Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1875: To Nanling

Chapter 1875: Going to Nanling

Next, Lin Fei stayed in the palace for two days.

In the past two days, Emperor Yan was naturally proud of the spring breeze. He was always accompanied by two beauties, big and small, and drunk several games with Lin Fei with the wine from the palace.

Two days later.

"Well, Emperor Yan, you have finally reshaped your body now, and I can be regarded as fulfilling a wish.

However, I don't have time to stay here long. "

Lin Fei said directly to Emperor Yan.

"Oh, boy, are you going back to Qinglong Academy?

Don't be too hurry, stay here for a while, and then it's not too late to go back. "

Emperor Yan was stunned.

"No, I'm going to Nanling."

Lin Fei cast his gaze into the distance, and some worried expressions appeared on his face.

"You want to find two last married wives in Nanling!"

Emperor Yan jumped up and immediately understood Lin Fei's plan.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded slowly.

"I came to the Holy Venerable Continent from the Yuanwu Realm back then. I had two biggest wishes. One was to help you reshape your body. Now, it has been achieved.

Another wish is to find my two final wives, Rong'er and Wan'er.

The two of them have already entered into a marriage contract with me. I, Lin Fei, a man, how can I allow my wife to live outside for so long, and there is no information. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, too.

Boy, with your current strength and hole cards, plus Senior Lu Qi, unless you have the power to transform the fairyland, you can retreat.

A mere Nanling, you can indeed let you go.

Okay, I support you.

Well, wait, I'll go with you. "

Yandi said.

"No, I will go by myself.

You have just reinvented, so take more time to adapt and spend more time with your loved ones.

Also, it's not that I hit you. With your current strength, even if you follow me, it will not help me much. "

Lin Fei said.

Emperor Yan was taken aback.

"Boy, what you said is really good."

Emperor Yan had to nod his head.

Indeed, he had just recovered, although he had already returned to the middle-level Mahayana realm, but this kind of strength really did not help Lin Fei at all.

"So, you stay here first, get used to your sex, and practice well.

I will give you all these Taoist medicines, the treasures of heaven and earth, and these martial arts. "

As Lin Fei said, with a wave of his hand, a large number of precious Tao medicines, heavenly materials and earth treasures, and several jade slips of cultivation techniques all flew out and suspended in front of Emperor Yan.

The jade slips of the exercises are the nine flame stele array, the palm of the big scorching sun, the sun burning the sky, and the various cultivation experiences about the golden sutra of the sun.

Because, the tactics of Emperor Yan's cultivation, like Lin Fei, were also the golden classics of the sun.

Therefore, these kinds of martial arts are the most suitable for Yan Di's cultivation.

"Well, boy, I will stay here in the Izumo Imperial Capital for a while.

However, I will go to Qinglong Academy to find you in the future.

I thought about it, the strength of my Mahayana realm is still too weak.

In the future, I also intend to practice seriously, break through to a higher realm, and strive for greater achievements in martial arts.

Among the Azure Dragon Academy, it is more suitable for cultivation. "

Yandi said.

After following Lin Fei for so many years, he had been infected by Lin Fei a long time ago. He was no longer willing to live in mediocrity in the future, but was determined to do something better than martial arts.


Just come to me later. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"By the way, boy, don't you go back to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land to take a look."

Yandi asked suddenly.

"No need, now Cangyan Holy Land is developing very well, with Elder Nie and the others sitting in town, Cangyan Holy Land now doesn't need me to worry about."

Lin Fei said.

In the past few days, Lin Fei in the imperial capital of the Izumo Empire also inquired about the current situation of the Cangyan Holy Land.

The current Cangyan Holy Land has truly developed into a big power in the Eastern Region, not only chasing the other three holy places, but also faintly surpassing it.

There are a total of six resurrected ancients, sitting in the headquarters personally, and the number of extreme immortal soldiers they have has reached four!

This is even more so that the three holy places are incomparable with the three aristocratic families.

The six resurrected ancients, the four extreme immortal soldiers, these two backgrounds alone made Cangyan Holy Land a giant-level power in the Eastern Region.

Therefore, in the Eastern Region, there are many outstanding young people who are doing everything possible to join the Cangyan Holy Land and become disciples of the Cangyan Holy Land.

Now, Cangyan Holy Land has developed into a great teacher with thousands of disciples.

Lin Fei was naturally very happy to hear of the good development momentum of Cangyan Holy Land.

At the same time, he was relieved and no longer worried about Cangyan Holy Land.

Next, Lin Fei showed off his departure method and left the imperial capital, floating away.

Lin Fei did not return to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, but headed towards the edge of the Eastern Region, a city called the Great Sky City.

Because, in the Great Sky City, there is a large teleportation array that can directly connect the two continents of the Eastern Region and Nanling.

A few days later, Lin Fei came to the Great Sky City.

The location of the large teleportation array is in a palace in the Great Sky City.

Lin Fei entered the palace.

Next to the teleportation formation, there were two old men sitting cross-legged.

Lin Fei felt it for a while, and found that these two old men were both masters of the Heavenly Caverns.

Lin Fei stepped forward to salute.

"Twenty million holy crystals!"

The two old men didn't lift their eyelids, and an indifferent voice came from one of them.

So Lin Fei took out 20 million pieces of holy crystals and stepped into the teleportation array.

An old man squeezed his fingers and hit the base of the teleportation array to play a magic trick.


With bursts of dazzling light rising, a huge space-time transmission force instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, I'm looking for you.

Hope you all are well. "

Standing in the teleportation formation, Lin Fei secretly said in his heart since he was excited and also had expectations.

Between Lin Fei and the two last married wives, although there is no vigorous or romantic story.

But now that he has already made a life-long marriage contract, Lin Fei will naturally take up his responsibilities like a man and go all out to protect his last married wife.

At this time, Lin Fei had already entered a time and space transmission channel, time and space were chaotic, and the sky was spinning.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Finally, Lin Fei found himself down to earth, standing in another large teleportation formation.

This teleportation array is also in a palace.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a large teleportation array, or a small and medium teleportation array, because it is very useful, it is generally built in a palace, and there are special master guards.

Lin Fei walked out of the palace.

Outside the palace, is a lively city.

"Nanling, finally here."

Lin Fei walked on the street, secretly thinking in his heart.

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