Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1893: Oh it's you

The first thousand and ninety-three chapters turned out to be you

"Who did it!"

The old man roared sternly, and the entire underground was trembling with his terrible sound.

His body was constantly trembling with anger.

In the mine library, there is the Zhaojia mining area, and most of the harvest in the past few months.

The most precious of these are a batch of time stones that were excavated just one day ago.

This kind of crystal ore contains a wealth of time energy, which is almost extinct in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

Almost every piece is invaluable.

But this time, a batch of Zhao's mining area could be dug out, and the total value was so high that it reached an astonishing astronomical figure.

Originally, the old man had already sent the news back to the Zhao family headquarters, and asked the Zhao family headquarters to arrange a master to personally transport the time stones back.

However, this kind of thing happened before the master of the family came, and the entire mine was emptied.

Naturally, this old man was shocked and angry.

"Back to the second uncle, this person!"

With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man used his divine consciousness to simulate a figure that had to be solidified from illusion. It was Lin Fei.

"It turned out to be a young kid!"

The old man's icy gaze stared at the simulated figure of Lin Fei.

"He shouldn't run far yet, chase after!"

The old man moved along the mine and rushed to the ground.

Soon, groups of people from the Zhao family searched out in all directions, carpet-like.

Among them, three figures are the most aggressive.

These are the three masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm of the Zhao family, who have been sitting in the mining area for many years. One of them is the small and thin old man who rushed into the underground mine just now.

The other two, a slightly fat old man with a gray robe, and a very tall and sturdy middle-aged man.

The three masters of the Zhao Family's Cave Heaven Realm chased them out in three directions.

"Attention, that kid is good at earth escape, he escaped from below the ground!"

The short and thin old man shouted loudly.

His voice turned into a rolling thunder and fell in everyone's ears.

"Go under the mine to track!"

Someone shouted.

Suddenly, all the people of the Zhao family rushed into the nearby mine.

However, this is tantamount to blindly touching the elephant and hitting luck.

Although the martial artist's divine consciousness can perceive a certain range below the ground.

However, the distance is limited and subject to many restrictions.

But Lin Fei was completely free when he was under the earth. Wherever he went, whether it was soil or underground dark rocks, he could directly traverse without hindrance.

"Master, the only thing you have to be careful about is the three Heavenly Cave Realm masters.

Because, the master of the Heavenly Caverns has a certain understanding and application of the laws of heaven and earth, and a certain ability to communicate with the heaven and earth in the surrounding space.

So even if you walk under the ground, they can still accurately perceive your location. "

Lu Qi said.

Sure enough, Lin Fei quickly discovered that no matter which direction he was under the ground, there were three figures on the ground, rushing towards his position.

"Senior Lu Qi, how are the strengths of these three caves?

Why don't we go out for a fight. "

Lin Fei asked Lu Qi.

"Among these three caves, one has terrible combat power, probably not much weaker than me.

The other two have ordinary combat power and are not worth mentioning.

However, if the three are chasing at the same time, let's leave first.

Although I can deal with the strongest, but the other two, you are very reluctant to fight, you may not be able to fight. "

Lu Qi also released his spiritual consciousness, felt it for a moment, and then said to Lin Fei.

"Well, in that case, just run away."

Lin Fei nodded and moved forward at full speed underground.

Also, Lin Fei's current power, although it can play against an ordinary Celestial Heaven Realm master, coupled with the demon clone, can defeat an ordinary Celestial Heaven Realm master.

However, if you have to deal with two, it is somewhat reluctant.

"Boy, where to run!"

The fastest to catch up was the short and thin old man. His voice was trembling, his body was trembling, his eyes were bloodshot, and he chased him frantically.

In the other two directions, the remaining two cave-sky realm masters were also hanging tightly.

"over there!"

The thin old man pointed to where Lin Fei was.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, separated by a certain distance, three Celestial Heaven Realm masters shot at the same time, and three powerful Yuan Forces blasted the ground above Lin Fei's head.


The three masters of the cave and heaven realm combined their forces in a single blow, and the power is so powerful. Suddenly, the ground here is torn apart, revealing a series of huge ground cracks that are not bottomless, and the terrible shock wave of the elementary force that covers the sky and the earth rushes into the ground along the cracks in the ground. Under, continue to explode.

Boom boom boom...

It seems that many shells are exploding under the ground at the same time, and the ground is shaking violently.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat's burrowing technique to the extreme, as if a little red light ran across the ground quickly.

At the same time, the ** power also blocked most of the attacked Yuanli energy.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei moved away from under this piece of ground.

The combined blow of the three Heavenly Cave Realm masters did not cause any harm to Lin Fei.

"This kid's escape technique is so exquisite to this point!"

The three masters of the cave world were all very surprised.

They could feel that this kid was under the ground, as slippery as a mouse, at an amazing speed.


The three masters of the Zhao family chased them down again.

After all, the value of those time stones is too precious.

The treasures that are almost extinct in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, when the time comes, the Zhao family can take these priceless time stones in exchange for many other heaven-defending treasures of the same value.

If this kid were snatched away, then the Zhao family's loss would be great.

"Little evil animal! Stop!"

"How dare you touch our Zhao family's things, have you ever thought about the consequences!"

"Return the things to us immediately, otherwise, you will be dead!"

The three masters of the cave world yelled at Lin Fei while chasing them.

"What's so great about the Zhao family? I not only snatched things from your Zhao family, but also killed many people from your Zhao family.

You young master of the Zhao family, don't you let me kill the same? "

Lin Fei was originally here to make trouble, so naturally he sneered and said loudly, not afraid of it.


Kill the master!

It turned out to be you, little thief, you are the little thief who dared to **** our Zhao family and kill our Zhao family! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the three masters of the Heavenly Cave Realm suddenly realized.

The three of them are high-level figures in the Zhao family. Although they have been in the mining area all the year round, they have received the information a long time ago when such a big thing happened in the family.

"Boy, you are so bold that you came to our Zhao family mining area to make trouble!"

The three masters of the Zhao Family's Heavenly Cave Realm were all startled and angry, too angry.

Now, in the entire Nanling, the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction did their best to track the whereabouts of this kid, but he ran into the mining area of ​​the Zhao family and took the Zhao family All mines have been emptied.

This Gongming is an open provocation!

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