Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1861: Hands-on

Chapter 1861 hands-on

"Senior Brother Du is the number one master in the battle list, and the first person in the cave world within our Azure Dragon Academy!"

Xuanyuan Pojun said proudly.

"The first place in the battle list, um, the background is not small..."

Lin Fei said slowly.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, I admit, your combat power is indeed stronger than mine.

However, facing Brother Du, you have no chance of winning at all.

The horror of Brother Du is far from what you can imagine.

Under the cave world, no one is the opponent of Senior Brother Du, unless it is the master of the cave world who takes the shot himself, it is possible to defeat Senior Brother Du. "

When Xuanyuan Pojun saw this, he thought that Lin Fei was hesitant, and couldn't help being slightly proud.

After all, Du Xisheng has always been a golden sign of Yumen.

Back then, Yuwentian, the master of Yumen, and several other core members of Yumen, broke through to the cave world and were promoted to core disciples. Yuwentian personally went out and paid a lot of money to win Du Xisheng to join Yumen and sit in Yumen.

In this way, Yumen is still the most powerful student organization in Qinglong Academy.

Because the scope of Yumen's activities is only within the scope of first-level students and second-level students.

With Du Xisheng, the top player on the battle list, Yumen would be standing.

When Lin Fei levelled Yumen's headquarters before, Du Xisheng was still in retreat.

A while ago, Du Xi gave birth to pass, thunderous vowed to never let Lin Fei go.

"Lin Fei, I advise you to get out of here now, kowtow to Senior Brother Du, and beg him to forgive you.

Otherwise, no one can save you! "

Xuanyuan Pojun said.

"Haha, what does it have to do with me?

You Yumen provoke me like this, let alone Du Xisheng, even if Yu Wentian comes back, Yumen can’t be saved!

From now on, I will liquidate all Umen members within the academy.

Yumen, there is nowhere to stand! "

Lin Fei smiled coldly, her tone suddenly became sharp, and two horrible golden lights shot out in her eyes, with endless killing intent, just as real.

The illusory Golden Crow, carrying the blazing high temperature, with infinite coercion, instantly suppressed Xuanyuan Pojun.

This is because after Lin Fei merged the inherited animal bones of the Three-legged Golden Crow and absorbed the essence of the blood of the Three-legged Golden Crow, he initially possessed some of the power of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Xuanyuan Pojun couldn't help being surprised.


A rush of battle aura erupted from his body, like a whirlwind, whizzing around his body.

Rao was so, Xuanyuan Pojun's body was forced to retreat more than a dozen steps before he could barely stand still.

Xuanyuan Pojun couldn't help being shocked and angry.

Last time, he lost in the hands of Lin Fei, but after a bitter fight between the two sides, the winner was decided.

But, now, Lin Fei just released a coercion, which forced him to retreat.

The difference is too great.

"I haven't seen him for a while, how could he be so powerful!

Impossible, it must be an illusion, it must be my distraction just now! "

Xuanyuan Pojun was a little surprised and unwilling to admit it.

"Lin Fei, I hope you don't mistake yourself and don't force Brother Du to come to you personally!"

Xuanyuan Pojun shouted towards Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, that **** Brother Du, even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him.

Now, let’s start with you. "

Lin Fei looked dismissive.

Then, Lin Fei's momentum suddenly rose, and the sky was full of golden pressure, like a tide, rising into the sky.

The illusory golden crows, with the overwhelming real fire of the sun, seemed to melt this space in just an instant!


Lin Fei's figure shot out at extreme speed, carrying the monstrous sun and real fire, and the sky full of illusory golden crows, rushing towards the ordinary members of the Yumen.

At this moment, the people around saw the golden crow bathed in the sea of ​​fire, tearing the space, and rushing into the ordinary members of the Yumen densely. The power of terror is unparalleled and seems to be able to destroy everything.

Wherever he went, every ordinary member of Yumen was completely overwhelmed by these illusory Golden Crows.

No member of Yumen can resist for a moment.


The screams were endless.

Then, the members of Umen kept falling and flying out, their whole bodies were blackened and their skins were torn apart. They were all seriously injured.

Of course, Lin Fei grasped the strength of the shot, and did not kill anyone.

After all, this was within the Azure Dragon Academy, and Lin Fei knew that he couldn't make a big killing here.

"Lin Fei, dare you!"

When Xuanyuan Pojun saw the members of the Yumen, they were constantly injured, and couldn't help getting furious, and shouted sharply.

Then, I saw a wave of incomparably majestic fighting spirit erupting from his body.

A behemoth deity sprang out of his body, and then Xuanyuan Pojun moved his figure, chasing Lin Fei with arrows.

This is a kind of illusion cultivated by his God of War Art.

However, Lin Fei's body style was originally among the younger generation, unmatched.

In addition, it combines the inherited animal bones of the Three-legged Golden Crow, and its speed is originally one of the most prominent strengths of the Three-legged Golden Crow.

Therefore, Lin Fei's speed now has reached a terrible extreme speed.

It is estimated that even if an ordinary Celestial Cave Realm master comes, it is not necessarily as fast as Lin Fei.

Boom boom boom...

The real fire of the surging sun evolved into a sea of ​​fire, and the illusory golden crows flooded this space.

After a while.

All the members of Yumen, except Xuanyuan Pojun, were bombarded by Lin Fei and were seriously injured!

Only Xuanyuan Pojun was left, roaring sternly, as if mad, desperately chasing behind Lin Fei.

Finally, Lin Fei's figure suddenly stood still.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Fei's golden eyes were sharp, cold and ruthless, said.



There was a terrifying roar that made the scalp numb, and the illusory golden crows dancing all over the sky, carrying patches of real fire, like a tide, all rushed to the top of Lin Fei's head and gathered together.

Then, a huge three-legged golden crow appeared, and those golden eyes filled with endless killing intent, which was so cold that it made the soul tremble.


The three-legged golden crow rushed out.


The void was dilapidated at that time, and countless pieces of space were blown out, dancing everywhere.


With just one breath, the God of War behind Xuanyuan Pojun was torn to pieces by the three-legged Golden Crow and turned into nothingness.


The next moment, Xuanyuan Pojun's body was hit, like being struck by lightning, and it was thrown away from a distance, as if it had fallen through the grass.

His face was instantly pale as paper, and he spurted blood, his breath was extremely weak.

At this time, countless crowds of onlookers had gathered around, but no one made a sound. Everyone was staring at this scene, a dead silence.

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