Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1865: Zhan Du Xisheng

Chapter 1865: Fighting Du Xisheng

Behind Du Xisheng, hundreds of Yumen members lined up, staring at Lin Fei with angry eyes.

As for Du Xisheng's side, there were a dozen Yumen masters closely followed, many of whom were once defeated by Lin Fei.

"You are Lin Fei, right?"

Du Xisheng stared at Lin Fei's body with scrutiny, and asked slowly.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei's tone was very plain.

"I have to admit that you are strong.

However, you should not be against our Yumen. "

Du Xisheng's divine consciousness was felt by Lin Fei, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

His Divine Consciousness is extremely powerful, and the degree of Yuan Power he can sense Lin Fei's body is far stronger than the ordinary high-level Mahayana realm.

Under Du Xisheng's perception, he only felt that the energy in Lin Fei's body was like a majestic Yangtze River, rushing and roaring all the time.

This is a very strong performance of Yuanli quality.

"Haha, am I against you Yumen?

It's you who think too much. From beginning to end, you are from Yumen who took the initiative to provoke me and challenge my bottom line again and again.

Therefore, it is you who take the insult to yourself. "

Lin Fei still smiled.

"Oh, is it so?

Well, in this way, you and our Yumen, in fact, do not have any endless grudges.

Why not, Lin Fei, I will give you a choice.

You can join us in Yumen and directly become our senior figures.

Otherwise, there will only be one end for you, death! "

Du Xisheng stared at Lin Fei and said slowly, his tone suddenly became sharp when he said the last dead word.

"Oh? Let me join Yumen..."

After hearing Du Xisheng's words, Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback.

"Yes, no matter how you say it, you are also a rare talent.

Our Yumen is an organization that specializes in recruiting elite young students like you. You are indeed eligible to join us. "

Du Xisheng nodded and said.


Allow Lin Fei to join Yumen?

The people around, including the members of Yumen, and other crowds rushing to see the excitement, could not help but be stunned when they heard Du Xisheng's words.

It seemed that the two sides in dire straits, unexpectedly, Du Xisheng said such words directly.

However, soon everyone understood that Du Xisheng had taken a fancy to Lin Fei's strength.

It is also true that with the terrifying strength shown by Lin Fei, if he also joins Yumen, then Yumen's strength will suddenly increase by a large margin.

"Hehe, I think you have misunderstood.

I have no interest in Yumen.

This time I am here, I am going to step on Yumen.

Moreover, from now on, as long as Lin Fei is still in Qinglong Academy, there will be no place for your Yumen to stand. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.


After hearing Lin Fei's words, Du Xisheng couldn't calm down anymore and shouted sharply.


An extremely terrifying aura, like a hurricane, suddenly erupted from his body, turning into a tsunami of **** energy, violently ramming out in all directions.


The sea of ​​blood was overwhelming, the void was shaking, and the entire world seemed to be unbearable. The violent energy tore the space, evaporating the air, and emitted a huge long cry.

The entire sky was stained blood by Du Xisheng's Yuan Li.


Du Xisheng is about to do it! "

"too frightening!

If I stood there, it is estimated that this terrible pressure alone could tear me apart! "

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

"Brother Du, let me kill him!"

At this moment, a young man with a handsome face suddenly stepped forward and said to Du Xisheng.

This young man is also a powerful master of Yumen, his name is Dong Tiancheng, and he is on the top of the battle list and ranked fourth!

"No, he can defeat Chen Yingzhi with two moves. You are not his opponent.

Let me do it myself. "

Du Xisheng stretched out his hand to stop him.

Dong Tiancheng's face flushed, but he also knew that what Du Xisheng said seemed correct.

Chen Yingzhi, who was defeated by Lin Fei just now, ranked fifth on the battle list, while he was ranked fourth.

Compared with Chen Yingzhi, his strength is only better.

"I said, you two don't push around, otherwise, you two will go together.

Don't waste my time. "

Lin Fei said, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Lin Fei, you are too arrogant!"

Du Xisheng's face sank and he shouted coldly.

The next moment, Du Xisheng's aura seemed to have risen to the extreme.

On his body, countless blood-colored energy quickly condensed, and in a moment, it was covered with a blood-colored armor on his body.

call out!

A scarlet spear appeared in his hand.

At this moment, Du Xisheng's whole person, as if incarnate into a **** god.

He is extremely martial, full of hair, spitting blood, hunting and dancing, and the blood-colored spear in his hand swallows red clouds, emitting waves that make the soul tremble!


The void was trembling, Du Xisheng moved forward and launched a fierce counterattack. The bright red war spear in his hand seemed to be bleeding, with a kind of life, and the sharp edge pierced Lin Fei's vital point.

The entire space became crimson red, surrounded by strong blood, his fierce attack was incomparable, a spear stabbed out, it seemed that everything was going to be destroyed, and he couldn't bear it.

"Yes, it turns out that Yumen is not all waste!"

Lin Fei yelled, also showing high morale.


The chaotic cauldron turned into a giant sky-high cauldron and moved forward.


The blood spear hit the giant cauldron, loud noises shook the sky, violent energy, like a mountain collapse, madness poured out in this space.

Lin Fei displayed the magical powers, zoomed in with his right hand, holding the huge Chaos Cauldron, like a giant hammer, blasting through the sky.


Du Xisheng's eyes were cold and murderous, and a **** expression shot out, brighter than a comet across the sky, and almost flew past Lin Fei's ears, cutting off some of Lin Fei's hair.


The scarlet war spear trembled lightly, and one after another divine light shot from the front of the spear, with a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers.

call out

Another blood-colored spear light passed by Lin Fei's body, with a pop, emitting a fiery light.

Everyone changed their color, and Du Xisheng's attack was unparalleled and too sharp.

The blood-colored spear light that was as big as a pillar in the sky completely sealed off this space and seemed to kill all vitality.

"too frightening!"

The crowd watching around, all looked at Du Xisheng's terrifying and fierce attack, exclaiming one by one.

"I wonder if Lin Fei can resist..."

Ren Shanshan and Princess Yufeng are all concerned about the fierce battle in the field.

"Well, it's worthy of being the top player on the battle list, ranking first. This Du Xisheng's combat power is so strong that among his peers, there are indeed few opponents.

It seems that it was the right choice to let him join Yumen back then. "

In the void in the distance, a tall and thin old man with wide sleeves, using a certain secret method, hides in the void, nodding and smiling while watching.

In the other direction, somewhere in the void, there are also two figures, hidden in the void.

One is the old man with half-white hair and beard, it is Elder Fang.

There is another middle-aged man, a deacon named Luo in the college.

"Elder Fang, in your opinion, Lin Fei and Du Xisheng, who will win?"

Deacon Luo asked Elder Fang.

"It's hard to say that this Du Xisheng has a solid quality of origin and extremely rich combat experience, and the technique he cultivates is also a very powerful secret technique.

As for Lin Fei, who could defeat Chen Yingzhi with one move just now, the combat power displayed should not be much worse than Du Xi's.

Well, it's hard to say.

We just watched it. "

Elder Fang analyzed.

Deacon Luo also nodded in agreement.

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