Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1896: brat

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-six chapters little guy

Lin Fei urged the five golden **** above his head and rushed out far away.


Suddenly, that space unexpectedly collapsed, and countless space debris flew across.

"The power is good."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

You know, here is inside the slave tower, and the space is very stable.

The slave tower is a magic weapon that can resist the extreme immortal soldiers. These five golden **** carry the power of the five elements and can smash the space in the slave tower. The power it possesses is truly extraordinary.

"Master, your trick is too powerful.

I guess that if the average hole-sky realm master is hit by your move, he will also be injured! "

Lu Qi also sighed.

"Is it so powerful?"

Lin Fei asked even more happily.

"It should not be wrong.

Master, I always feel that the solar golden sutra you cultivate seems to be stronger than all the ancient sutras I have seen.

How can the power of the sun's golden scriptures, coupled with the power of the law, be ignored. "

Lu Qi analyzed.

"Well, it makes sense."

Lin Fei has cultivated the Solar Golden Sutra for so long, and naturally he deeply feels the power of the Solar Golden Sutra.

It can be said that since Lin Fei has practiced the Golden Sun Sutra, as long as he is a warrior in the same realm, there is absolutely no person's vitality quality that can be compared to Lin Fei.

In the same rank, Lin Fei could absolutely crush everything with his Yuan Li, without rivals.

This naturally explains the terrible part of the sun's golden sutra.

"I don't know what's going on with the wild eggs."

After creating a new stunt, Lin Fei stopped cultivating, stood up, and thought of the rascal.

Therefore, Lin Fei directly teleported to the ninth floor of the cultivation chamber.

"The wild egg hatched successfully!"

Lin Fei saw a large pile of broken eggshells on the ground in the secret room at a glance.

"Huh? What about that newborn little life?"

Lin Fei was a little curious, except for the eggshell, he didn't find any creatures.

at this time.

call out!

A small fluffy ball the size of a small fist rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was slightly surprised and reached out to grab it.

However, Lin Fei was about to catch it, but Lin Fei could feel that his movements suddenly paused for a very brief moment.

Then, the little fluffy ball brushed past Lin Fei's palm and rushed onto Lin Fei's shoulder.

"this is?"

Lin Fei turned his head to look, and saw that a little fluffy thing was standing above his shoulders, which looked a bit like a normal squirrel, staring at him with big round eyes.

The little guy, seeing Lin Fei watching it, made a grimace at Lin Fei, and then split his mouth and smiled at Lin Fei.

This little guy is only the size of Lin Fei's fist, like a fur ball.

call out!

It rushed from Lin Fei’s left shoulder to his right shoulder like lightning, and then dangled Lin Fei’s clothes, moving around, looking at its look, no different from a human baby, it seemed to be a very mischievous one. Guy.

Lin Fei could see that this little guy was very attached to himself, and was completely dependent on him.

That's right, that wild egg has been following Lin Fei ever since he left Jiu Desolate Island, and he often communicated with Lin Fei in terms of thinking and will.

Lin Fei naturally became its most responsible and dependent person.

"This..., little guy, it's a wild beast..., is it?"

At this moment, Lin Fei was completely dumbfounded, feeling that his head seemed to be short-circuited.

Before in the nine desert islands in the Yuanwu Realm, Lin Fei had seen the skeleton of an adult desert beast. It was such a huge, mighty, ferocious beast that was daunting.

It's completely different from the little thing in front of me.

Lin Fei couldn't understand why the child born to that huge and mighty barren beast turned out to be such a look.

Um, cute, but very cute, like a small furry ball, if girls see it, it will definitely cause screams.


Lin Fei thought it was funny.

"Master, this is so strange.

The appearance of many powerful monsters in their infancy and their appearance in adulthood are very different.

I felt the power of time in this little thing.

It is indeed a beast. "

At this time, Lu Qi also appeared beside Lin Fei, curiously looking at the wild beast on Lin Fei's shoulder.

After all, the desolate beast is a very rare and powerful beast in the legend.

It was the first time I saw an old antique like Lu Qi that had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Unexpectedly, I finally saw the legendary beast.

What a strong time force.

It is said that the wild beasts of the Dacheng stage are equivalent to the existence of immortals.

Even if it was a great power in the fairyland, he would have to take a detour when he encountered an adult beast. "

Lu Qi surrounded Lin Fei, looked at the barren beast carefully, and kept sighing.

"Is it so powerful!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Of course, the wild beast, that is the legendary beast.

Who can see the warriors in the world.

Unexpectedly, the master, you hatched successfully and gave birth to a desolate beast. After saying it, it is estimated that the entire fairy cemetery world will be a sensation. "

Lu Qi sighed.

Just now.

Suddenly, the little guy on Lin Fei suddenly moved, rushing towards Lu Qi like lightning.

"Little guy, what are you doing!"

Lu Qi was taken aback.

The little guy actually rushed directly into Lu Qi's face, and a sharp, cold claw attacked Lu Qi.

Then, a strange energy was born in this space and enveloped Lu Qi.

Lu Qi faintly felt that time around his body seemed to pause for a moment.

"Good guy!"

Lu Qizan said, the strength in the body was lucky, and the black energy rushed out and stood in front of him.

That little guy seemed to feel the power of Lu Qi.

The figure stopped abruptly in the air, and then backed back instantly, falling on Lin Fei's back like lightning, hanging Lin Fei's clothes, and staring at Lu Qi with a pair of bony round eyes.

Moreover, he kept making faces towards Lu Qi.

Lin Fei understood that it was dissatisfied that Lv Qi had just looked around it.

"Good guy, even I almost got the trick!"

Lu Qi sighed.

"Well, the time power this little guy has is really good.

Even Senior Lu Qi, if you react a little slower, you will be affected by its time power.

I started to look forward to this little guy. "

Lin Fei smiled, and then tried to touch the little guy with his hands.

Unexpectedly, the little guy jumped onto Lin Fei's palm, seeming to enjoy Lin Fei's touch very much.

"From now on, I'll call you a young man, how about."

Lin Fei said.

The little wild beast nodded unexpectedly. It is estimated that it doesn't understand for the time being, what does the human mean by the small point?

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