golden crow, moving back and forth between Lin Fei's eyes.

Vaguely, bursts of hot sun's real fire aura radiated from Lin Fei's body.

After these few days of fusion, Lin Fei has perfectly integrated the inherited beast bone of the Three-legged Golden Crow into his body, becoming a part of his own flesh and blood.

At the same time, Lin Fei also absorbed the blood essence of the three-legged golden crow, and there was a faint trace of the sun's golden essence among the blood vessels in his body.

Therefore, now, Lin Fei's blood is no longer pure bright red, but changed to gold.

"Uncle Uncle is right. The inheritance of the Three-legged Golden Crow, as well as the essence of qi and blood, really fits well with the Sun Golden Art.

My vitality state seems to have been greatly touched.

Well, it's time to make a breakthrough in the realm. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to the monk, telling him that he was about to break through and that he might have to overcome the thunder.

Then, Lin Fei moved his body, left the palace, and came to a wide open space outside the mountain where the monk was.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the void, running the sun's golden sutras.

After a while.

In the sky, suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, and the sky was covered with black.

Boom boom boom...

Soon, the lightning lightning snake like a waterfall began to pour down from the sky like a torrential rain, slashing towards Lin Fei.

"Oh, well done."

Lin Fei has never been afraid of Thunder Tribulation, but rather welcomes it.

Because, for others, it is a very dangerous thunder calamity, but for the unicorn thunder beast, it is a great tonic.


A huge roar sounded, and the unicorn thunder beast had already sprang out of Lin Fei's dantian.

The huge unicorn thunder beast immediately soared into the sky, rushing towards the sky full of thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, with a huge mouth sucking, like a whale sucking the Yangtze River, sucking the thunder light with big mouths.

But Lin Fei, the protagonist of the robbery, is very casual.

It was just occasional shots, blasting down some of the Thundermans that were not swallowed by the unicorn thunder beast.

On the mountain, in the palace, the monk sensed Lin Fei's robbery.

"Well, funny kid, I didn't expect that he turned a unicorn thunder beast into a clone of himself.

Yes, this kind of disposition, this kind of talent is really good. "

In the palace, the monk nodded slightly, his gaze showed some appreciation.

After about a stick of incense.

Lei Jie dispersed, and the sky was clear.

"Advanced Mahayana."

Lin Fei felt the strength of the current strength in his body a little, and said with satisfaction.

At this time, the unicorn thunder beast returned to his side.

"Well, the unicorn thunder beast now is more powerful than in the past.

It is estimated that even if it encounters a general middle-level Mahayana realm, or even a high-level Mahayana realm, it should be a battle. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, and at the same time, when his mind moved, the unicorn thunder beast immediately returned to his dantian.

Then, Lin Fei Zhan started and returned to the monk's palace above the mountain.

"Well, it seems that the three-legged golden crow inheritance beast bone, you have blended very well, almost reaching a perfect state.

In the future, as long as you continue to warm and nurture it with your own blood essence, you will be able to achieve the most ideal fit.

Then, you can gradually unleash its true power. "

The monk felt the gas in Lin Fei's body and said to Lin Fei.

"Well, thank you Uncle for your advice."

Lin Fei replied.

Then, the monk told Lin Fei about Lu Qi.

"Senior Lu, as an instrument spirit, can't he continue to practice breakthroughs and increase his strength?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Before, Lu Qi had never said these things to Lin Fei.

Therefore, it was the first time that Lin Fei knew.

"Not bad.

This is the biggest weakness of all magic weapons.

He can't cultivate himself, and he can continue to break through, unless the magic weapon he is attached to has a higher level, so that the spirit of the device will become stronger.

As for the general magic weapon, where would one's own level become higher, it is only possible for the refiner to refining the sacrifice once, and then it is possible to increase the level of the magic weapon.

Therefore, generally speaking, as a magic weapon, it is difficult to continue to increase its strength. "

The monk explained to Lin Fei.

He said very patiently because he knew that Lin Fei had no knowledge of these aspects, so he deliberately told Lin Fei something more to increase his knowledge.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded, she understood.

"However, I know that there is a secret method that can gradually get rid of the shackles of magic weapons and continue to grow stronger through cultivation."

The monk said.

"Well, that's great!

Uncle, you can help Senior Lu Qi so that he can continue to practice. "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"I can indeed help him.

However, there is one thing you need to know.

If the device spirit can continue to grow stronger through cultivation, then it is possible that one day the device spirit will be strong enough to completely get rid of the magic weapon it is attached to and become an independent existence.

In other words, at that time, perhaps, you can no longer control him.

If he is unwilling, it is difficult for you to make him your servant anymore. "

The monk looked at Lin Fei, his eyes a bit meaningful.

"Uncle, don't worry, in fact, I have never regarded Senior Lu Qi as my servant.

Instead, he always regarded him as a senior.

Therefore, if Senior Lu Qi can continue to cultivate and strengthen, that is a great thing.

Ask Uncle to help him. "

After hearing the monk's words, Lin Fei didn't even think about it, and just replied.


The monk couldn't help looking at Lin Fei, his gaze seemed a bit surprised.

After listening to Lin Fei's words, Lv Qi knew that he was not lying, because Lin Fei had always treated him politely, and had never put on any hostile airs.

"You have to think carefully.

Once I help him so that he can continue to practice, you may lose the opportunity to have a strong servant. "

The monk said to Lin Fei again.

"Uncle, you don't need to say much, please help Senior Lu Qi."

Lin Fei urged.

"Well, now that you have decided.

Then I will help him.

Give me the magic weapon he is attached to. "

The monk finally nodded and said.

Lin Fei immediately took out the slave tower and handed it to the monk.

The monk rolled up his sleeves and took Lu Qi, disappeared in front of Lin Fei's eyes, and entered the cultivation chamber again.

As for Lin Fei, sitting cross-legged in the main hall, he began to comprehend and digest the various inheritance secret techniques he obtained after fusing the three-legged golden crow.

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